Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголом – сказуемым в страдательном залоге, выпишите и переведите их

3. Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста на английский язык:

Для выравнивания давления; более 50% сырой нефти; защита моторного масла; диапазон измерения температуры; торцовые уплотнения; неэффективная теплопередача; увеличивает габариты гидрозащиты; плохая теплопроводность; определенное количество масла; изменение объема поршневого типа; естественные тепловые барьеры; попытки применения протекторов гидрозащиты; плавающие поршни; глинистые загрязнения; меры защиты от коррозии.

4. Закончите предложения:

1) Typical demerit of elastic membranes or ….

2) At best, anti-corrosion …

3) In practice, one or more elastic membranes …

4) Unless appropriate measures on compensation …

5) To equalize pressure in the motor …

6) They can be used, for example …

5. Прочтите следующие структуры «существительное + существительное» и переведите их на русский язык. Назовите слово, которое является определяемым в каждом из них:

oil volume electric motor face seals a seal section elastic membranes pressure equalization seal section size intensity reduction battery volumes labyrinth systems motor oil metal bellows gas-oil ratio hydrogen sulfide heat transfer pressure pulsation results the piston seals  

6. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова:

а) полностью совпадающие графически,

б) частично совпадающие,

в) полностью несовпадающие.

Выпишите существительные, образованные от глаголов путем добавления основных суффиксов.

8. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1) What are the main important functions of elastic membranes?

2) How are metal bellows characterized?

3) What do obvious advantages include?

4) How many elastic membranes are used for pressure evaluation?

5) Are the elastic membranes washed by the external cooling medium?

10.Суммируйте содержание текста, используйте следующие слова и выражения:

More than 50% of crude oil is produced, the temperature range of this oil, two important functions, two concepts of elastic membranes, attempt to apply seal section protectors.

Самостоятельная работа

1. Прочитайте текст, переведите и подготовьтесь к беседе о Schlumberger:

Schlumberger Ltd., the international servicing company, was employed to carry out production well and wildcat drilling at Kovykta gas condensate field (the development license is held by the TNK-BP subsidiary, RUSSIA Petroleum).

Schlumberger is about to carry out a set of production well logging operations using high-resolution tools and perform cementing of production casing string. Schlumberger will also supply equipment and personnel for directional drilling with remote sensing systems.

Shlumberger Limited Announces Personnel Changes

Shlumberger Limited announced that Jean-Marc Perraud, 59, executive vice president and chief financial officer since April 2002, will retire from this position effective March 1, 2007. Perraud, who joined the company in 1974, will remain with Shlumberger as financial advisor to the chairman under a phased retirement plan. Jean-Marc Perraud will be replaced by Symon Ayat, currently Shlumberger Limited vice president treasurer. In a twenty-five-year career with Shlumberger, Ayat has held senior positions in finance and operations both at the field and headquarters levels. Prior to his current assignment he held the position of vice president Finance and Business Processes, Shlumberger Limited.

Unit 3

Modern Diagnostics for Oil and Gas Equipment

1. Грамматика. Нахождение группы «Подлежащее + Сказуемое в предложении».

2. Текст “Modern Diagnostics and Recondition Technologies for Oil and Gas Equipment”.

3. Самостоятельная работа. Текст «Clean – up Collaboration with Russia».

Предтекстовые упражнения

1.Прочитайте следующие слова и запомните их произношение:

[ʌ] introduction, substance, dust, result, other;

[ǽ] machinery, fragment, average, extract, practical;

[ju] union, reducing, produced, used;

[ai] applied, right, wide, fine.

2.Переведите слова из текста с суффиксом –tion:

introduction, friction, composition, vibration, recondition, participation, condition, reduction, implementation.

3.Определите по суффиксу, какой частью речи являются следующие слова:

success – successful, commerce – commercial, form – forming, direct –directly, equip – equipment, operate – operation, compose – composition, metal – metallic, produce – production – productive – producer.

“Modern Diagnostics and Recondition Technologies for Oil and Gas Equipment”

Пояснения к тексту

Anti-friction coating - антифрикционное покрытие

Emergency shutdowns - аварийные остановки

After friction reducing treatment with - после обработки составом

Equipments technical condition - техническое состояние агрегата

Bearing rings - кольцо подшипника

The Center for Innovate Technologies, a Moscow-based Russian company, is a member of Metallurgmash, the International Union of Metallurgical Equipment Producers. In the last years, it has been involved in successful commercial introduction of a propriety technology for forming anti-friction coating at exposed wear surfaces.

This unique technology enables a significant increase in the time between overhauls without decommissioning equipment and machinery, prevents emergency shutdowns, and ensures stable operation when routine maintenance is impossible, or in dust conditions, at high or low temperatures, etc.

This technology is based on filling in friction units with MEGAFORCE, a friction reducing composition by means of special techniques.

The composition is fine material that is fed to a friction zone for reducing friction. This occurs directly in the contact area under vibration loads in the process of equipment operation due to changing properties of contact surfaces and formation of ceramic metallic bond (CMB), and results in recondition of friction couples. The CMB preserves its efficiency within a long period without participation of the composition itself. Industrial testing proves all technology claims.

For continuous monitoring of the technical condition of equipment bearing blocks before and after friction reducing treatment with MEGAFORCE, the center for Innovate Technologies applies Kronwerk measuring and computing complexes (MCCs) with an electrical resistance technique used for measuring average resistance of bearing lubricant film.

The electrical resistance technique is an advanced non-destructive method used for continuous monitoring of the equipment’s technical condition. It is based on measuring the electrical resistance of bearing lubricant film between friction couples. The bearing condition data is received directly from the bearing friction zone in the form of electric signals that are easy to process. It results in improving the reliability of the bearing condition data, and thus, in reduction of cots for rotary equipment maintenance.

For implementation of this method, bearing rings (or rotating shafts and housing of sleeve bearings) are connected to a voltage-stabilized source, and voltage drops are measured for a certain time period as rotor shafts rotate.


1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1) What is the member of Metallurgmash?

2) What kind of technique is an advanced non-destructive method?

3) What does industrial testing prove?

4) How is the bearing condition data received?

5) What does the unique technology enable?

2.Переведите на английский язык следующие сочетания:

Межремонтный период, предотвратить аварийную остановку, мелкодисперсный материал, заявленные свойства технологии, состояние подшипника, сократить затраты на техническое обслуживание, электрорезистивный метод, измерительно – вычислительные комплексы, вибрационные нагрузки, восстановление оборудования нефтегазовой отрасли.

3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1)The composition is fine material that is fed to a friction zone for reducing friction.

2)The chemical composition of petroleum is complex.

3)She has written a composition about her summer holidays.

4.Прочитайте следующие предложения, найдите в них группу «подлежащее +сказуемое»:

1) Bearing rings are connected to a voltage-stabilized source.

2) This unique technology enables a significant increase.

3) The CBM preserves its efficiency without a long period without participation of the composition itself.

5.Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

oil and gas equipment anti-friction coating decommissioning equipment emergency shutdowns stable operation routine maintenance a friction zone industrial testing technology claims an electrical resistance technique the bearing condition data a certain period a voltage-stabilized source

6.Подберите слова с противоположным значением:

low, before, fine, impossible, without, destructive, couple, hard, regular, modern, this, commercial, last

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