Переведите на английский язык

1) Буровая бригада состоит из бурильщика, помбура, верхового и подсобного рабочего.

2) Верховой нужен, когда бурильщики спускают или поднимают бурильную трубу из скважины.

3) Нельзя пробурить скважину без опытного персонала.

4) Когда долото бурит и труба находится в скважине, верховой спускается с площадки и работает на земле.

5) Подсобные рабочие следят за техническим состоянием бурового оборудования, ремонтируют его и содержат его в чистоте.

Воспроизведите ситуацию.

Talk to a new worker in your company. He wants to ask you who is responsible for what. Explain different positions’ responsibilities in a drilling crew.

Поговорите с новым работником вашей компании. Он хочет знать, кто за что отвечает. Объясните обязанности каждого члена буровой бригады.

Lesson 6

Предтекстовые упражнения

Ознакомьтесь с терминами из текста. Запомните их значение.

bore-hole – буровая скважина

well – скважина

derrick – буровая вышка

drilling – бурение

bit – долото

cable-tool method – канатно-ударный метод бурения

rate of penetration – механическая скорость бурения

percussion system – система ударного бурения

rotary method – вращательный метод бурения

turbo-drilling – турбинное бурение

pipe – труба

bottom – забой скважины


There are many ways of discovering the underground oil, but the only way to get it is to make a deep hole called a bore-hole, or a well, through the rock, earth and sand. The steel framework over the well is called a derrick. From this the machinery that drills the hole is raised and lowered.

The technique of well drilling goes back into history when the wells were drilled with a heavy bit, which hung from a rope. Cable tool drilling was cheap, simple and effective for shallow wells, but the progress was slow.

The present-day method of drilling is known as “the rotary method”. This method radically differs from the cable-tool method and is more effective. A variant of rotary drilling is known as “turbo-drilling”. With this method the pipe is not rotated but is kept stationary and the bit is rotated on bottom by means of a fluid motor of turbine. The rate of penetration of oil bit can be faster with this method than with conventional rotary drilling.

Примечание к тексту

goes far into history – начинается с давних времен

2. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:

The rotary method; to lift the fluid; different factors, the diameter ob the pipe; to use gas hydraulic pressure; to pass through a series of thanks to change periodically; a period of


Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их.

a rotating bit loss of circulation

to lift cuttings the major disadvantages

drill pipe of the rotary drilling

drilling fluid (mud) high quality

specific gravity working conditions

4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте письменно: как происходит бурение скважины с помощью вращательного метода бурения, и назовите его недостатки. Затем переведите письменные ответы на русский язык.

Rotary Drilling

The rotary drilling method is comparatively new. The idea of this method was introduced into life in 1901. In the rotary method the hole is drilled by a rotating bit to which a force is applied. The bit is fastened to and rotated by, a drill string composed of drill pipe and drill collar, with new sections or joints being added as drilling progresses.

The cuttings are lifted from the hole by the drilling fluid which is continuously circulated down the inside of the drill string through water courses or nozzles in the bit and upward in the annular space between the drill pipe and the bore hole.

At the surface the returning fluid (mud) is delivered through a series of tanks which afford a sufficient period to allow cuttings separation and any necessary treating.

Periodically the drill pipe must be removed from the hole in order to replace the bit.

Power in rotary drilling is transmitted from the surface to the bit through the drilling string and considerable part of the power is in idle rotation of the drilling string.

Power losses depend upon many factors, e.g. length and diameter of the stem, specific gravity of the mud.

Rotary drilling is used in different geological conditions: in unstable formation zones of loss of circulation, water-gas bearing layers of high pressure.

Rotary drilling makes it possible to use any agent such as air, gas, mud (with a specific gravity more than 2,3 gr / sm3 and highly viscous). It is also possible to use jet bits and bits of small diameter.

The major disadvantages of rotary drilling are as follows:

1. Surface equipment must be of high power, a great part of it being wasted in rotating the drill shaft and operating of the surface equipment.

2. Drill pipes must be of high quality.

3. Hydraulic horsepower of pumps is not always used completely.

4. The installations are very noisy which makes working conditions hard.

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