The Development of Radio Engineering and


1. The invention of electronic devices whose activity is based upon the flew of free electrons in a vacuum is known to have considerably enlarged the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. It has become an important phase in the development of electrical engineering as a whole. It is electronic devices that made it possible to solve the problem of obtaining high frequency currents which are the basis of radio engineering, television, "talkies", radar and other very important branches of modern engineering.

2. Radio, one of the most important achievements, being inven­ted by a Russian scientist Popov A.S. is known to everybody. Sin­ce then great progress has been made in radioengineering, radio communication, radio broadcasting and television. We have become so used to these means of communication that we can't imagi­ne our life without the.

3. We know the theory of radio-transmitting and radio-recei­ving devices to be worked out in the early 30's. Academician Vvedensky contributed a great deal to the successful development of radio electronics, his investigations in the field of propa­gation of ultra-short waves being of particularly great significance. The results of his researches are widely used in television, radar and other fields of radio electronics.

4. Without radio electronics we wouldn't have cybernetics, cosmonautics and nuclear physics. Today electronics has started a new era.

- In industry electronics is sure to play the leading place in automation.

- Electronics being widely used in space research, it becomes possible to solve many problems which previously were the sub­ject of science fiction.

- Electronics applied to medicine has already produced signifi­cant results in diagnosis and treatment.

- We believe electronically controlled appliances in the home to replace domestic drudgery. Electronic data processing machines being used in the office will replace mental drudgery.

talkies — звуковое кино

Упр. 4. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. What was academician Vvedensky's contribution to the successful development of radio electronics?

2. What are the most important fields of successful application of electronics?


Вариант III

Упр. 1. Спишите следующие предложения, подчеркните неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. To be fully effective control must start with the production of raw materials.

2. Metals dо not melt until being heated to a definite temperature.

3. To give a true picture of a surrounding matter is the true task of natural sciences.

4. This paper aims at acquainting the readers with modern achievements in machine-building.

5. The problem to be considered next is connected with microcomputers.

Упр. 2. Спишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитивный оборот (объектный или субъектный). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The experiment proved the substance to be a semiconductor.

2. You surely don't expect me to do all this work in one day.

3. Alpha reys were found to be merely positively charged helium atoms.

4. During our laboratory test we saw the pressure fall ra­pidly.

5. All technical students are supposed to know the foundamentals of programming.

Упр. 3. Прочтите и переведите текст устно на русский язык. Выпишите в словарь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом. К собеседованию подготовьте чтение и перевод всего текста. Спишите и письменно переведите 1-й и 2-й абзацы текста.



The development of electronic technology brought to the appearance of microelectronic devices. Microelectronic devices are known to be made of transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc. But the difference is that all these elements are fabricated in (on) a crystal of semiconductor materials, silicon and gallium arsenide are the most popular. Now an individual integrated circuit (IС) on a chip can have a million of transistors.

The first generation of commercially produced microelectronic devices are being referred to as small-scale integrated circuits. The second type presents large-scale integrated circuits (LSI). The large-scale integrated circuits contain tens of thousands of elements, yet the complete circuit being less than a quarter of an inch square.

Microelectronic technology made transistors and other cir­cuit elements almost invisible to our eyes. The smaller the transistor is by size, the faster it works. This technology also reduced the distances between circuit components. Microelectronic devices need less floor space, require a small power supply. Less testing is needed in the course of production. Integrated electronics is being developed. Efforts are being made to get more and more circuit functions. The second task is to create new types of functions.

If we speak about circuit design, there are two basic app­roaches to modern microelectronics. These are monolithic integ­rated circuits and file circuits. Monolithic circuits combine all traditional microwave functions of analog circuits as well as new digital applications. Film circuits consist of passive electronic components and active semiconductor devices. The development of microelectronics gave birth to a microprocessor, which forms the heart of a microcomputer. Microprocessors are used in many types of equipment. Microelectronic technology will continue to widen man's intellectual abilities in future.

Упр. 4. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. What differs microelectronic devices from ordinary electronic devices?

2. What are the two main approaches to circuit design?


Вариант I

Упр. 1. Спишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения с зависимыми оборотами и независимыми причастными оборотами.

1. Computing machines being used for many purposes, scientists go on improving their characteristics.

2. The analogue computer is used in industrial automatic processes, its main function being to relate physical changes and variables.

3. Space flights requiring complicated calculations, computing machines are used for the purpose.

4. The conclusions of science, based on observation and reasoning, can be no more accurate than the observation made or the reasonning used.

5. The atmosphere always contains some moisture varing not only from day to day, but from hour to hour.

Упр. 2. Спишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундиальных оборотов в различных функциях.

1. In spite of not having аnу university education, Faraday made his great discoveries.

2. He insisted on my being examined by a doctor.

3. His being absent from the lesson was very strange.

Упр. 3. Спишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на перевод форм сослагательного наклонения.

1. It is important that the law be observed.

2. He recommended that they should read this article.

3. It would be desirable to send somebody for her at once.

4. I should have done this work in case I had got the necessary tools.

5. Were it mу own book, I should give it to you.

Упp. 4. Прочтите и устно переведите текст на русский язык. Выпишите в словарь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переведите. К собеседованию подготовьте чтение и перевод всего текста.

Спишите и письменно переведите 1-й и 2-й абзацы.


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