The place of the subject in the structure of the study program


Dean of the higher school

__________________ N.E.Botabayev

(name, signature)


THE SYLLABUS of the subject

“Technology of branches of food products”__(TOPP 3307)

(discipline code)


Specialty: 5B072800 - " Technology of food productions "
Course: __3___, Semester: __5____
Number of credits KZ___3_____ ECTS___3______
Lectures __30______hours
Laboratory classes __15______hours
SIW ___45_____hours
SIWT ___45_____hours
Midterm control: 7th and 15th weeks
Examination _____5____semester

Information about the teacher:Zheleuova Zhazira Suleevna - Senior Lecturer, Master of TFP, field of scientific work - development of scientific principles and methods food chemistry, advancement of technology of food productions.

Office: chair Technology and Safety of Food Products

Address: Shymkent city, Tauke Khan avenue, 5,block D, office 313

Phone: 211984

Е-mail: [email protected]

SIWT: (according to the time -table)

The place of the subject in the structure of the study program - Shymkent, 2016

The SYLLABUS has been developed in accordance with the course program on the subject “Technology of branches of food products” and approved at the meeting of the department “Technology and Safety of Food Products”.

Minutes No.1 dated from “29” August 2016

Head of the chair ___________________ Shingisov A.U.


The SILLABUS has been approved by the Committee on innovational technologies of training and Methodical provision of higher school “Textile and Food Engineering

Minutes No.____ dated from “_____” ____________ 2016

Chairman of the Committee ____________Sabalahova A.P.

(signature, surname, initials)

Administrator of the higher school _________________ Beyssenbaeyeva Sh.

(signature, date)

Responsible of the higher school for training in foreign languages

___________Kantureeva G.O.

(signature, surname, initials)

Date “______”________2016

Aims, tasks and place of the subject in the structure of the study program

1.1 Aims of studying the subject: consists information at students of representation about essence and problems of the theory of formation and preservation of quality of foodstuff; studying of features of the production technology of the food goods for finding-out of the reasons causing their qualities and distinctions between separate grades; studying of the changes occurring in food goods in the course of its movement from the manufacturer to the consumer.

1.2 Tasks of studying the subject:

- reception of profound knowledge on theoretical and practical bases of manufacture of food products;

- mastering of receptions practical application of standards, specifications;

- acquisition of skills in studying of technological schemes of manufacture of the major foodstuff.

The place of the subject in the structure of the study program

The subject “Commodity research of processing productions products” is referred to the cycle of EM disciplines (Component for choice BDC) and is included in the module and included in the module Food chemistry.

2. Requirements for preparedness (competencies) of students “at the entry” and at the end of the study of a subject (pre-requisites and post-requisites)

To study the subject students should possess the following competencies:

Competencies Pre-requisites
research dependence property of substances from they composition and structure; - compare the methods for discriminating, clearing and identification of organic compounds «Inorganic and organic chemistry»
apply the skills and reception of analytical experiments on analytical equipments «Analytical chemistry» «Physical and colloid chemistry»
-describe kinds, properties and results of change of food basic components: protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral matters; - explain the positive/negative role of microorganisms in progress of foodstuffs; - analyze the biochemical processes, in progress at the manufacture of basic foodstuffs «Biochemistry»

After studying the subjects students acquire the following competencies:

Competencies Post-requisites
CC 1 Ability to analysis and synthesis application General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products  
CC 2 Ability to application of logic and critical thinking for the decision of problems
CC 3 Ability to perception and development of knowledge
CC 4 Ability competently to communicate on state, Russian and foreign languages
CC 5 Ability to put knowledge into practice 2,3rd practical training; Externship
Professional competences:
PC 1- To understand a physiological role of the basic compound substances in a food of the person, to know optimum structure and diet structure General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products  
PC 2 – Ability to understand the biochemical processes promotes perfection and management of technology in the food-processing industry General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products  
PC 3 - Ability to estimate processing methods and modes of processing of raw materials of principal views of food production General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products
PC 4 – ability to take to pieces biochemical processes, in progress in the manufacture of basic foodstuffs 2,3rd practical training; Externship
PC 5 – To develop ways of produce ecological safety foodstuff, well-balanced on macro- and micronutrient General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products
PC 6 – Ability to conduct laboratory researches for the purpose of revealing of influence of various factors on raw materials components General technology of food products, Control estimation of quality of raw materials and food products

Learning outcomes (LO):

Descriptors Code of LO Learning outcomes (LO) Competencies
А To demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the studying field, including the elements of most advanced knowledge in this field А1   - reception of profound knowledge on theoretical and practical bases of manufacture of food products; CC4, PC4 PC 2
В To use this knowledge and understanding at professional level В1   mastering of receptions practical application of standards, specifications; CC5, PC1  
С To formulate the arguments and solve the problems in the field studied С1   acquisition of skills in studying of technological schemes of manufacture of the major foodstuff. CC1, PC6
D To conduct gathering and interpretation of information in order to form opinions taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations D1   CC2, PC3
E Ability of further continuation of self-learning Е1   CC5, PC2

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