Ответ на вопрос 1. The text is about shopping in London. The text says that there are a number of shops and department stores with a wide range of goods to buy in them. Shopping for the residents or tourists can also be the chance to learn the history of the British capital.

Ответ на вопрос 2. (3 абзац)

Ответ на вопрос 3 Because some shops are busy, exciting, trendy, and there are lots of bargains! If all that shopping is too tiring, you can get some Chinese or Thai food, sit by the canal and have a drink.

Ответ на вопрос 4. Because it’s a world heritage site. You can have a walk round the market and shops, and then take in a bit of London's history. There's also the park, the meridian line, and the old observatory there.

(Аудирование. Слушаем)

1. The first speaker advises to throw away gas or electric cooker and throw away salt. He recommends to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and to drink as much water as possible. He says one should cut out soda and limit fruit juices, most of which are high calorie.

2. The mistake of many people is that they try to lose weight quickly. You should lose weight gradually. 3. It’s necessary to exercise to burn more than you take in.


Ответ на вопрос 1. This text is about one of the most famous and leading universities, which is located in Cambridge, near London. The text says about the foundation of the University and its development through centuries.

Ответ на вопрос 2. (3 абзац)

Ответ на вопрос 3. The jet engine was invented there. Scientists at Cambridge discovered the structure of human DNA.

Ответ на вопрос 4. Because of high standards research and teaching the university is usually ranked among the top five universities in the world.

(Аудирование. Слушаем)

1. Sara wants to become a star.

2. She saw an advertisement in a national newspaper and called the number.

3. The performance was special for Sara because it was on television.


Ответ на вопрос 1. The text is about one of the most useful global decisions – the creation of the World digital library. A huge amount of digital images from the earliest times to the present day can be found there.

Ответ на вопрос 2 (4 абзац)

Ответ на вопрос 3Visitors can search the library in different ways. They can enter historical dates to see what items were made in the world at that time. They can also sort their searches by similar topics or by country.

Ответ на вопрос 4. The digital library lets people see rare items from around the world, from some of the earliest written works to the modern ones.

(Аудирование. Слушаем)

1. In England this sign is called «at», other languages have more interesting names, such as «monkey’s tail», «little duck», «little trunk», «little dog», «elephant’s trunk» and «ear».

2. R. Tomlinson invented email without any reason, it was a fun thing to try out and it took him three to six hours to do.

3. No, it doesn’t. It is not the center of his life.


Ответ на вопрос 1. This text is a request of pupils of Gardane School to Education Minister. They need a new teacher for the senior class of their school.

Ответ на вопрос 2. (Из 3 абзаца)

Ответ на вопрос 3. Their last teacher got them to write down the history of the village which their grandparents knew; make a nature calendar so they learned more about farming and about the animals and plants in their valley; read all sorts of books and write a newspaper about their village.

Ответ на вопрос 4. In this case the pupils of Gardane School will have to leave their families and their valley to go to school.

(Аудирование. Слушаем)

1. The girl wants to go to France to practise her French.

2. Her Mum doesn’t like the idea.

3. Sara will pay for the trip herself.

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