Составьте аннотацию текста А

4. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на разные способы чтения букв "g" и "с".

[ɡ] analog, regulation, program, magnetic, integral ion, guide

[dʒ] digit, digital, logical, management, general, huge, engineering

[k] count, call, screen, card, automatic, computer, describe, electrical, include, basic, accurate

[s] science, scientific, device, process, circuit, specific, importance, medicine

5. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на разные способы передачи звука [tʃ] и [ʃ].

[tʃ] branch, switch, which, punched, culture, watch, picture, manufacture, chess

[ʃ] specialize,differential, machine, addition, commercial, operation, equation, ocean, instruction, integration, mathematician

6. Обратите внимание на значения следующих интернациональных слов – "ложных друзей переводчика". Составьте с ними предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

general – общий

application – применение

operate – действовать

instrument – прибор

process – обрабатывать

control – управлять

instruction – команда

calculation – вычисление

complex – сложный

data – данные

console – пульт

Прочитайте и переведите группы однокоренных слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем.

to compute – computation – computer

science – scientific – scientist

to operate – operation – operator – operand

mathematics – mathematical – mathematician

to differ – different – difference – differential

to process – process – processing – processor

electron – electronic – electronics – electricity – electrical

mechanics – mechanic – mechanical

automatics – automation – automatic – automatically

to program – program – programming – programmer

to instruct – instruction – instructor

to calculate – calculation – calculator

to print– printing – printer

Сгруппируйте слова из списков А и В в синонимичные пары и переведите их.

1. complicated 2. general 3. to operate 4. instrument 5. problem 6. to store 7. data 8. computation 9. to calculate 10. element 11. memory 12. console a. calculation b. device c. to count d. information e. to keep f. task g. to function h. common i. complex j. keyboard k. storage l. component

Подберите к словам из списка А антонимы из списка В и переведите их.

1. general 2. different 3. complex 4. short 5. wide 6. switch on 7.input a. long b. simple c. similar d. special e. output f. narrow g. switch of

Text B

Atomic Energy

Some substances, such as radium and uranium, are radio-active. This means that the nuclei of the atoms of these substances recontinually splitting up. When the nucleus of an atom of radio-active substance disintegrates, very small particles, known as alpha and beta particles, are thrown off with very great energy. At the same time, invisible rays, known as gamma rays, are produced. These rays are capable of passing through several inches of solid metal. The energy produced by the splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called “nuclear” or atomic energy.

The electrically charged particles which are thrown off by radio-active substance can be accelerated to a very high speed. If one of these accelerated particles hits the nucleus of another atom, it will cause it to disintegrate.

Atomic energy will thus be released. It is possible, though very expensive, to transfer atoms of one element to atoms of another by this means. But more energy is used in accelerating the particle than is released by the disintegrating of a nucleus. So this is not a method of obtaining atomic power for practical purposes.

Some atoms contain uncharged particles called neutrons. If the nucleus of an atom of Uranium 235 is struck by a moving neutron, the nucleus will split, releasing both energy and another neutron. If the two neutrons collide with the more nuclei the same thing will happen. More energy and more neutrons will be produced, and the process will continue.

Though the amount of energy released by a single nucleus is very small, when such a “chain reaction” is started, a great deal of energy can quickly be produced.

Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям. Выучите их.

1. amount 2. to mean 3. to release 4. some substances 5. continually 6. to collide 7. at the same time 8. to accelerate 9. power 10. ray 11. thus 12. meaning 13. to pass 14. to obtain 15. to contain 16. purpose 17. speed 18. rare form 19. invisible a. некоторые вещества b. цель, c. проходить d. невидимый, e. редкий вид(форма) f. луч g. высвобождать h. сталкиваться i. количество j. постоянно k. таким образом l. получать m. энергия n. содержать o. значение p. означать q. ускорять r. в то же самое время, s. скорость

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What substances are known as “radio-active”?

2. When are alpha and beta particles thrown off?

3. When are gamma rays produced?

4. What is called “atomic energy”?

5. How can electrically charged particles be accelerated?

6. When will atomic energy be released?

7. What is a neutron?

8. What is a chain-reaction?

Перескажите текст B.

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