The decision of Jury isn't subject to revision

Regulation about carrying out the Competition program

«Job of the Master »

Of the

III International festival of folk crafts

Quot;Voice of crafts", Vologda

General provisions

The present regulation establishes the order of carrying out of the photography competition «Job of the Master» (further the Competition) in 2016 within the III international festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts".

The competition is held at the initiative of Office of culture and historical and cultural heritage of the City administration of Vologda.

The organizer of the competition – municipal autonomous cultural institution "The center of folk arts and crafts "Reznoy Palisad".

Goals and tasks of the Competition

- reflection of all sides of traditional folk culture, folk arts and crafts and drawing attention to the international festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts".

- accumulation of material about traditional folk culture, stimulation of revival and development of folk arts and crafts, promotion of the international festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts".

Order of carrying out and conditions of participation in the Competition:

For participation in photography competition are invited:

- professional photographers;

- amateurs irrespective of age, sex, place of residence, occupation and hobbies;

Conditions of participation in the Competition

- All applicants for participation in the Festival submit to the Organizing committee of the Festival the Application according to the Supplement 1.

- All participants of the Competition get "Diploma of the participant";

- Participants in advance agree on all organizational issues with the Organizing committee of the Festival;

- The expenses connected with transportation of participants to a venue of the Festival and back, accommodation at Festival operating time - are born by the directing party or participants;

Order of holding Photography contest

Photos of any genre and theme are accepted at the competition

- "Masters";

- "Crafts";

- "Folk culture";

- "Voice of Crafts festival in Vologda";

- No more than 5 works are accepted from each participant in each nomination;

- Participation of groups of authors, families, the organizations is allowed;

- All works have to be author's and belong to the participant;

The applicants convicted of plagiarism are disqualified!

Competition programs:

The photo contest consists of two programs:

1. "Job of the Master" - the photos reflecting activity of craftsmen or various crafts.

To participate in the program it is necessary to send the photos till 20th of May 2016 and mark them " Photography contest I".

2. "Voice of crafts" - the pictures taken in time the III International festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts" in Vologda.

To participate in the program it is necessary to send pictures to the Organizing committee taken during the festival from 23rd to 26th of June 2016 with a mark "Photography contest II" - till 20th of July 2016.

During the Competition each participant can expose not more than 3 (three) photos on the Competition subject in each program.

Photos are sent in electronic form to the Organizing committee of the Competition by e-mail: [email protected]

The photos sent to Photography contest can be rejected from participation in the cases of:

- non compliance to the scope of a competition;

- poor art or technical quality;

- photos in which it is possible to distinguish elements of violence, erotic, racial or religious intolerance.

Competition Jury

The expert assessment of the works presented at Photography competition is carried out by Competition Jury which structure is approved by Organizing committee of the III International festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts". The Competition committee considers the presented works, defines winners, carries out rewarding.

Works are estimated by Jury by the following criteria:

- compliance to a competition subject;

- originality;

- general perception;

- art level;

- technique and workmanship;

The decision of Jury isn't subject to revision.

Results of the Photography competition and rewarding of the participants:

Results of the Photo contest and rewarding of participants:

Winners of the Competition, according to the decision of Competition Jury are warded prizes – I, II, III place, in each program.

Prize-winning diplomas are signed by the Mayor of Vologda and the Chairman of Jury of the Competition, with the assistance of Jury and Organizers of a festival.

Summing up the Competition and rewarding of winners in the I program will take place at the closing ceremony of the III International festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts" at Kremlin Square of Vologda.

Summing up the Competition and rewarding of winners in the II program, will take place in the Center of culture "Krasny ugol". Date and time of the awards ceremony will be announced in addition to all declared participants.

The organizing committee of a festival and Jury of the Competition reserves the right to award special and additional prizes to participants of the Competition.

The exhibition of the best works will take place in "The center of folk arts and crafts "Reznoy Palisad" , the Center of culture "Krasny Ugol" and other sites of the city of Vologda.

Participants, whose works will reach the Competition final will get official invitation and the regulations of the Competition from Organizers (by e-mail, the registered mail or by phone).

Photos of winners will be included in the catalog of the Festival.

This Regulation includes the right of organizers to provide public access to materials of authors on the website of the festival and in social networks.

The organizer of a competition reserves an exclusive right to noncommercial use of photographic materials of participants of the Competition, in any form and any way which isn't contradicting the law for the publication in mass media, using resources of the Organizing committee, and also the printing of photos for the organization of the Job of the Master exhibition.

The address and contact phones of the organizing committee of the III International festival of folk crafts "Voice of crafts" :

Municipal autonomous cultural institution "The center of folk arts and crafts "Reznoy Palisad".

Russia, 160035, Vologda region, Vologda, Zasodimsky St., 5.

ph. 8 (8172) 72-06-58;

ph/ fax: 8 (8172) 72-04-85;

mob. / ph. 8-953-521-29-68

Contact persons:

Potochkina Valentina Valeryevna

Krylova Anna Vasilyevna

Tonkova Vladislava Vitalyevna

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