Ex.6. Translate the following sentences. Be sure that you know the meaning of the following words.


Запропоновані контрольні завдання розроблені для студентів V курсу факультету РТФ заочної форми навчання, з метою підсумкового контролю знань студентів протягом четвертого навчального року.

Контрольні завдання складаються з 2 контрольних робіт, що поділені на два підсумкових блоки стосовно мовного матеріалу.

Кількість контрольних робіт, виконаних на кожному курсі, встановлюється учбовим закладом. Виконувати кожну контрольну роботу доцільно в окремому зошиті. Після одержання незадовільної рецензії рекомендується отримати додаткову консультацію з боку викладача.

Контрольна робота повинна бути виконана письмово у зошиті.

Зразок оформлення контрольної роботи:

Контрольна робота

з англійської мови

варіант №________

студента(ки) факультету_________

групи _____


Перевірив(ла): ___________

У процесі підготовки до заліків та екзаменів рекомендується передивитись матеріал відрецензованих контрольних робіт.

До заліку допускаються студенти, які виконали програмні контрольні роботи та інші завдання в обсязі, передбаченому програмою.

Контрольна робота N 1

Ex.1. Underline the correct alternatives.

1. On /in/bycombining these binary digits, or bits, in the proper manner, decimal numbers can be represented.

2. The reduction in/with/of manufacturing cost is achieved because many similar circuits may be fabricated simultaneously..

3. Scientists and engineers have concerned themselves to/in/with producing smaller components.

4. This can be accomplished by/with/atdifferentiating and rectifying a waveform.

5. It consists of/at/in sending analogue information upon/on/by transforming it into a series of binary digits.

Ex.2. Find the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood, underline them and translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. The necessary calculations might have been done.

2. The ion rocket would probably use cesium as a working fuel.

3. During the next decade it would certainly be possible to build a manned rocket for the flight to other planets.

4. If a thermometer be placed in a container of hot water, the temperature would rise much more rapidly at first.

Ex.3.. Find the Gerund, state its function and translate the sentences.

1. Translating from one language to another has been accomplished by automatic computer.

2. From earliest times systems for weighing objects and for measuring them have been in use.

3. Flying training requires some special types of planets.

4. Landing on a planet (and getting home again) is a problem which has not been solved.

Ex.4. Find the elliptical constructions, study them and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. A shell cannot alter its course while in flight.

2. Every body, whether a planet or a ship, obeys the law of Universal gravitation attraction.

3. The device is readily adjusted, if necessary.

4. Though a quarter of a million miles away, the Moon is our nearest neighbor in space.

Ex.5.. Translate the following sentences, in which the noun is guided by two pronouns that are joined by the conjunction.


An antenna radiates most efficiently at or near its fundamental wave.- Антена випромінює найбільш ефективно на основній хвилі чи поряд з нею.


  1. At the beginning of the 20th century people did not think of flying at or above the speed of sound.
  2. This tube was designed for and will find its widest application in colour TV receivers.
  3. The vast majority of transformers receive power from and deliver power to circuits with approximately constant potentials.
  4. By using magnetometers and telemetering it is possible to study electrical currents flowing in and beyond the ionosphere.

Ex.6. Translate the following sentences. Be sure that you know the meaning of the following words.

1. Some people can hear sounds as high as 20.000 cycles.

2. In the chemical rocket the temperature of gases may be as high as 3.500 Centigrade.

3. The voltage dropped to as low as 25 volts.

Ex.7.. Translate the followings terms containing as the first component the world “long” “ довгий “ , “тривалий“.

Model : long-endurance flight - політ на тривалість.

  1. long-range gun
  2. long-run test
  3. long-distance cable
  4. long-time memory
  5. long-wave transmitter
  6. long-life device
  7. long-distance record
  8. long-distance telephone
  9. long-duration test
  10. long-term records

Ex.8. Translate from English into Ukrainian paying attention to the different meaning of the translation of the following word combinations:

It follows that – звідси виходить, що

It takes - потрібно

It turns out that – виявляється , що

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