Fileg n. Small bird ◇ Ety/381 ◇ See also filigod

filigod n.sing.of fileg small bird ◇ Ety/381

*fim adj. slim, slender ← Fimbrethil LotR/Index

fin- v. to be nimble (PE/17)

fоn (N. find) n. a tress ◇ PM/361-362

fing n. lock of hair ← Finglas "Leaflock" RC/386

finnel (N. findel) n. (braided) hair ◇ Ety/387, X/ND2

ᵲ fion n. hawk

fir- v. to die (for mortals)

fнreb adj. mortal ◇ WJ/387 ◇ fair+-eb

firen n. human ◇ Ety/381 ◇ fair+-en (PHIR)

firiath n. coll. of fair I, mortals, human beings ◇ WJ/219, WJ/387

fнriel n. fem. mortal maid ◇ Ety/382, PM/195, PM/232

firieth n. fem. mortal woman ◇ WJ/387 ◇ fair+-eth (PHIR)

firion n. masc. mortal man ◇ WJ/387

firith n. season of fading ◇ LotR/D

*flвd n. skin ← Fladrif LotR/E, TC/169, TC/173

ᵲflбdvнdh n. sweat ‘skin dew’ (flвd+mоdh)

foen n. long sight (also a name given to a mountain in Beleriand) WJ/187

forgam adj. right-handed ◇ Ety/382 ◇ fфr+cam

forn n. right, north ◇ Ety/382, UT/426, S/431

Forochel n. ‘North Ice’, an icy tundra region in the Northern Wastes where the Lossoth lived

forod n. north ◇ Ety/382, S/431, LotR/E◈ forodrim N. n. class pl. ◈ forodwaith N. n. class pl.

forodren adj. northern ◇ Ety/382 ◇ forod+-ren (PHOR)

forodrim n. class pl. of forod Northmen ◇ Ety/392 ◇ forod+rim

forodwaith n.class pl. of forod, 1. Northmen ○ ext. the lands of the North ◇ Ety/382, Ety/398, X/EI ◇ forod+gwaith

forven n. north ◇ Ety/382 ◇ fфr+mкn See also forod

forvo n. 1. right hand ○ ext., right side ◇ VT/47:6 ◇ for-vaw, fфr+maw

fыn. path ← [Raith >] Fui 'Ngorthrim RC/526

*fuia- v. to feel disgust at, abhor ◇ Ety/381

ᵲ fuiol adj. disgusting

fuin n. night, dead of night, gloom, darkness ◇ Ety/354, Ety/382, S/431

fuir adj. north ◇ VT/42:20

fur- v. to lie, to conceal the truth


ᵲ gach n. milk cow

gad- v. to catch ◇ Ety/358

ᵲ gadas n.abst.of gad- trap

gador n. prison, dungeon ◇ Ety/358

ᵲ gadoras adj. imprison, cage

ᵲ gadorphenn. prisoner (gador+pen)

gae n. dread ◇ Ety/358

gael adj. pale, glimmering ◇ Ety/358

gaer I adj. dreadful, awful, fearful ◇ Ety/358

†gaer II (N. goer) adj. red, copper-coloured, ruddy ◇ Ety/358, X/OE

†gaeruil n. seaweed ← gaer PM/363, Ety/396 ◇ gaer+uil

Gaerys n. a name for the Maia Ossл

gail n. bright light ◇ Ety/362

¶ ᵲ gais n. steel

¶ ᵲ gaithren adj. of steel (gais+ren)

¶ ᵲ gaiw n. pregnant

gal- pref. light, radiance ← galvorn, etc.

*gala- v. to grow ◇ Ety/357

galadn. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) VT/45:13

Galadh n. large tree (such as oak and beech), thicker, denser and with more branches than a tree described as being orn ◇ Ety/357, S/427, LotR/E, LB/354, RGEO/73, Letters/426 see also orn

*galadhad n. dual pl. of galadh, the Two Trees of Valinor ← Orgaladhad LotR/D

galadhon of galadh ← Caras Galadhon LotR/II:VII, LotR/F, UT/425

*galadhremmen adj. tree-woven, tree-tangled ◇ LotR/E, LotR/II:I, RGEO/72 ◇ galadh+remmen

galadhrim n.class pl. of galadh Elves of Lothlуrien ◇ LotR ◇ galadh+rim "people of the trees"

galas n.abst.of gala-, growth, plant ◇ Ety/357

galenas n. pipe-weed (leaf) or "westmansweed", a variety of Nicotiana (tobacco) ◇ LotR/V:VIII

†galu (N. galw) n. blessings, blessedness, good fortune (meaning not entirely clear) ◇ Ety/357, X/W

galvorn n. a black metal devised by the dark elf Eol ◇ WJ/322-323, S/398 ◇ gal-+morn

gammas n.abst.of gamp, s-sign (special sign used to mark a final -s in Tengwar) ◇ VT/45:14

gamp n. hook, claw, crook ◇ Ety/357, VT/47:20

*ganna- (nganna) v. to play a harp ◇ Ety/377 See also gannada-

*gannada- (ngannada) v. to play a harp ◇ Ety/377 See also ganna-

gannel (ngannel) (N. gandel) n. harp ◇ Ety/377, X/ND2

*gar- v. to hold, have ◇ Ety/360

Garaf (ngaraf) n. wolf ◇ Ety/377 See also draug

gardh n. 1. bounded or defined region ○ 2. by ext. world ◇ WJ/402

garn n. own, property ◇ Ety/360

garth n. fort, fortress ◇ Ety/360

ᵲ gartha- v. to defend

gas n. hole, gap ◇ Ety/357

gasdil n. "stopgap", name of a diacritic sign used to indicate that g had been lenited to zero ◇ Ety/354, Ety/357 ◇ gas+dоl

gath n. cavern ◇ Ety/358

gathrod n. cave ◇ Ety/358 ◇ gath+grфd (GAT(H))

gaud n. device, contrivance, machine ◇ Ety/358

gaul (ngaul) n. wolf-howl ◇ Ety/377

Gaur(ngaur) n. werewolf ◇ Ety/377 ◈ See alsogaurhoth, gaurwaith

gaurhoth (ngaurhoth) n. class pl. of gaur, group of werewolves ◇ LotR/II:IV ◇ gaur+hoth "wolf-host

gaurwaith (ngaurwaith) n. class pl. of gaur, wolf-men ◇ UT/85, UT/90 ◇ gaur+gwaith

gavarn. an Avar, one of the Avari PE/17

gaw n. void ◇ Ety/358

gaw- (ngaw) v. to howl ◇ Ety/377, X/Z

gawa- v. to disguise, falsify (PE/17)

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