Метою першого завдання є закріплення навичок належного оформлення ділової кореспонденції, враховуючи вимоги до сучасного ділового листування. Під час перекладу офіційного листа необхідно дотримуватись стриманого ввічливого тону повідомлення з лаконічним викладенням інформації.

В завданні 2 потрібно з`ясувати, в якому дієслівному часі вжито присудок та яке ставлення до дії вимагає зміст висловлювання (спроможний “can”, дозволений “may”, обов`язковий “must”). Необхідно брати до уваги умови вжитку модальних дієслів (теперішній неозначений час та минулий неозначений час для “could” та “might”) та їхніх еквівалентів (інші часи).

Завдання 3 вимагає звернутися до словника та впевнитися у відповідності обраного слова змістові висловлювання. Читаючи статті в словнику переконайтесь, що Ви обираєте належне граматичне значення слова ( іменник, дієслово, прикметник чи інше).

Під час виконання завдання 4 скористайтеся таблицею неособових форм дієслова та, перекладаючи речення, ставте питання до пропущенного слова з метою переконання в правильності вибору дієслівної форми (в таблиці наведені питання та функції певних форм).

Для виконання завдання 5 стане у нагоді политехнічний або галузевий словник, який допоможе з`ясувати значення того чи іншого терміну. Інтернаціоналізми також варто перевірити за словником.

Виконуючи завдання 6 потрібно пам`ятати, що в пасивному стані в реченні не тільки додається допоміжне дієслово to be попереду головного дієслова, але об`єкт дії приймає роль підмета (тобто акцент з суб`єкта переноситься на об`єкт).


1. Виконуючи завдання 1 радимо звернутись до посібника І.С.Богацького та Н.М.Дюканової “Бизнес-курс английского языка”, в якому надаються приклади різних типів ділових листів.

2. В завданнні 4, припустимо, необхідно визначити тип належного дієприкметника в такому реченні “A week ago the equipment ... (having exported, exported, exporting, being exported) from Germany was tested carefully”: “Тиждень тому обладнання ...із Німеччини було уважно перевірене”. Оскільки форма дієприкметника визначає його функцію, із наданих

having exported - експортувавши;

exported - експортований;

exporting - експортуючи;

being exported - оскільки експортується

вибираємо: exported - експортований. Отже, маємо “Тиждень тому обладнання, експортоване із Німеччини, було уважно перевірене”.

3. Речення завданння 6 потребують реконструкції таким чином:

“They returned the duplicate of the order”, де “they” - підмет, “returned” - присудок, “the duplicate of the order” - додаток. Оскільки акцент має змінитися з суб`єкта (they) на об`єкт (the duplicate of the order), тому роль підмета повинен мати об`єкт в такому випадку, а присудок набуває вигляду “was returned” згідно з формулою пасивного стану to be + Participle IIта урахуванням вжитого часу в початковому реченні (Past Simple), в якому узгоджується допоміжне дієслово to be.

Варіант 1

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Great West Road Directors

London W25 Ambrose Harper (Chairman)

Telephone 01-567 1112 Hector Grant (Managing)

Telex 660153 William Buckhurst (Secretary)

Fax N ... Margaret Wiles


The Manager,

Date Palm Hotel Djemsa,

ABRACA 15th, July, 2004

Dear sir,

Our Sales Manager, Mr. John Martin, will be in Djemsa on business for ten days. We would like to reserve for him a single room, with bath, from 30th October to 9th November inclusive.

We should be glad if you would confirm this booking as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Sally Langley

Secretary to John Martin


II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. We ... come to the office at 9 o`сlock every day. 2. ... you tell us a bit about Nokia? 3. They ... test the equipment before using it. 4. You ... use this fax tomorrow. 5. He ... speak English and Finnish. 6. We ... check the device before using it in two days. 7. She ... send the catalogue at once. 8. They ... represent their products at the exhibition next week. 9. ... I ask for extra details of the unit?

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Usually a wholesaler has a large ... of items. 2. The department store gives a 30% ... on all Chinese shoes. 3. Henry Ford began the ... production of automobiles. 4. He cannot run a ... . 5. There appeared new competitors in the ... .(assortment, mass, market, company, discount)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. We finished worrying ... (sending; having sent; sent; being sent) the fax. 2. The applicants ... (interviewed; interviwing; having interviewed; having been interviewed) by the manager left the office. 3. He was talking with the clerk ... (opening; having opened; opened; been opened) the door. 4. The Draft Contract ... (signing; having been signed; signed; having signed) by both sides was stamped. 5. Different means of commmunication ... (mentioned; mentioning; having been mentioned; being mentioned) in the text attracted attention of our manager.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Price-list; factory; superior; equipment; design; licence; discount; supplier; negotiation; import.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. Our expert marked some necessary devices. 2. They are writing his telephone number.3. We will inform them on Wednesday. 4. They use two kinds of welding. 5. They classify welding processes according to the sources of heat and pressure used.

Варіант 2

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Pet Products Ltd.

ISO London Road

Exeter EX44JY


25th February, 2007

Dear sir,

We read your advertisement in the “Pet Magazine”of 25 December. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

- price (please quote CIF Odessa price)

- dates of delivery

- terms of payment

- guarantees

- if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

Our company specializes in distributing pet products in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment.

Your early reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Export-Import Manager

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1.... you deliver the consignment of tea? 2. We ... test the device before using it. 3. ... I ask you for extra details of the unit? 4. She ... send the catalogue tomorrow at 10. 5. They ... represent their products at the Fair next month. 6. The surfaces of the parts ... be joined for complete unions. 7. Alternating current ... be employed for this purpose. 8. He ... record only necessary information at the exhibition next Tuesday. 9. The processes of welding ... be divided into two main groups: pressure welding and heat welding.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. I expect to make the Draft ... by the end of this week. 2. We are looking for new ... in Eastern Europe. 3. Our ... is over & 300 mln. 4. ... flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. 5. Thank you for your cooperation in Eastern ... .

(contract, market, turnover, advertising, partners)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. She sent the letter ... (giving; given; having given; being given) the prices for our products. 2. ... (Discussed; Discussing; Being discussed; Having discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received; being received; having received; receiving) in the morning. 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned; concerning; being concerned; concerned) the design.5. The process of welding ... (achieved; being achieved; having achieved; achieving) by heat is called heat welding.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Standart; performance; exhibition; fair; design; import; corporation; factory; licence; business.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. He welded the parts properly. 2. They tested the equipment at once. 3. They apply the flame directly to the metal edges. 4. They are coating the welding rod with flux. 5. Electric arc generates enough heat.

Варіант 3

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Mr. Fred North

Purchasing Manager

Broadway Autos

November 11,2007

Dear Mr. North,

Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly.

The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is now in stock.

I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from this, our prices are very competitive.

If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Fred Stock

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. Lead is soft and ... be bent by hand. 2. To be accurate the sequence of operations ... be controlled automatically. 3. ... we use the computer for this process? 4. These machines ... be installed immediately in the shop. 5. Next Wednesday they ... send the paid equipment to Germany. 6. Industrial engineers ... make the most efficient use of plant and equipment.7. The exhibition ... show new modern devices for welding. 8. The temperature of the molten metal ... be high enough to fuse the broken sections. 9. Industrial engineers ... process the metals under controlling by the computers.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Metals are materials widely used in ... . 2. The study of the ... and properties of metals is known as metallurgy. 3. The separation between the ... in metals is small. 4. Metals vary greatly in their ... . 5. The ways of working the ... depend on their properties.

(atoms, metals,industry, properties, production)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The surfaces of the parts ... (joined, being joined, joining, having joined) hard made a complete union. 2. The information ... (being included,including, having included, included) the description of the design, was amasing. 3. A computer ... (designed, desinging, being designed, having designed) for processing and storing information was a great innovation. 4. Alternating current of common commercial voltage ... (employed, having employed, employing, being employed) for this purpose is available now. 5. Many products ... (required, being required, having required, requiring) pressure-tignt seams are rapidly produced.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Applicants, current, computer, union, temperature, quality, voltage, carbon, cursor, fax.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They join the surfaces. 2. The article shows the description of the relations. 3. He selected the right key-ideas. 4. They classify the presses according to the power they produce. 5. They designed presses of different kinds.

Варіант 4

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.

142 South road

Sheffield S20 4HL


21th March, 2005

Dear Sirs,

Our Order for Silk Shirts

In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men’s silk shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine.

We are enclosing our Order No. 142, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.

Yours faithfully,

Vladimir Smurov

Export-Import Manager

Enc. Order No. 142

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. They ... represent their products at the exhibition. 2. ... I have another cup of tea? 3. We ... help you. 4. He ... go to the theatre with you. 5. She ... sign this Draft Contract. 6.He ... weld well this items tomorrow, he is skilled enough. 7. The parts ... be welded properly. 8. She ... take different means, it will be possible. 9. Many creative people ... train in our centre next month.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Goodyear and Firestone are main Michelin’s ... . 2. - May I see your driving ..., sir? 3. Usually a wholesaler has a large ... of items. 4. Copywriting requires ... writing skills and the ability to visualize ideas.

5. He cannot run a ... .

(assortment, company, competitors, licence, creative)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. ... (studying, having studed, being studed, studed) the materials, he found out much new. 2. ... (testing, tested, being tested, having tested) the equipment they decided to buy it. 3. We greeted the producer ... (smiled, being smiled, having smiled, smiling). 4. They prefer buying the machinery ... (computerized, computerizing, being computerized, having computerized) by our firm. 5. A week ago the equipment ... (exporting, being exported, exported, having exported) from Germany was tested carefully.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Appointment, firm, supply, delivery, export, retailing, customer, signature, department, discount.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They brouhgt the experts at 7 p.m. 2. They train many creative people at our centre. 3. They have used high temperatures for this process. 4. He welded these parts properly. 5. He heated the surfaces enough for welding.

Варіант 5

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

D. Clark,

Sales Manager,

Priston & Co Ltd,

28 Kolas Court,

North Middletown, NJ

07734 USA 5th March, 2001

Our ref: MP/NK

Dear Mr. Clark,

Thank you for your offer of 3rd March. We are favourably impressed by the quality of your commodity, but feel that the price is rather high. The prices quoted by other suppliers are, on the average, 10% lower. However, in view of the high quality of your commodity, we are ready to make a deal with you if you re-examine your prices.

If you reduce youe price by 5% we will place an order for some 10.000 items. We trust that in view of the size of the order you will see your way of making this concession.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Mike Parson

Sales Manager

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. He ... not miss the train. 2. They ... work outside, it isn’t raining. 3. Mary ... give them tea, they have signed the Contract. 4. She ... send the telegram immediately. 5. We ... finish the work today. 6. She ... come for an interview next Friday. 7. The conference ... be held every year. 8. This innovation ... be tested in two hours. 9. They ... leave the classes earlier.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Are they your ... or branches? 2. They want to ... personal contacts with our company. 3. We will talk about terms of ... and delivery. 4. All media uses salesmen to sell ... space and broadcasting time. 5. They should have background in accounting and managerian ... .

(advertising, skills, subsidiaries, establish, payment)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. She sent the letter ... (giving, given, being given, having given) the prices for our products. 2. ... (discussed, discussing, having discussed, being discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received, having received, being received, receiving). 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned, concerning, concerned, being concerned) the design. 5. The electrodes are heated by ... (passed, passing, being passed, having passed) electric current.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Career, marketing, turnover, branch, subsidiary, employee, fee, agency, financial, specialist.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. Our expert marked some necessary devices at the fair. 2. They will inform us about the terms on Wednesday. 3. They allowed them to get on board of the plane. 4. They are showing many devices at the exhibition. 5. We took her to the conference.

Варіант 6

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.

142 South Road

Sheffield S20 4HL

England 18th April, 2005

Ref: Our Order No.142 of 21th March, 2005

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your delivery of men’s silk shirts, which we ordered on 21st March, 2005. At the same time we would like to draw your attention to the following.

After examination of the shirts we discovered some manufacturing defects:

-there are oil stains on 12 shirts;

- the colour of buttons on 5 of the shirts does not match the colour of these shirts;

- one shirt is in a different style.

We are returning the defective shirts by separate mail, carriage forward, and would ask you to replace them with shirts in the colours and sizes specified below:

Size Colour Quantity

15 white 9

17 white 1

14 blue 6

16 blue 2

We would appreciate a prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Vladimir Smurov

Export-Import Manager

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. I ...easily carry this trunk to the station. 2. We ... go home before it gets dark. 3. ... you buy a dictionary for me? 4. You ... take any book you like. 5. She ... do it at once. 6. She ... inform us beforehand or we will be late. 7. They ... submit their resumes before being interviewed.8. Everyone ... get secondary and technical education. 9. He ... choose the right way out, he will have enough time.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. We are ... some information about our new equipment. 2. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal ... and promotion of products, services or ideas. 3. I hope that this information will be of some ... to you. 4. ... will be made in accordance with your instructions. 5. The goods you ordered are no longer ... .

(assistance, available, presentation, attaching, delivery)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The applicant submitted their resumes ... (sending, being sent, having sent, sent) by mail. 2. In the hall there were some men ... (interviewed, having interviewed, being interviewed, interviewed) by the manager. 3. She addressed to a man ... (closing, having closed, being closed, closed) his car. 4. He called a waitress ... (serving, having served, served, being served) his table. 5. They have discussed all ... (submitted, submitting, being submitted, having submitted) resumes.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Agreement, manager, equipment, appointment, negotiation, fair, salary, bonus, superior, form.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. We are buying tickets to London. 2. They discussed the performances. 3. She has visited our partners at their stand already. 4. They will submit the Draft Contract. 5. He selected proper electrodes for the success of the process.

Варіант 7

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Great West Road Directors

London W25 Ambrose Harper (Chairman)

Telephone 01-5671112 Hector Grant (Managing)

Telex 60153 William Buckhurst (Secretary)

Fax N ... Margaret Wiles


The Commercial Attache,

British Embassy,

Avenue 30th March,

Djemsa, ABRACA 8th july, 2004

Dear sir,

Miss Crawshaw of the Export services Branch, Board of Trade asked me to write to you direct.

My company specialises in making high quality office furniture and equipment. I suggest to visit Djemsa for about ten days in early November to study on the spot ways of introducing our products to the Abracan market. I understand there is no import duty. A check with the customs has shown that little British equipment of this kind has ever been sold to Abraca and I understand French and Dutch firms have been the main suppliers.

Six copies of our catalogue are enclosed. If you can help me in working out an itinerary and introduce me to possible buyers and agents during my visit I should be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

John Martin

Sales Manager


II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. I ... finish the work today. 2. ... you translate this article? 3. We ... enclose the description of the tools. 4. ... we ask for extra amount of units? 5. They ... develop the Asian market. 6. We ... submit this advertisement to the newspaper tomorrow. 7. The clerk ... take the letters at once. 8. Next week they ... transport this cargo. 9. She ... operate the computer.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. We advertise on TV, in magazines and at motor-racing ... .2. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about ... and skilled in salesmanship. 3. A variety of ... are required in an advertising agency. 4. We consider this ... of great importance. 5. We appreciate your ... .

(events, cooperation, specialists, business, activity)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. He read some newly ... (received, receiving, being received, having received) documents. 2. She offered her luggage to the customs officer ... (having opened, opening, being opened, opened) the bags. 3. They have discussed the design ... (making, made, being made, having made) by the young engineer. 4. At the exhibition we saw all the ... (announced, being announced, having announced, announcing) equipment. 5. The secretary has stamped the Agreement ...(having concerned, concerning, being concerned, concerned) our exclusive products.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Shareholder, export, contract, discount, supplier, price, list, to fire, to hire, company, plant.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. We reserved a single room for you. 2. He is listening to the news on the radio. 3. They discussed the details of the agreement. 4. She prepares all the documents beforehand. 5. Nokia employed 50 000 people last year.

Варіант 8

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.


Autospark GmbH, Bahnhofstrasse 7, 52538 Gangelt, Deutschland

Mr Tony Ralph

Regional Director

Autospark Distribution UK

24 Binsey Lane

Manchester M18 23P

13 February 2001

Dear Mr Ralph

The President of Autospark group, Frau Astrid Kohnen, is coming to London from the 4th to 11th of March for a sales conference.

During her trip, she would also like to take the opportunity to visit you and some of the key staff in Manchester, and meet one or two of our English clients.

I would be grateful if you could arrange a schedule of visits and appointments for Frau Kohnen on the afternoon of Wednesday 7 March and the morning of Thursday 8 March. She is planning to arrive in Manchester at about one p.m.

Please let me know if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Katya Muster

Assistant to Astrid Kohnen

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. I ... go there immediately. 2. He ... go to the theatre with you. 3. They can read English books, but I ... . 4. ...I have another cup of tea? 5. You ... do the exercises today. 6. You ... clean the surfaces before welding next time. 7. He ... find the job last monthand now he is very busy. 8. He ... invite the expert for testing, he will not be able to do it alone. 9. The manager ... sign the application form, it is right.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. We are ... in buying a consignment of lathes. 2. We hope that you will have a good ... . 3. Goodyear and Firestone are main Michelin’s ... . 4. Adverti-sing cannot ... a poor product or service into a good one. 5. Copywriting requires ... writing skills and the ability to visualize ideas.

(turnover, competitors, interested, turn creative)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1.He was talking to the clerk ... (putting, put, having put, being put) the letters into the files. 2. We waited for the information ... (being listened, having listened, listening, listened) to the manager over the telephone. 3. She answers all the telephone calls ...( having made, making, being made, made) notes. 4. They expanded their activities in Europe ... ( being established, establishing, having established, established) new contacts. 5. They applied the flame to the metal edges ... (joined, having joined, being joined, joining) together.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Consumer, delivery, employee, profit, consignment, export, business, discount, bill, signature.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They consider the firm as a first-tier player. 2. They designed some new processing equipment. 3. He will submit his resume next week. 4. She is cutting the paper at the moment. 5. He will join the parts of the items.

Варіант 9

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.

142 South Road

Sheffield S20 4Hl


21th March, 2008


supply 400 men’s silk shirts in the colours and sizes (collar) specified below:

Size Colour Quantity

14 white 70

14 blue 30

15 grey 70

15 green 30

16 white 70

16 blue 30

17 black 70

17 brown 30

Price: $ 10.53 each (total - $ 4,212)

Delivery: air freight, CIF Kiev

Payment: by letter of credit

Packing: standard

p.p. Chief Buyer

Alexey Postnikov

Visteria Ltd.

Please send us the copy of this order, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. You ... use this fax tomorrow.2. He ... speak English and Finnish. 3. We ... check the device before using it in two days. 4. She ... send the catalogue at once. 5. They ... represent their products at the exhibition next week. 6. ... I ask for extra details of the unit? 7. We ... come to the office at 9 o`сlock every day. 8. ... you tell us a bit about Nokia? 9. They ... test the equipment before using it.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. The department store gives a 30% ... on all Chinese shoes. 2. Usually a wholesaler has a large ... of items. 3. Henry Ford began the ... production of automobiles. 4. He cannot run a ... . 5. There appeared new competitors in the ...

(company, assortment, mass, market, discount)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. Different means of commmunication ... (mentioned; mentioning; having been mentioned; being mentioned) in the text attracted attention of our manager. 2. The applicants ... (interviewed; interviwing; having interviewed; having been interviewed) by the manager left the office. 3. He was talking with the clerk ... (opening; having opened; opened; been opened) the door. 4. The Draft Contract ... (signing; having been signed; signed; having signed) by both sides was stamped. 5. We finished worrying ... (sending; having sent; sent; being sent) the fax.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Import,price-list; factory; superior; equipment; design; licence; discount; supplier; negotiation.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They classify welding processes according to the sources of heat and pressure used.2.They are writing his telephone number.3. We will inform them on Wednesday. 4. They use two kinds of welding. 5. Our expert marked some necessary devices.

Варіант 10

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Carsons Inc.

Bay Avenue

San Francisco

July 23, 2006

Dear Mr. Carsons:

According to our records payment of our invoice No. 3823, sent to you in April, has not yet been made.

As specified on all our estimates and invoices our terms of payment are 30 days. Your invoice has now been outstanding for 90 days. In the case of unsettled debt of this duration it is our company policy to take legal action.

We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. Would you please send us a check by return. In case you have lost or mislaid the original I am enclosing a copy of our invoice.

We look forward to receiving your payment by return.

Yours sincerely,

Pierre Lacoste

Credit Controller

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1 The processes of welding ... be divided into two main groups: pressure welding and heat welding.2. We ... test the device before using it. 3. ... I ask you for extra details of the unit? 4. She ... send the catalogue tomorrow at 10. 5. They ... represent their products at the Fair next month. 6. The surfaces of the parts ... be joined for complete unions. 7. Alternating current ... be employed for this purpose. 8. He ... record only necessary information at the exhibition next Tuesday. 9. ... you deliver the consignment of tea?

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Thank you for your cooperation in Eastern ... . 2. We are looking for new ... in Eastern Europe. 3. Our ... is over & 300 mln. 4. ... flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. 5. I expect to make the Draft ... by the end of this week.

(Turnover, contract, market, advertising, partners)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The process of welding ... (achieved; being achieved; having achieved; achieving) by heat is called heat welding. 2. ... (Discussed; Discussing; Being discussed; Having discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received; being received; having received; receiving) in the morning. 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned; concerning; being concerned; concerned) the design.5. She sent the letter ... (giving; given; having given; being given) the prices for our products.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Corporation; standart; performance; exhibition; fair; design; import; factory; licence; business.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. Electric arc generates enough heat. 2. They tested the equipment at once. 3. They apply the flame directly to the metal edges. 4. They are coating the welding rod with flux. 5. He welded the parts properly.

Варіант 11

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Universal Utensils

Widen Lane


1 April, 2005

Dear Sirs,

Account No. 638/Hrs/0078/Invoice No.05124

I regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake. It is almost certainly the case that the figure in the invoice for the total has been multiplied by a hundred. In view of our longstanding dealings with your company, I am convinced that you do not expect me to pay $98,000 for the last delivery of switches and electrical components.

I would very much appreciate receiving a more reasonable invoice. Otherwise we plan to withdraw our next order with your company.

Yours faithfully,

Jim Brown

Chief Clerk

Purchasing Dept.

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. Industrial engineers ... process the metals under controlling by the computers. 2. To be accurate the sequence of operations ... be controlled automatically. 3. ... we use the computer for this process? 4. These machines ... be installed immediately in the shop. 5. Next Wednesday they ... send the paid equipment to Germany. 6. Industrial engineers ... make the most efficient use of plant and equipment.7. The exhibition ... show new modern devices for welding. 8. The temperature of the molten metal ... be high enough to fuse the broken sections. 9. Lead is soft and ... be bent by hand.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. The ways of working the ... depend on their properties. 2. The study of the ... and properties of metals is known as metallurgy. 3. The separation between the ... in metals is small. 4. Metals vary greatly in their ... . 5. Metals are materials widely used in ... .

(Properties, atoms, metals,industry, production)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. Many products ... (requiring, being required, having required, required) pressure-tignt seams are rapidly produced. 2. The information ... (being included,including, having included, included) the description of the design, was amasing. 3. A computer ... (designed, desinging, being designed, having designed) for processing and storing information was a great innovation. 4. Alternating current of common commercial voltage ... (employed, having employed, employing, being employed) for this purpose is available now. 5. The surfaces of the parts ... (joined, being joined, joining, having joined) hard made a complete union.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Current, computer, union, applicants, temperature, quality, voltage, carbon, cursor, fax.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They designed presses of different kinds. 2. The article shows the description of the relations. 3. He selected the right key-ideas. 4. They classify the presses according to the power they produce. 5. They join the surfaces.

Варіант 12

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Visteria Ltd.

P.O.Box 82

Kyiv 253206


21 th April, 2006

Ref: Order No142 of 21March, 2006

Dear Mr. Smurov,

Your letter of 18th April, 2006 was duly noted. The shirts you returned to us are indeed defective. We have to admit that these defects were overlooked by our controller and offer apologies for the oversight.

We are sending you new shirts as a replacement this week by air, carriage paid, and would ask you to confirm their receipt by fax.

If any other problem arise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Jack Brown

Claims Department

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. Many creative people ... train in our centre next month. 2. ... I have another cup of tea? 3. We ... help you. 4. He ... go to the theatre with you. 5. She ... sign this Draft Contract. 6.He ... weld well this items tomorrow, he is skilled enough. 7. The parts ... be welded properly. 8. She ... take different means, it will be possible. 9. They ... represent their products at the exhibition.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. He cannot run a ... . 2. - May I see your driving ..., sir? 3. Usually a wholesaler has a large ... of items. 4. Copywriting requires ... writing skills and the ability to visualize ideas. 5. Goodyear and Firestone are main Michelin’s ... .

(Creative, assortment, company, competitors, licence)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. A week ago the equipment ... (exporting, being exported, exported, having exported) from Germany was tested carefully. 2. ... (testing, tested, being tested, having tested) the equipment they decided to buy it. 3. We greeted the producer ... (smiled, being smiled, having smiled, smiling). 4. They prefer buying the machinery ... (computerized, computerizing, being computerized, having computerized) by our firm. 5. ... (studying, having studed, being studed, studed) the materials, he found out much new.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Firm, supply, delivery, export, retailing, customer, signature, department, discount, appointment.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. He heated the surfaces enough for welding. 2. They train many creative people at our centre. 3. They have used high temperatures for this process. 4. He welded these parts properly. 5. They brouhgt the experts at 7 p.m.

Варіант 13

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Visteria Ltd.

P.O.Box 82

Kyiv 253206


28 March,2006

Ref: Order No 142 of 21th March,2006

Dear Mr. Smurov,

Thank you for your letter of 21th March, 2006. We are pleased to acknowledge your order for 400 men’s silk shirts and enclose the copy of it, duly signed, as requested.

Delivery will be made immediately on opening a letter of credit with our bank for the ammount of $ 4212.

We hope our shirts will be in great demand in Ukraine and you will be able to place large orders with us in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Alfred Smithers

Sales Manager

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. They ... leave the classes earlier. 2. They ... work outside, it isn’t raining. 3. Mary ... give them tea, they have signed the Contract. 4. She ... send the telegram immediately. 5. We ... finish the work today. 6. She ... come for an interview next Friday. 7. The conference ... be held every year. 8. This innovation ... be tested in two hours. 9. He ... not miss the train.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. They should have background in accounting and managerian ... .

2. They want to ... personal contacts with our company. 3. We will talk about terms of ... and delivery. 4. All media uses salesmen to sell ... space and broadcasting time. 5. Are they your ... or branches?

(Skills, subsidiaries, advertising, establish, payment)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1.New processing equipment ... (produced, producing, being produced, having produced). 2. ... (discussed, discussing, having discussed, being discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received, having received, being received, receiving). 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned, concerning, concerned, being concerned) the design. 5. She sent the letter ... (giving, given, being given, having given) the prices for our products.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Marketing, turnover, branch, subsidiary, employee, fee, agency, financial, specialist, career.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. We took her to the conference. 2. They will inform us about the terms on Wednesday. 3. They allowed them to get on board of the plane. 4. They are showing many devices at the exhibition. 5. Our expert marked some necessary devices at the fair.


І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Personnel Manager The Royal Hotel

RBM Company 5 Blue Street

27 Green Street Star City

Star City Dreamland


12th April, 2005

Dear Sir,

I would like to apply for the position of junior accountant which you advertised in yesterday’s City Times. I am a student in the Economics Department and I have been bookkeeping at my father’s firm for two years. I speak good English and feel that I am qualified to fill your position.

Please send any application forms that you want me to fill in and let me know if you would like to arrange an interview.

Yours faithfully

Adam Roy

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. He ... choose the right way out, he will have enough time.

2. We ... go home before it gets dark. 3. ... you buy a dictionary for me? 4. You ... take any book you like. 5. She ... do it at once. 6. She ... inform us beforehand or we will be late. 7. They ... submit their resumes before being interviewed.8. Everyone ... get secondary and technical education. 9. I ...easily carry this trunk to the station.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. The goods you ordered are no longer ... . 2. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal ... and promotion of products, services or ideas. 3. I hope that this information will be of some ... to you. 4. ... will be made in accordance with your instructions. 5. We are ... some information about our new equipment.

(Attaching, assistance, available, presentation, delivery)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. They have discussed all ... (submitted, submitting, being submitted, having submitted) resumes. 2. In the hall there were some men ... (interviewed, having interviewed, being interviewed, interviewed) by the manager. 3. She addressed to a man ... (closing, having closed, being closed, closed) his car. 4. He called a waitress ... (serving, having served, served, being served) his table. 5. The applicant submitted their resumes ... (sending, being sent, having sent, sent) by mail.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Manager, equipment, appointment, agreement, negotiation, fair, salary, bonus, superior, form.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. He selected proper electrodes for the success of the process.

2. They discussed the performances. 3. She has visited our partners at their stand already. 4. They will submit the Draft Contract. 5. We are buying tickets to London.

Варіант 15

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Mr James McAndrew BOS, Limited

45 Norman Avenue 13 Quenn Street

Canterbury Harlow

Kent CTI 39 X Essex CM 20 2 IR

10th March 2001

Dear Ms McAndrew,

Please come to my office for an interview on 23rd March at 11 a.m. My office is No 13. To get to BOS by car from Harlow town center, drive up Central Avenue and go straight ahead at the roundabout into Fifth Avenue. Take the first turning on the left. BOS is the tall, grey building on the left.

I look forward to meeting you for your application for the Post of Sales.

Yours faithfully,

Sharon Backer (Mrs)

Sales representative

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. The manager ... sign the application form, it is right. 2. He ... go to the theatre with you. 3. They can read English books, but I ... . 4. ...I have another cup of tea? 5. You ... do the exercises today. 6. You ... clean the surfaces before welding next time. 7. He ... find the job last monthand now he is very busy. 8. He ... invite the expert for testing, he will not be able to do it alone. 9. I ... go there immediately.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Copywriting requires ... writing skills and the ability to visualize ideas. 2. We hope that you will have a good ... . 3. Goodyear and Firestone are main Michelin’s ... . 4. Advertising cannot ... a poor product or service into a good one. 5. We are ... in buying a consignment of lathes.

(turnover, competitors, interested, turn creative)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. They applied the flame to the metal edges ... (joined, having joined, being joined, joining) together. 2. We waited for the information ... (being listened, having listened, listening, listened) to the manager over the telephone. 3. She answers all the telephone calls ...( having made, making, being made, made) notes. 4. They expanded their activities in Europe ... ( being established, establishing, having established, established) new contacts. 5. He was talking to the clerk ... (putting, put, having put, being put) the letters into the files.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Delivery, employee, profit, consignment, consumer, export, business, discount, bill, signature.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They returned the duplicate of the order. 2. They designed some new processing equipment. 3. He will submit his resume next week. 4. She is cutting the paper at the moment. 5. They consider the firm as a first-tier player.

Варіант 16

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

The Director 18 St.Lawrence Street

Tourist Information Center London W10 SLX

High Street

Oxford OXL 3SP

12 May 2005

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have read your advertisement in newspaper Around the World of 10th May that you assist to any person to settle in any town ih the United Kingdom for the time of holidays. Thus I am writing to enquire about holiday accomodation in Oxford.

I would like be grateful if you could send me details of cheap hotels or camp-sites near the city centre.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Julie Newton

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. She ... operate the computer. 2. ... you translate this article? 3. We ... enclose the description of the tools. 4. ... we ask for extra amount of units? 5. They ... develop the Asian market. 6. We ... submit this advertisement to the newspaper tomorrow. 7. The clerk ... take the letters at once. 8. Next week they ... transport this cargo. 9. I ... finish the work today.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. We appreciate your ... . 2. Media salesmen must be knowledgeable about ... and skilled in salesmanship. 3. A variety of ... are required in an advertising agency. 4. We consider this ... of great importance. 5. We advertise on TV, in magazines and at motor-racing ... .

(Cooperation, specialists, business, events, activity)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The secretary has stamped the Agreement ...(having concerned, concerning, being concerned, concerned) our exclusive products. 2. She offered her luggage to the customs officer ... (having opened, opening, being opened, opened) the bags. 3. They have discussed the design ... (making, made, being made, having made) by the young engineer. 4. At the exhibition we saw all the ... (announced, being announced, having announced, announcing) equipment. 5. He read some newly ... (received, receiving, being received, having received) documents.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Export, contract, discount, supplier, shareholder, price, list, to fire, to hire, company, plant.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. Nokia employed 50 000 people last year. 2. He is listening to the news on the radio. 3. They discussed the details of the agreement. 4. She prepares all the documents beforehand. 5. We reserved a single room for you.

Варіант 17

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Pet Products Ltd.

ISO London Road

Exeter EX44JY


25th February, 2007

Dear sir,

We read your advertisement in the “Pet Magazine”of 25 December. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

- price (please quote CIF Odessa price)

- dates of delivery

- terms of payment

- guarantees

- if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

Our company specializes in distributing pet products in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment.

Your early reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Export-Import Manager

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1.... you deliver the consignment of tea? 2. We ... test the device before using it. 3. ... I ask you for extra details of the unit? 4. She ... send the catalogue tomorrow at 10. 5. They ... represent their products at the Fair next month. 6. The surfaces of the parts ... be joined for complete unions. 7. Alternating current ... be employed for this purpose. 8. He ... record only necessary information at the exhibition next Tuesday. 9. The processes of welding ... be divided into two main groups: pressure welding and heat welding.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. I expect to make the Draft ... by the end of this week. 2. We are looking for new ... in Eastern Europe. 3. Our ... is over & 300 mln. 4. ... flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. 5. Thank you for your cooperation in Eastern ... .

(contract, market, turnover, advertising, partners)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. She sent the letter ... (giving; given; having given; being given) the prices for our products. 2. ... (Discussed; Discussing; Being discussed; Having discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received; being received; having received; receiving) in the morning. 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned; concerning; being concerned; concerned) the design.5. The process of welding ... (achieved; being achieved; having achieved; achieving) by heat is called heat welding.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Standart; performance; exhibition; fair; design; import; corporation; factory; licence; business.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. He welded the parts properly. 2. They tested the equipment at once. 3. They apply the flame directly to the metal edges. 4. They are coating the welding rod with flux. 5. Electric arc generates enough heat.

Варіант 18

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Mr. Fillip Northorn

Purchasing Manager

Broadway Autos

November 7,2005

Dear Mr. Northorn,

Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly.

The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is now in stock.

I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from this, our prices are very competitive.

If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Fred Stock

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. Lead is soft and ... be bent by hand. 2. To be accurate the sequence of operations ... be controlled automatically. 3. ... we use the computer for this process? 4. These machines ... be installed immediately in the shop. 5. Next Wednesday they ... send the paid equipment to Germany. 6. Industrial engineers ... make the most efficient use of plant and equipment.7. The exhibition ... show new modern devices for welding. 8. The temperature of the molten metal ... be high enough to fuse the broken sections. 9. Industrial engineers ... process the metals under controlling by the computers.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Metals are materials widely used in ... . 2. The study of the ... and properties of metals is known as metallurgy. 3. The separation between the ... in metals is small. 4. Metals vary greatly in their ... . 5. The ways of working the ... depend on their properties.

(atoms, metals,industry, properties, production)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The surfaces of the parts ... (joined, being joined, joining, having joined) hard made a complete union. 2. The information ... (being included,including, having included, included) the description of the design, was amasing. 3. A computer ... (designed, desinging, being designed, having designed) for processing and storing information was a great innovation. 4. Alternating current of common commercial voltage ... (employed, having employed, employing, being employed) for this purpose is available now. 5. Many products ... (required, being required, having required, requiring) pressure-tignt seams are rapidly produced.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Applicants, current, computer, union, temperature, quality, voltage, carbon, cursor, fax.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. They join the surfaces. 2. The article shows the description of the relations. 3. He selected the right key-ideas. 4. They classify the presses according to the power they produce. 5. They designed presses of different kinds.

Варіант 19

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його.

Carsons Inc.

Bay Avenue

San Francisco

July 23, 2006

Dear Mr. Carsons:

According to our records payment of our invoice No. 3823, sent to you in April, has not yet been made.

As specified on all our estimates and invoices our terms of payment are 30 days. Your invoice has now been outstanding for 90 days. In the case of unsettled debt of this duration it is our company policy to take legal action.

We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. Would you please send us a check by return. In case you have lost or mislaid the original I am enclosing a copy of our invoice.

We look forward to receiving your payment by return. Yours sincerely,

Pierre Lacoste

Credit Controller

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1 The processes of welding ... be divided into two main groups: pressure welding and heat welding.2. We ... test the device before using it. 3. ... I ask you for extra details of the unit? 4. She ... send the catalogue tomorrow at 10. 5. They ... represent their products at the Fair next month. 6. The surfaces of the parts ... be joined for complete unions. 7. Alternating current ... be employed for this purpose. 8. He ... record only necessary information at the exhibition next Tuesday. 9. ... you deliver the consignment of tea?

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. Thank you for your cooperation in Eastern ... . 2. We are looking for new ... in Eastern Europe. 3. Our ... is over & 300 mln. 4. ... flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. 5. I expect to make the Draft ... by the end of this week.

(Turnover, contract, market, advertising, partners)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. The process of welding ... (achieved; being achieved; having achieved; achieving) by heat is called heat welding. 2. ... (Discussed; Discussing; Being discussed; Having discussed) the terms of delivery, he left. 3. She was looking at the documents ... (received; being received; having received; receiving) in the morning. 4. We replied the questions ... (having concerned; concerning; being concerned; concerned) the design.5. She sent the letter ... (giving; given; having given; being given) the prices for our products.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Corporation; standart; performance; exhibition; fair; design; import; factory; licence; business.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. Electric arc generates enough heat. 2. They tested the equipment at once. 3. They apply the flame directly to the metal edges. 4. They are coating the welding rod with flux. 5. He welded the parts properly.

Варіант 20

І. Визначте тип листа. Перекладіть його

Personnel Manager The Royal Hotel

RBM Company 5 Blue Street

27 Green Street Star City

Star City Dreamland


12th April, 2005

Dear Sir,

I would like to apply for the position of junior accountant which you advertised in yesterday’s City Times. I am a student in the Economics Department and I have been bookkeeping at my father’s firm for two years. I speak good English and feel that I am qualified to fill your position.

Please send any application forms that you want me to fill in and let me know if you would like to arrange an interview.

Yours faithfully

Adam Roy

II. Виберіть належне модальне дієслово (can, may, must) або його еквівалент.

1. He ... choose the right way out, he will have enough time.

2. We ... go home before it gets dark. 3. ... you buy a dictionary for me? 4. You ... take any book you like. 5. She ... do it at once. 6. She ... inform us beforehand or we will be late. 7. They ... submit their resumes before being interviewed. 8. Everyone ... get secondary and technical education. 9. I ...easily carry this trunk to the station.

III. Доберіть належні слова до наведених речень.

1. The goods you ordered are no longer ... . 2. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal ... and promotion of products, services or ideas. 3. I hope that this information will be of some ... to you. 4. ... will be made in accordance with your instructions. 5. We are ... some information about our new equipment.

(Attaching, assistance, available, presentation, delivery)

IV. Визначить належний тип дієприкметника та перекладіть речення.

1. They have discussed all ... (submitted, submitting, being submitted, having submitted) resumes. 2. In the hall there were some men ... (interviewed, having interviewed, being interviewed, interviewed) by the manager. 3. She addressed to a man ... (closing, having closed, being closed, closed) his car. 4. He called a waitress ... (serving, having served, served, being served) his table. 5. The applicant submitted their resumes ... (sending, being sent, having sent, sent) by mail.

V. Наведіть переклад термінів, підкресліть інтернаціоналізми.

Manager, equipment, appointment, agreement, negotiation, fair, salary, bonus, superior, form.

VI. Замініть речення в активному стані на речення в пасивному.

1. He selected proper electrodes for the success of the process.

2. They discussed the performances. 3. She has visited our partners at their stand already. 4. They will submit the Draft Contract. 5. We are buying tickets to London.

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