A report from ITOPF (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation)

While large oil spills arising from shipping accidents often make dramatic news, most oil spills are small and originate in or near ports. ITOPF oil spill statistics for tankers, for instance, reveal that 80 per cent of all tanker spills are less than seven tonnes and that 80 per cent of these arise from operational accidents such as those that might occur during loading, discharging, and bunkering.

The first response in a port is the same as at any other location: to try to secure the spillage and to deploy booms and skimmers to contain its spread. The conditions offered in many ports protected from wind and heavy wave action can provide an ideal opportunity for effective recovery, which is not available in the rough seas off many coasts. Response equipment is also usually close at hand, which allows rapid deployment and a real chance of getting a spill under control.

More specific to industrial ports is the problem of oil becoming trapped under long wharves. This can be a continual source of oil contamination, especially when water movement from berthing operations moves the oil out into the open. Containing and recovering oil under wharves using traditional booming techniques is difficult, given the countless obstructions often present. Depending on the oil type and the wharf structure, it is sometimes feasible to force the oil out using ships’ propellers or fire hoses, and sometimes access can be gained for vacuum units to deploy hoses and recover the oil.

  A report from ITOPF (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation) - student2.ru

Oil contained by boom around a damaged ship in port


oil – нефтепродукты

spill – разлив

pollution – загрязнение

arise – возникать

accident – происшествие, несчастный слу-


originate – происходить

reveal – открывать, показывать

occur – произойти

bunkering – бункеровка

response – реакция, ответные меры

secure – заграждать, запирать

spillage – разлив

deploy – размещать

boom – бон, боновые заграждения

skimmer – плёнкосниматель, сборщик нефти

contain – сдерживать

spread – распространение

heavy wave – большая волна

action – действие

opportunity – возможность

recovery – восстановление; утилизация

rough – бурный

coast – побережье

rapid – скорый

become trapped – попасть в ловушку

trap – поймать в ловушку

wharf – пирс, пристань

source – источник

contamination – загрязнение

given – обусловленный

countless – бесчисленный

obstruction – препятствие

depend – зависеть

structure – структура

feasible – возможный

force out – выгнать

propeller – винт

fire hose – пожарный шланг, рукав

gain – получать

Repeat the words after the teacher

accident, originate, occur, ideal, opportunity, rough, wharves, source, technique, structure, feasible

Read and translate the international words

tanker, federation, dramatic, statistics, per cent, bunkering, location, action, ideal, effective, real, control, specific, industrial, wharf, tradition, technique, obstruction, structure, propeller, vacuum

Translate the verbs, give 3 forms of the irregular ones

spill, arise, originate, reveal, occur, try, secure, deploy, skim, contain, spread, offer, protect, provide, recover, allow, become, trap, contaminate, move, berth, give, force out, gain,

Give the derivatives of the words, translate them

bunker, spill, skim, act, effect, recover, deploy, contaminate, move, special, count, obstruct

Give Russian equivalents

oil spills, arising from shipping accidents, operational accidents, might occur, the first response, to try to secure the spillage, to deploy booms and skimmers, to contain spread, heavy wave action, provide an opportunity, effective recovery, in the rough seas off the coast, response equipment, close at hand, get a spill under control, become trapped under long wharves, continual source of contamination, berthing operations, containing and recovering oil, booming techniques, countless obstructions, depending on the type, it is feasible, to force the oil out, ship’ propellers, fire hoses, to gain access

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