The system of court in the United States


Вариант 1 (номер зачетной книжки заканчивается на 1, 2 или 3)

Задание 1.Переведите на русский язык и определите видовременную форму глагола и его залог:

1. Most of Magistrates’ Courts consist of two to seven lay Magistrates.

2. They are introducing their cases in the Crown Court.

3. At last the Judicial Committee has heard appeals from superior court.

4. Solicitors instructed Barristers on questions of law and legal document.

5. Each state runs its own court system and no two are identical.

6. When the Constitution was first proposed and adopted it did not contain guarantees of certain basic Freedoms and individual rights.

7. The Bill of Rights also deals with the system of justice.

8. He will be examining the crime scene in an hour.

9. They were committing the robbery at 5 o’clock yesterday.

Задание 2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений:

1. Some of the State law is found in the state constitution and the status is passed by legislature.

2. A genera trial court in the states sometime called a district court.

3. Thus, as a price for obtaining testimony of a witness, the accused with means.

4. In any election year only one third of the senate is affected.

5. We know something interesting that can be useful for investigation of the treason.

6. In England felony (any of the more serious crimes such as murder, rape, arson) is punishable in the same way as misdemeanor.

7. In some states the warrant may be executed only in the county of the court issuing the warrant.

8. Police discipline codes are designed to prevent any abuse of the considerable power enjoyed by a police officer.

9. Anyone accused of a crime, except murder or treason, is entitled to apply for release or bail.

Задание 3.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод конструкции there is / are:

1. There are about 100 Federal courts through the country.

2. How many district courts are there in every state?

3. There were on the statute books some substantive laws which in practice tend to operate unequally against the poor.

4. Outside the three-layer federal court there are numerous special courts such as the court of claims and the tax court.

5. There is a lot of evidence that proves this fact.

6. There are 52 police forces or police authorities in Britain each employed and paid by their local councils.

7. There are no limitations as to the type of account information the bank may give to criminal investigators.

8. There were the merchant police hired to protect the markets, banks and commercial business.

9. Is there a US attorney in each federal judicial district?

10. Is there usually consultation between government departments & the legal profession, the police, the probation service & voluntary bodies?

Задание 4.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов:

1. To plead not guilty you often have to wait until all the guilty pleas have been handled.

2. The prosecutor is to call 104 witnesses some 60 of whom are FBI agents, policemen or prison personal.

3. The Supreme Court justice may be a senator, an Attorney General, a teacher in a law school.

4. Which actions can the police take when a person has been arrested in connection with the serious arrestable offence, but has not yet been charged?

5. In what cases must a person under the detention scheme be released immediately?

6. It is a basic principle of the British criminal justice system that accused people should not be remanded in custody except where strictly necessary.

7. If the bail is refused, the defendant may apply to a High Court judge or to the Crown Court for bail, and application can be made to the Crown Court.

8. Even in cases of murder or treason, bail may be granted at the discretion of the Lord Advocate or a quorum of the High Court.

9. The trial of a person with a summary offence & held in custody must begin within 40 days of the date of first appearance in Court.

10. The trial of a person with a summary offence and held in custody must begin within 40 days of the date of first appearance in court.

Задание 5.Прочтите и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопрос: Are there any other courts in the USA besides the Supreme Court?

The system of court in the United States

The judicial branch has the responsibility of judging the constitutionality of acts of law. According to Article 3 of the Constitution “the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish”.

There are about 100 Federal courts throughout the country, final authority resting in the United States Supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the United States. It includes a Chief Justice and eight associate justices. They are all appointed by the Senate.

Under the Constitution the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction (i.e., it is the court in which proceeding may be brought in the first instance) in case affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and cases in which a state is a party. In all other cases coming within the judicial power of the United States, the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction is only appellate, and is subject to exceptions and regulations by Congress.

The Supreme Court cannot alter the Constitution. The Court’s function is to interpret the Constitution, but not to alter or modify it.

Besides the US Supreme Court there are various other Federal courts, including the district courts and courts of appeals.

The Courts of Appeals were organized to relieve the Supreme Court of pressure resulting from the accumulation of appellate cases. In general these courts have final jurisdiction over the great masses of litigation not involving constitutional cases. The district court is the only Federal court where trials are used, and witnesses are called. Each state has at least one district court; a few has as many as four. District courts are also found in Washington, D.C., and the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Panama Canal Zone. Each court has from one to twenty four judges, depending on the volume of business, but each judge holds court separately. In most states the lowest courts are the magistrate courts or police courts, where the judge or magistrate can send a drunk to jail for 30 days, or fine a motorist for speeding, without the aid of jury. Some of the states have special traffic courts, probate courts, or other special courts among their courts of small claims. The magistrate may also have authority to receive a man accused of murder and decide whether to hold him for trial in a higher court.

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