Welding of Automotive Components

Read the following text and make its summary.

The applications of laser in the manufacture of components cover engine parts, transmission parts, alternators, solenoids, fuel injectors, fuel filters, air conditioning equipment and air bags. An example of a laser welded solenoid is shown in Fig. 1. and gear component is shown in Fig. 2. The attractions of laser welding for these applications are the ability to weld pre-machined precision components with restricted heat input and minimal distortion. This enables weight savings to be made through the use of thin walled assemblies and optimisation of the compactness of the component.

Welding of Automotive Components - student2.ru

Fig. 6. CO 2 laser welded solenoid.

Welding of Automotive Components - student2.ru

Fig. 7. CO 2 laser welding of gear component.

In industrial production, the advantages of the laser welding process have been established compared to alternatives such as electron beam welding. This is due mainly to the high productivity and small amount of down-time compared to vacuum based systems and the subsequent reduced manufacturing costs [3] . However, there is a need to spend a high amount of effort on component preparation and high precision of component handling and beam transmission is required. [4]

Most automotive manufacturers have invested heavily in CO 2 laser technology for these types of applications and most of the issues relating to the production of millions of components have been resolved. Developments have focused on expanding the range of material combinations which can be welded using lasers, including joining of cast irons to steels through the use of wire feed techniques and optimization of the procedures to harden components whilst avoiding problems with cracking due to high carbon levels in the weld zone.

(1200 characters)

Exercise 13. Make reports on the following topics( See supplement p. … )

1. The benefits of laser welding in car design.

2. The laser welding of aluminum alloys.

3.An industrial impact of laser welding.

4. Types of welding in car design.

5. Chemical structure of metals and their response to welding.

Unit 5

New words


plug штепсель
lead свинец
acid кислота
rate скорость
charge заряд
compatibility совместимость
intelligence интеллектуальная система


usherin положить начало
enableto do позволять
enhance улучшать
implement использовать
add добавлять
integrate объединять
respondto реагировать
face сталкиваться


certain определенный
cutting-edge новейший
existing существующий
reliable надежный
savvy хитроумный
single единый

Words combinations:

tousherin положить начало
plug-in-hybrid-electric vehicle гибридный автомобиль с подзарядкой от электросети
beyond the electrified drivetrain кромеэлектрическойтрансмиссии
toboostfueleconomy способствовать топливной экономичности
to enhance overall vehicle performance улучшатьобщуюработумашины
uniqueengineeringchallenges уникальные технические задачи
lead acid design свинцово-кислотныйаккумулятор
a far greater charge acceptance rate болеебыстрыйзарядаккумулятора
advancedstart–stopsystem современная ’пуск-остановка’ система
powerdemands расход мощности / энергетическая потребность

Exercise 1. Match the pairs of synonyms.

option a to permit
to enhance b to reduce
to allow c choice / variant
to decrease d use
implement e savvy
smart f to provide
to impact g to improve
to ensure h to influence
integrate i requirements
demands j join

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