Experiment with a shunt on the first coil.

A report on the laboratory research № 8

Investigation of mechanical interactions

in the circuit system with electric current.

Performed by Petrova Anna, Tupitsina Anna group № 33212/1 «11» October 2016 Checked by ____________________________________________

St. Petersburg

The aimisto study different methods of measurement and calculation of electromagnetic forces operating in circuit system with electrical current, and to determine the influence of ferromagnetic and conductive massive bodies located near these systems on electromagnetic forces.

Installation diagram: Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Calculation of coil parameters:

U1= 25 V;

I1= 2 А;

Р1= 24 W;

U2= 26 V;

I2= 2 А;

Р2= 25 W;

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ; Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ; Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ; Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ;

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ; Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment about the influence of the magnetic induction on the distance.

I=1 A; f=50 Hz


Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Measurement of the force of interaction between two coils connected in series on DC current.

F= (P-Po) Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru g/1000 , g=9.8 Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru / Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ;

3a. Matched junction of the coils. I=0,89 A

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3b. Unmatched junction of the coils. I=0.89 A

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3c. Matched junction of the coils. I=1,78 A

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3d. Unmatched junction of the coils. I=1.78 A

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

(Sign of force shows what the coils do – attract "-" or repell "+")

Measurement the force of interaction between two coils connected in series on AC current.

3a. Matched junction of the coils. I=0,89 A, f=50 Hz

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3b. Unmatched junction of the coils. I=0.89 A, f=50 Hz

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3c. Matched junction of the coils. I=1,78 A, f=50 Hz

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

3d. Unmatched junction of the coils. I=1.78 A, f=50 Hz

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment about the influence of ferromagnetic disk.

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ;

4a. On DC current. I=1,78 A

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment about the influence of aluminum disk, AC current.

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru , f=50 Hz

5a. Matched junction of the coils.

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

5b. Unmatched junction of the coils.

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil.

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru , f=50 Hz

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru ;

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru

Experiment with a shunt on the first coil. - student2.ru


During the laboratory research dependences of the attraction or repulsion forces of the coil currents on the distances between the coils were obtained. The experimental results are reflected in the relevant tables and graphs.

In the pictures it can be seen that the interaction force between the coils ascends with the current increase. It can be observed more transparently on the short distances between the coils.

The difference between the interaction forces of the coils on DC and AC is not significant, the curves look pretty much the same.

In the picture 6 it can be noticed that the attraction force of the coil and a ferromagnetic disk is a way larger than the repulsive force of the coil and an aluminum disk. It can be seen that the matched connection provides less force than the unmatched one.

The inaccuracy of theoretical calculations is caused primarily by the error in graphic determination of dM / dx. All in all, the drawbacks are minor and in most cases the experimental results coincide with the theoretic ones.

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