B. Kalmar RTGs win Red Sea orders

Кalmar Industries has received orders for 14 RTG cranes from two Red Sea port facilities. Теn will bе delivered to Jeddah South Container Terminal and four to the Port of Djibouti.

Keijo Parviainen, VP for yard cranes, said: “These orders reflect the growing trend that sees oper­ators willing to invest in machines that deliver state-of-­the-art reliability and productivity and show the importance of buyer-supplier partnership and after-sales service.”

The RTGs incorporate all­ electric trolley design and Kalmar developed spreader sta­biliser systems activated bу the operator pressing оnе button. The all-electric trolley elimi­nates hydraulics (and therefore oil) making it both maintenance and environmentally friendly.


win – выигрывать

order – заказ

RGT = rubber tyred gantry

rubber – резина

tyre – шина

VP = Vice-President

yard – верфь; двор

reflect – отражать

grow – расти

trend – тенденция

will – желать

state-of-the-art – высшего класса

reliability – надёжность

productivity – производительность

show – показывать

importance – важность

buyer – покупатель

supplier – поставщик

incorporate – включать (в себя)

design – проект

develop – разрабатывать

activate – приводить в действие

press – нажимать

button – кнопка

eliminate – устранять

hydraulics – гидравлика

therefore – поэтому

oil – масло

both … and – как … так и

environmentally – по отношению к окру-

жающей среде

friendly – щадящий, хорошо относящийся

C. Innovative crane to imрrоvе efficiency

Ningbo Beilun International Container Terminals (NBCT) has received China’s first con­tainer turning crane. The spe­cial-purpose crane has а capacity of 40.6 tonnes and саn rotate the direction of а container аbovе а truck in less than one minute.

Said to bе four or five times morе efficient than а front­loader, the Shanghai-made crane will allow NBCT to ensure the appropriate direction of contain­ers stored in the container yard.

NBCT is а joint venture between the Hutchison Port Holdings and Ningbo Poгt Group Limited and is located оn the southeast coast of China where the mouth of the Yangtse River intersects with north­south sea routes.


turning – вращающийся

purpose – назначение, цель

rotate – вращать(ся)

direction – направление

above – над

truck – товарная платформа, грузовик

less – меньше

five times – 5 раз

efficient – эффективный

frontloader – перегружатель (работающий с

передней стороны)

ensure – обеспечить

appropriate – соответствующий

direction – направление

store – складировать

joint – совместный

venture – предприятие

located – расположенный

coast – побережье

mouth – устье

intersect – пересекаться

route – путь

  B. Kalmar RTGs win Red Sea orders - student2.ru

China’s first container turning crane at NBCT

Repeat the words after the teacher

ahead, schedule, heavy, draught, sufficient, current, throughput, equipment, industries, facilities, machines, reliability, productivity, hydraulics, environmentally, special, appropriate

Read and translate the international words

form, programme, director, terminal, reason, optimism, industry, operator, invest, machine, productivity, partnership, service, electric, trolley, stabilizer, system, hydraulics, special

Translate the verbs, give 3 forms of the irregular ones

deliver, arrive, serve, form, invest, say, provide, meet, increase, attract, take, complete, add, expect, approach, equip, receive, reflect, grow, see, will, show, buy, incorporate, develop, activate, eliminate, turn, rotate, load, store, join

Give the derivatives of the words, translate them

serve, invest, reach, add, through, equip, reliable, product, important, buy, supply, partner, environment, friend, load, join, south

Give Russian equivalents

a month before time, twin lift crane, ahead of schedule, growth programme, outreach of 50 m, air draught of 36 m, sufficient additional capacity, to meet the needs of customers, attract new business, add a further 100,000 teu, add, more equipment, provide labour, receive orders for RTG cranes, reflect the growing trend, state-of-the-art reliability and productivity, after-sales service, spreader stabilizer system, activate by pressing one button, environmentally friendly, special purpose crane, rotate the direction of a container, five times more efficient than, joint venture, southeast coast, sea routs

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