The history of smallpox and smallpox vaccination to E.Dzhennera


No other medical science, mankind is not obliged to rescue so many lives, how vaccinology. Enormous progress has been made in this science in recent years. Now, most people are accustomed to the fact that the most difficult and dangerous disease can be prevented with a simple vaccination. But several centuries ago mankind was almost defenseless before the awful ferocious epidemics, claiming countless lives. The first tangible success in combating them succeeded an English physician and naturalist Edward Jenner.

Those who did not die from smallpox, could remain disabled, if smallpox spared life, it is often left behind indelible marks. Many people were mutilated scars, one is deprived of hearing, others - of (cause of blindness in 70% of cases was small pox). In medieval Europe, smallpox epidemics were so frequent and totally that doctors had the firm conviction that every person should have had smallpox. The famous doctor of the XVII century called Sydenham pox "loathsome disease, which claimed more victims in the grave than any other epidemic than gunpowder and war."

In the Middle Ages, small-pox mortality reached 80%. In America, entire tribes were wiped out of this dangerous disease. At the end of XVII and the beginning of XVIII century, smallpox took the true dimensions of the disaster. When a smallpox epidemic had come to Mexico, died from her three and a half million people. Professor of medicine at Halle IK Juncker determined number of annual deaths from smallpox in Europe, 400 000 people. Infection kidnapped every tenth settlements died out, no one class was not immune from infection, especially great was the mortality rate among children. In Berlin alone over the period 1758-1774 years died of smallpox 6705 people.

For 50 years smallpox claimed the eleven members of the Austrian imperial house. Empress Maria Theresa, already being in old age, contracted and nearly died; her son, the Emperor Joseph I, the wife of Joseph II and two Archduchess died, despite the best efforts of doctors. Next, the list goes on a number of deaths of members of the royal house.

He died of smallpox and the Russian Emperor Peter II, was infected 18 January 1730 from his friend Prince Grigory Dolgoruky. It has played a dramatic role banal Russian irresponsibility. Dolgoruky, who suffered from smallpox children, came to Peter II to visit and welcoming, kissed him. A few days later Peter II there were pockmarks on his face, and a week later he was dead.

Over the years, attempts have been made to find appropriate ways to prevent smallpox. In the treatises dating from about 1000 BC, describes one of the ways to deal with smallpox - dried crust patient with smallpox are ground into powder and blown into the nose or the upper respiratory tract of healthy human, also practiced vaccinating healthy people tissue taken from human, had undergone a mild form of smallpox. This was done in the hope that the grafted so sick man himself only a mild form of smallpox and after recovery will gain immunity.

In Eastern civilizations of China and India to use artificial means of safety against smallpox epidemic - so-called variolation (variola - pox), ie the method of active immunization against smallpox introduction of a sick person the contents of smallpox bubbles. This method existed for millennia, and in Europe itself, the vaccine has been long known. For this purpose, the Chinese put on their kids shirt taken from the dead from smallpox. In the East, in the nostrils of healthy people administered dried smallpox pus bubbles the recovered patient. A healthy person ill with smallpox mild and then got immunity to it for life. The same method has been known in some European countries. But especially it was not available, as it was extremely risky and often lead to death. Often a healthy person ill severe form. Guarantees could not give one. It was dangerous, but the only way to deal with smallpox at the time.

The first official certificate of inoculation time of the invention relates to 1717. It was noted the wife of the British Ambassador in Constantinople, Lady Wortley-Montague. Lady Montague met in the Turkish capital with a young Circassian, who defended his appearance on smallpox inoculation. At the same time Montague received a letter sent by her friend Sarah Chiruell of Adrianople: "Smallpox, which produces in us such a strange devastation - says Sara - here, thanks to the existence of vaccination, disease becomes innocent. Several old women do this procedure each fall usually in September, when the heat subsides. They bring in the shell liquid smallpox, reveal a long needle one of the veins and inject into it a number of the inoculum which can be kept at the end of the needle. Superstitious people do vaccinations on the forehead, chest and both hands to get the image of the cross, less superstitious - the legs and hidden parts of the hand. From vaccinations they are formed on the face 20 to 30 pustules, and after 8 days, patients completely recover. "

Greek doctors, have long been familiar with the inoculation, Lady Montague explained the value of vaccinations, and she is convinced their arguments made Variolation himself and his two children. In 1721 Montague returned to London and announced their happy discovery. To check her messages made vaccination smallpox seven criminals condemned to death, promising them liberation, if the experiment succeeds. When it was found that all seven undergoing inoculation, moved well vaccinated and thus were insured against smallpox, then all the royal family followed the example of Lady Montague.

Thereafter variolation began to spread across England and further across the continent. However, its distribution was not without difficulty and very slowly. And this despite the fact that, in its defense could be heard many authoritative voices. Leading doctors urged Variolation and pointed to the fact that so people dare to fight against the highest predestination, others saw it as a devilish thing, and statistical studies have proved that variolation reduces mortality from smallpox by 2.5%.

Vaccinated smallpox dissuaded many obstacles. For example, in 1745, the Paris Faculty of Medicine a vaccination called "frivolous, crime, means of magic." And this despite the fact that all direct descendants of Louis XVI died from smallpox. I was no exception and his great-grandson, later known as Louis XV, the information in the grave in May 1774 at the age 64y.o. same smallpox. They say, if the rot royal body was so strong that I had to put it after death, embalming, in a lead coffin, which are killed in the double wooden box, was taken away quickly and quietly in Saint-Denis, where, down to the grave, sealed.

inoculation danger was relatively small, the statistics of those years shows that out of 300 vaccinated people died hardly one. But, on the other hand, contributed to strengthening variolation smallpox epidemics. So, in 1794 in Hamburg was played terrible epidemic through mass vaccination. In England in 1840, and in Prussia in 1835 Variolation banned by law. The reason for this was not what variolation does more harm than good. The point is different: variolation, cures in a few cases, did not produce tangible results. The situation changed radically only in 1796, as there was a most effective means and the greatest merit of Edward Jenner.

English physician E. Jenner in 1776, during a devastating epidemic, accidentally made a great discovery of the protective power of cowpox. He noticed that milkmaids, ill with cowpox never sick man. Taking this observation as a basis, he developed a method of vaccination (the word "vaccine" - from the Latin "Vacca - cow"), which brought salvation to millions of people from the previously invincible disease. This was the second birth of smallpox vaccination. Vaccination vaccinia spread quickly and was absolutely safe.

Biography E.Dzhennera

Edward Jenner (Jenner) was born May 17, 1749 in the town of Berkeley, Gloucester County in England. He was the third son in a family of wealthy vicar. Primary education he received in the parish school. Then studied surgery at one doctor in Sudbury, and went to his countryman in London to study medicine under the guidance of John Hunter (Hunter, 1728-1793), one of the founders of experimental pathology and anatomical and physiological trend in surgery, the founder of scientific school in 20 years. According to historian Gezera, none of his contemporaries could not be compared with Hunter on the level of medical knowledge. Despite the large age difference, Hunter and Jenner linked sincere friendship. By the way, Jenner was not bad musician and poet, and Hunter loved art.

Even as a student sedberiyskogo doctor Jenner proved unwitting witness to a curious conversation about smallpox. The coach some farmer talk about the protective power of cowpox, as a fact generally known among her countrymen. "I can not get this plague, - she said - because I had cowpox."

It is said that Jenner once told Hunter about their thinking, whether the vaccine can not (cowpox) really protect against smallpox. "Do not think, and try it!" - He received the answer. These words of the teacher led the student to take up his famous experiments.

After graduating classes in London, Jenner returned to his native land, in Berkeley, although he offered to take part in a circumnavigation of the famous Cook. One day in the family of a farmer's daughter fell ill with smallpox. Everyone who courted her, too sick, except for a young girl who used to work on the farm as a milkmaid. Jenner guessed why this girl is not ill, being a long time in contact with the patient. Dr Jenner was known that this girl once at milking cows by touching the udder covered with pustules, contracted smallpox. The disease she suffered lightly, though her fingers were like the blisters (vesicles), and then the scars. It was easy to guess that she appeared immunity.

First of all, Jenner found the following fact: cowpox only at certain points is shown in animals Gnoevoy boils. If it instill in man, it is and it is found exclusively on the site of implantation. Thus it never causes inflammation in other parts of the body.

To test the people's opinion on the safety forces cowpox, Jenner exposed several persons who have had this disease inoculation. It was found that vaccination of smallpox did not act on them, they're not sick. Thus, the therapeutic and preservative value of vaccinia virus was no doubt. Only after a series of such experiments, Jenner decided to artificially inoculate people cowpox. For twenty years, Jenner artificially planted cowpox to people, and then checked by inoculation, whether or not they lose sensitivity to human smallpox.

The next step Jenner was an attempt to take the pus for inoculation are not cows, and people already vaccinated with vaccinia. By this stage, he came May 14, 1796, when the first such vaccination produced, transported vaccine with hands thrush Sarah Nelmz on hand 8-year-old boy, James Phipps (Phillips). Vaccination has found all the signs of vaccinia: around the incisions appeared redness and blisters, body temperature increased, but these were limited and all disease processes. Subsequently grateful to James Phipps Jenner built a house and planted himself in his rose garden.

Fruits vaccinations completely cleared, when in July of the same year Variolation Jenner made this boy: smallpox had not arisen. So observation and experiments conclusively proved protective effect of vaccination, ie vaccination vaccinia. After checking all the facts and making sure that there is no error here, Jenner published his findings in the book «Inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae» (1798). He issued this work in spite of the opinion of the Royal Society of England, which was previously returned him the manuscript and advised not to endanger his scientific reputation, "fantasy".

Jenner Parliament reimburse the costs that it incurred in the course of numerous experiments, and decided: to issue additional Jenner in 1802, 10 thousand pounds sterling, and double that amount in five years. Jenner was lucky he was not an example to other innovators lived to the time when its discovery was recognized by the entire scientific community. From 1803 until the end of his days Jenner led the company they founded smallpox vaccination in London, now Dzhennerovsky Institute. After the death of the scientist, the ensuing January 26, 1823, in memory of him was erected his statue in Trafalgar Square in London.

The history of smallpox and smallpox vaccination to E.Dzhennera

Doctors recently sought remedies against smallpox - the terrible punishment of God. Empirical observations show that people just endured smallpox, immune from the secondary disease. This gave reason to believe that better artificially infected by this time, when the body is particularly strong, and therefore is more likely to happily transfer the disease.

However, instilling smallpox dissuaded many obstacles. For example, in 1745, the Paris Faculty of Medicine a vaccination called "frivolous, crime, means of magic." And this despite the fact that all direct descendants of Louis XIV died of smallpox. I was no exception and his five year old great grandson, later known as Louis XV, the information in the grave in May 1774 at the age of 64 years, the same smallpox. They say, if the rot royal body was so strong that I had to put it after death, embalming, in a lead coffin, which are killed in the double wooden box, was taken away quickly and quietly in Saint-Denis, where, down to the grave, sealed.

In the Middle Ages, small-pox mortality reached 80 percent. In America, entire tribes were wiped out of this dangerous disease listed satellites to Pizarro. At the end of XVII and the beginning of XVIII century, smallpox took the true dimensions of the disaster. When a smallpox epidemic had come to Mexico, died from her three and a half million people. Apostle Stahl's teachings, a professor of medicine at Halle, JC Juncker determined number of annual deaths from smallpox in Europe 400 thousand people. Infection stole one in ten settlements were deserted, no one class was not insured, especially great was the mortality rate among children. In Berlin alone over the period 1758-1774 years died of smallpox 6705 people.

For 50 years smallpox claimed the eleven members of the Austrian imperial house. Empress Maria Theresa, when he was in his old age, contracted and nearly died; her son, the Emperor Joseph I, the wife of Joseph II and two Archduchess died, despite the best efforts of doctors. Among the other royals, who died from a strange infection, mention of the Elector of Saxony, the last Elector of Bavaria, William II of Orange; in the family of William III - his father, mother, wife, uncle, cousin and sister. He himself was sick and almost died. Next, the list keeps a number of members of the English royal house.

He died of smallpox and the Russian Emperor Peter II, was infected 18 January 1730 from his friend Prince Grigory Dolgoruky. Manifested banal Russian carelessness. Dolgoruky, who suffered from smallpox children, came to Peter II, and kissed him. A few days later Peter II there were pockmarks on his face, and he died a week later.

In Eastern civilizations of China and India means artificial safety against smallpox epidemic - so-called variolation (variola - pox), ie the method of active immunization against smallpox introduction of the contents of human smallpox patient bubbles existed millennia, and in Europe itself, the vaccine has been a long time known. For this purpose, the Chinese put on their kids shirt taken from the dead from smallpox. In the East, in the nostrils of healthy people administered dried smallpox pus bubbles the recovered patient. A healthy person ill with smallpox mild and then got immunity to it for life. The same method has been known in some European countries, but not particularly been circulated, as it was extremely risky and often lead to death. Often a healthy person ill severe form. Guarantees could not give one. It was dangerous, but the only way to deal with smallpox at the time.

The first official certificate of inoculation time of the invention relates to 1717. It was noted the wife of the British Ambassador in Constantinople, Lady Wortley-Montague (M.W. Montagu, 1689-1762). Lady Montague met in the Turkish capital with a young Circassian, who defended his appearance on smallpox inoculation. At the same time Montague received a letter sent by her friend Sarah Chiruell of Adrianople: "Smallpox, which produces in us such a strange devastation - says Sara - here, thanks to the existence of vaccination, disease becomes innocent. Several old women do this procedure each fall usually in September, when the heat subsides. They bring in the shell liquid smallpox, reveal a long needle one of the veins and inject into it a number of the inoculum which can be kept at the end of the needle. Superstitious people do vaccinations on the forehead, chest and both hands to get the image of the cross, less superstitious - the legs and hidden parts of the hand. From vaccinations have 20-30 pustules formed on his face, and after 8 days, patients completely recover. "

Greek doctors, have long been familiar with the inoculation, explained the importance of vaccination Lady Montague and she convinced their arguments made Variolation himself and his two children. In 1721 Montague returned to London and announced their happy discovery. To check her messages made vaccination smallpox seven criminals condemned to death, promising them liberation, if the experiment succeeds. When it was found that all seven undergoing inoculation, moved well vaccinated and thus were insured against smallpox, then all the royal family followed the example of Lady Montague.

Thereafter variolation began to spread across England and further across the continent. However, its distribution was not without difficulty and very slowly. And this despite the fact that in its defense could be heard many authoritative voices. So, advanced practitioners and Voltaire himself urged her and d'Alembert statistical studies proved that variolation reduced the mortality from smallpox by 2.5 percent. Furthermore, to instill smallpox itself Catherine II and Maria Theresa Variolation diligently spreading among his subjects, and Frederick II in one of his letters suggests some German princess who lost her two children from smallpox, smallpox vaccine to protect the third. However, some doctors have pointed out that so people dare to fight against the highest predestination, others saw it as a devilish deal.

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