E. New crane arrives at Marseille

The Port of Marseille has taken delivery of а new ship-to-shore gantry crane for the eastern har­bour area’s Mourepiane соn­tainer terminal, which last year handled а throughput of 298,000 teu оf north-south bох trades.

The 60-metre tall Fantuzzi Reggiane раnаmах unit arrived bу barge from Trieste and is due to enter service in late April fol­lowing commissioning trials.

Аn older-generation crane will then bе withdrawn from operation, leaving the terminal with six quay gantries including two delivered in 2001 and 2002.

Costing ?4.8m (US$6m), the crane features а lift capacity of 70 tonnes, outreach of 42 metres, backreach of 25 metres and а revolving trolley that саn position boxes parallel or at right angles to the quay.


arrive – прибывать

gantry – портальный

eastern – восточный

harbour – порт, гавань

area – район, территория

throughput – общее количество

box = container

trade – сделка, торговля

tall – высотой

barge – баржа

is due – должен

enter – вступать

late – зд. в конце

trial – испытание, проба

generation – поколение

withdrawn – p.p. from withdraw – убирать

operation – работа

leave – оставлять

including – включая

? = euro – евро

backreach – вылет стрелы до груза с

задней стороны крана

revolving – вращающийся

trolley – троллей, ролик

position – устанавливать

angle – угол

Repeat the words after the teacher

supplies, quay, associated, outreach, metres, allow, spreader, enable, facility, height, row, refurbishment, enhancement, harbour, curve, significant, redesign, engine, slewing, throughput, due, commissioning, trials, withdrawn, features, parallel

Read and translate the international words

Crane, metres, operation, container, spreader, tonnes, control, management, system, modification, programme, ultra, maximum, cabin, start, terminal, tractor, focus, service, history, date, base, product, type, electric, monorail, business, mobile, model, pressure, construction, platform, corrosion, barge, lift, trolley, position, parallel

Translate the verbs, give 3 forms of the irregular ones

take, deliver, supply, reach, allow, spread, feature, embark, upgrade, enable, handle, call at, increase, extend, start, complete, cost, include, fit, drive, enhance, commission, store, follow, acquire, hoist, base, cover, travel, maintain, employ, compare, undergo, redesign, reduce, cool, improve, slew, negate, luff, arrive, enter, withdraw, leave, cost, revolve, position

Give the derivatives of the words, translate them

deliver, quay, reach, spread, container, water, high, reach, drive, enhance, handle, maintain, employ, recent, go, design, locate, force, under, press, construct, turn, east, through, draw

Give Russian equivalents

to take delivery, quayside crane, new unit, outreach of 29 m, SWL of 40 tonnes, is supplied with AC drive, to embark a programme, to enable them to handle, call at deepwater facility, hoist height, ships with 7-high on deck and 17 rows across, commissioning of a new storage facility, to be followed, strong focus on after market services, to cover all types of cranes, maintenance services, employed in the service business, key customer, hot on the heels, 104-tonne lift capacity, compared with, both… and, as well as, to undergo redesign, the engine cooling device, slewing platform, to negate corrosion, to increase turnover, a throughput of 290,000teu, is due to enter service, withdraw from operation, at right angle

Translate the sentences (grammar revision)

1. ABP has taken delivery of a quayside crane.

2. The new unit has an outreach of 29 metres.

3. KCI has acquired MMH.

4. The company has 340 employees.

5. Both models have 104-tonne lift capacity.

6. LHM 320 has slightly smaller load curve.

7. Both cranes have undergone significant redesign.

8. The undercarriage has been redesigned to reduce ground pressure.

Find answers to the questions in the above articles

1. What crane has ABP received?

2. Where has the crane been made?

3. What are the operating characteristics of the Liebherr crane?

4. Why is Thamesport to embark upon a modification programme?

5. In what way will the cranes be modified?

6. What other changes are going to take place in Thamesport?

7. What crane was recently delivered to Iran?

8. What are the characteristics of LHM 320? LHM 400? LHM 500?

9. In what way were those three cranes redesigned?

10. What crane has been delivered to France?

11. What are the working characteristics of the crane?

12. How many cranes will work in Marseille?

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