Examples of grounds for detention

1. Mr. Brown was found to be wearing a body belt containing a resinous substance, suspected to be cannabis resin. Brown claims he thought it was glue. The officers doubt this. Detention is necessary to secure or preserve evidence and to obtain evidence by questioning.

2. A search of the detainee's baggage in the Green Channel revealed a quantity of a white powder, suspected to be cocaine, hidden in a shampoo bottle. Detention is not necessary.

3. Mr. Black was stopped in the Green channel and found to be in possession of pornographic videos. He also admitted to having additional videos at home. Detention is not necessary.

4. Mr. White was stopped in the Green channel. He claims to be here for 3 days to buy car parts. He travelled on a cash paid ticket and has £50 sterling and a cheque for £5,000. He appears to have little knowledge of cars and parts and does not have contacts in this field in this country. He is due to return to Nigeria on Monday and as today is Friday seems to have little time to cash the cheque and carry out his planned intentions. The officer suspects that due to the unrealistic intentions revealed by questioning, the story is a cover to conceal the possibility that he may be carrying goods of Customs interest, in particular, drugs internally. Detention is not necessary.

III. Fill in the gaps with the right word.

Reference words: checked, checks up, control, examination, inspection, investigation, search, supervise, surveillance, test, verified.

1. A … tower is a building at an airport from which air traffic is watched and directed.

2. Customs stopped us and … our bags for alcohol and cigarettes.

3. Police said there would be a full … of the incident.

4. I thought it was paint at first, but on closer … I realized it was dry blood.

5. The police conducted an exhaustive … of the premises but they failed to find any drugs.

6. … is a way of discovering what someone or something can do or is


7. These figures in the contract are surprisingly high and they'll have to be ….

8. Customs had a suspicion that the certificate was a forgery, but on closer …, it seemed okay.

9. To … means to watch over at activity or job to make certain that it is done correctly.

10. If the inspector … on you and finds you've been falsifying your statements you're going to be in trouble.

11. The police are using an electronic … system to catch drivers who commit motoring offences.

IV. The lines in the following conversations are in the wrong order.

Rearrange them, then practice the conversations in pairs.


1. Customs officer: Please, put your overcoat and hand

baggage on the belt.

2. Passenger:

3. Customs officer:

4. Passenger:

5. Customs officer:

What about my hand bag?

Scissors, penknives, razor blades or anything else that's sharp.

Sorry, it must be my keys.

Could you empty your pockets? And take off your belt? Put them in this tray and walk through again. That's fine.

6. Passenger:

7. Customs officer:

8. Passenger:

9. Customs officer:

Sorry. What does «sharp objects» mean?

Are there any sharp objects in your hand luggage?

No, there aren't any sharp objects.

Yes, that too. Please, walk trough the scanner. (Beep)


1. Customs officer: Could you remove your shoes?
2. Passenger: Sure.
3. Customs officer: That's fine. Sorry to have kept you.
4. Passenger: All right.
5. Customs officer: Can I just check trough your hand
6. Passenger: No problem.
7. Customs officer: Excuse me. Could you stand to the
8. Passenger: Of course.
9. Customs officer: Could you switch off your personal
10. Passenger: Certainly.


I. Define the following Customs terms. Try to memorize them.

prohibited goods pallet

equivalent goods surety

bond fastening

office en route relief consignments

release stores

samples issuing association

money laundering

II. Fill in the table «False Friends». Consult the dictionary if necessary.

  Russian English False Friend Russian  
  Консервы tinned food conserve    
  Магазин shop magazine    
  Мануфактура textile mill manufacture    
  Реце т prescription receipt    
  Техника recipe      
  engineering technique    
  Фабрика factory fabric    

Examples of grounds for detention - student2.ru

III. Make up sentence with the given Russian phrases. Ask your partner to translate them into English.

Во вред   to the detriment of    
В случае неисполнения   on default of    
В надлежащий срок in due course    
В назначенный срок   at the fixed (appointed)
В подтверждении чего-либо   in witness whereof    
В пределах согласованного срока within the agreed period
В силу   in/by virtue    
В течение 12 дней с даты получения   within 12 days of receipt
счета   of invoice    
В течение двух месяцев с даты под- within two months of
писания контракта signing a contract    
В уплату за   in payment for/ in
    satisfaction of    
В урегулирование претензии   in settlement of a claim
В установленный срок   at the fixed time    

IV. What is it that never «was», never «will be», and yet «is»?

V. Explain the meaning of the following proverb in English and translate it into Russian:

Actions speak louder than words.

VI. Learn the following poem by heart:

Tobacco is a filthy weed,

That from the devil does proceed;

It drains your purse, it burns your clothes

And makes a chimney of your nose.

B. Waterhouse1

Examples of grounds for detention - student2.ru

1 Benjamin Waterhouse (1754–1846) – an American physician and scientist, a pioneer in smallpox vaccination. He was the best-educated physician in Nortn America. In 1783 he formed the first faculty of the Harvard Medical School.


Examples of grounds for detention - student2.ru

Study the following words and word combinations from the text.



liable to duty


duty-free quota list

prohibited articles list

to fall under restrictions

to declare something (at the Customs- house)



personal effects

to go through one's luggage to smuggle

to pass through the Customs (inspection)

as the case might be


таможенное управление, таможня

подлежащий оплате таможенными пошлинами

не подлежащий оплате таможен-ными пошл нами

сп сок предметов, разрешенный к беспошлинному ввозу

список товаров, ввоз или вывоз

к торых запрещен подпадать под ограничения

сделать заявление о наличии вещей, облагаемых пошлиной ( их стои-мости, количестве, весе и т. д.)

необходимые сведения, подроб-


движимое имущество

личные вещи

досматривать багаж заниматься контрабандой

пройти таможенный досмотр

в зависимости от обстоятельств

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