Which country dominates in film and TV industry.

Hollywood (the American film and television industry) dominates most of the world's media markets. It is the chief medium by which people across the globe see American fashions, customs, scenery and way of life.

U.S.-based TV programs are re-broadcast around the world. Many of them through American broadcasters and their subsidiaries (such as HBO Asia, CNBC Europe and CNN International). Many of these distributors broadcast mainly American programming on their TV channels. According to a recent survey by the influential British broadcast media magazine Radio Times, The Simpsons, Lost and Desperate Housewives are among the most watched TV shows, with CSI being the most watched show among the surveyed 20 countries.[3] American films are also extremely popular around the world, often dominating cinemas. Adjusting for inflation, the highest grossing film of all time is Gone with the Wind.

42. How does Internet change mass media space?

The Internet (also known simply as "the Net" or less precisely as "the Web") is a more interactive medium of mass media, and can be briefly described as "a network of networks". Specifically, it is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and governmental networks, which together carry various information and services, such as email, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.

The Internet is quickly becoming the center of mass media. Everything is becoming accessible via the internet. Instead of picking up a newspaper, or watching the 10 o'clock news, people can log onto the internet to get the news they want, when they want it. For example, many workers listen to the radio through the Internet while sitting at their desk.

43. How has Internet changed the way we communicate?

The Internet has fundamentally changed the way we communicate, touching many lives. Individuals worldwide are taking classes, shopping for gifts, writing to their grandchildren, planning vacations, and even buying their cars using the Internet. The Internet is driving an Internet Economy that transcends any single group of people, companies, or countries. The Internet has reached farther and faster than any previous communication technology. For example, it took 35 years for radio to reach 50 million listeners. Television needed 13 years to reach that same number of people. In comparison, it took the Internet only four years. Before the internet, the only way to communicate with someone is face to face or over the phone. If you had to write to someone, you had to send a mail over to their place. We were content with that. However, we look back at it now, we are pretty limited.

Now, the internet has somewhat merged the three forms of communication together. Instead of mailing a letter, a lot of people email each other. It is a lot quicker than the other way. A lot of people now communicate through texts. Now, thanks to Skype, you can have video chats over the internet with.Social Networking has contributed a lot to this change. A lot of friends are keeping up with each other on platforms like Facebook. The internet has also gone mobile. You now have phones that are computers which can surf the web and communicate through various methods.

The internet has revolutionized a lot in the world. Communication is one medium that has definitely been influenced by the invention of the internet. A lot of people can stay in touch with each other even if they move miles apart from each other thanks to the World Wide Web.

44. What role does Internet play in business communication?

Today, the business, government, and educational sectors are using the Internet and changing the way they work through increased investment in networking technology. For example, many businesses within the retail sector have transformed themselves by using Internet computing for network commerce and customer care. Digital assets are taking the place of physical assets, causing Internet companies to grow both in presence and in revenue. Because operating costs are minimal, products and services can be substantially less expensive. In addition, governments are using the Internet to communicate with their citizens and streamline operations. Schools are linking to the Internet for everything from distance learning for college students to providing access for pupils of all ages. The companies and countries that are successful in the Internet Economy are those that can create a network with ease and respond instantly to changing market conditions and customer demands. Customers, suppliers, employees, and business partners can all collaborate in ways that allow them to be more productive, rapidly

adapt to change, and make effective decisions. The network is the essential engine of this new, Internet-enabled world.

45. Can Internet be helpful in the process of intercultural communication?

An Internet search on the topic of intercultural communication or cross-cultural communication yields over 100 000 results. In recent years practitioners in a wide variety of fields—scientific cooperation, academic research, business, management, education, health, culture, politics, diplomacy, development, and others—have realised just how important intercultural communication is for their everyday work. Fast travel, international media, and the Internet have made it easy for us to communicate with people all over the world. The process of economic globalisation means that we cannot function in isolation but must interact with the rest of the world for survival. The global nature of many widely diverse modern problems and issues such as the environment, governance of the Internet, poverty and international terrorism call for cooperation between nations. Intercultural communication is no longer an option, but a necessity.

46. Is the use of Internet a threat to international relationship?

47. What social networking cites do you know? Which of them do you use?

Social networks are quite popular nowadays and not only among youth all over the world, but also among older people.

The most popular cites:

1. www.vk.com Used to be www.vkontakte.ru It is Russian social network and “Vkontakte” means to be in contact.

2. www.odnoklassniku.ua Is the second most popular social network in Ukraine. By the way, the thing is that mostly people above 30 are registered on this site if to compare to previous network “Vkontakte”, where mostly students, schoolchildren and young people are registered. Odnoklassniki is social network that serves to find classmates and fellow students.

3. http://ukrainci.org.ua/ “Ukrainians” – Ukrainian social network established in January 2009, helping Ukrainians all over the world to support traditions, to keep in touch.

4. http://www.ukr-contact.com This project is a social network. We want to create a unique Ukrainian social network that absorbs only the best of all existing analogues. Join! That is the translation of “About us” on the page.

5. www.friends.ua One of the oldest Ukrainian social networks. More than 63 thousand users are officially registered in the portal. Here, as elsewhere, you can meet new people, chat, upload photos and videos.

I used network “Vkontakte”, because its network very popular and functionality.

As with most social networks, the site's core functionality is based around private messaging and sharing photos, status updates and links with friends. VK also has tools for managing online communities and celebrity pages. The site allows its users to upload, search and stream media content, such as videos and music. VK features an advanced search engine, that allows complex queries for finding friends, as well as a real-time news search.

VK Private Messages can be exchanged between groups of 2 to 30 people. An email address can also be specified as the recipient. Each message may contain up to 10 attachments: Photos, Videos, Audio Files, Maps (an embedded map with a manually placed marker) and Documents.

VK users can post on their profile walls, each post may contain up to 10 attachments – media files, maps and documents (see above). User mentions and hashtags are supported. In case of multiple photo-attachments the previews are automatically scaled and arranged in a magazine-style layout. The news feed can be switched between all news (default) and most interesting modes. The site features a news-recommendation engine, global real-time search and individual search for posts and comments on specific users' walls.

VK features two types of communities. Groups are better suited for decentralised communities (discussion-boards, wiki-style articles, editable by all members etc.). Public pages are a news feed oriented broadcasting tool for celebrities and businesses. The two types are largely interchangeable, the main difference being in the default settings.

VK like buttons for posts, comments, media and external sites operate in a different way from Facebook. Liked content doesn't get automatically pushed to the user's wall, but is saved in the (private) Favorites section instead. The user has to press a second 'share with friends' button to share an item on their wall.

Users can control the availability of their content within the network and on the Internet. Blanket and granular privacy settings are available for pages and individual content.

48. What is user-generated content?

User-generated content (UGC) covers a range of media content available in a range of modern communications technologies. It entered mainstream usage during 2005, having arisen in web publishing and new media content production circles. It is used for a wide range of applications, including problem processing, news, gossip and research, reflects the expansion of media production through new technologies that are accessible and affordable to the general public. All digital media technologies are included, such as question-answer databases, digital video, blogging, podcasting, forums, review-sites, social networking, social media, mobile phone photography and wikis. In addition to these technologies, user-generated content may also employ a combination of open source, free software, and flexible licensing or related agreements to further reduce the barriers to collaboration, skill-building and discovery ("'UGC'") has also gained in popularity over the last decade, as more and more users have begun to flock to social media and "'content-based'" sharing cites.

Sometimes UGC can constitute only a portion of a website. For example, there are sites where the majority of content is prepared by administrators, but numerous user reviews of the products being sold are submitted by regular users of the site.

Often UGC is partially or totally monitored by website administrators to avoid offensive content or language, copyright infringement issues, or simply to determine if the content posted is relevant to the site's general theme.

However, there has often been little or no charge for uploading user-generated content. As a result, the world's data centers are now replete with exabytes of UGC that, in addition to creating a corporate asset, may also contain data that can be regarded as a liability.

49. How do you understand phrase “Art is the best possible window into another community”

50. Do you know what “primitive art” is?

Primitive art - a genre of art and outdoor constructions made by untrained artists who do not recognize themselves as artists. Primitive art, also known as 'native' art or folk art, has a long and rich tradition. Primitive art is very different from so-called primitivism, which is an old, somewhat derogatory name for the study of the artistic creations of Oceanic, African, and Native American cultures. Since primitive artists don't draw upon particular schools of formal training, it's difficult to categorize their styles.A general survey of the best primitive art suggests that these creators rely heavily on bright colors, rhythmic brushstrokes, and a very open, 'of a piece' style. Among the most famous folk artists are Grandma Moses, Joshua Johnson, Edward Hicks, and Gertrude Morgan. The French polymath, Henry Rousseau, who is also known for his philosophical writings and influential political discourses, created some extremely impressive primitive art, as well.Trained artists can abandon their formalized teachings and create works in the primitive art fashion. There is a debate among art taxonomists about whether trained artists can truly create pure primitive art. There's also a debate about whether art in nontraditional media--such as electronic canvases--can be considered primitive art, or whether this type of art should be accorded its own unique classification.Most folk artists enjoy some education and exposure to different styles. Therefore, determining when an artist has been trained enough not to be considered a folk artist can prove to be a maddening exercise in semantics. When a primitive artist studies the works of classical masters on his own, for instance, he may no longer be considered a pure folk artist, but rather a disciple of the classical school.

51. Do you agree that live communities are never insolated islands developing by themselves and all the cultures are somehow interconnected?

52. Is it necessary to share a language to communicate?

Communication, then, is the process of conveying a message or meaning to establish a shared understanding to others. You don’t need speech or a shared language to communicate. How? Let’s say you decide on a trip to Rome, but you don’t speak one word of Italian. You get off your plane, and you want to pick up your rental car, but you can’t read any of the signs. You find a local, but he doesn’t speak English. What can you do to communicate to this person that you want to know where the rental cars are? There are a couple ways. One, you could use your hands and gestures as if you are driving a car. Another way, could be to draw a picture of a car. This could help the local Roman help you find your way to the rental cars.

So in my example above, you are communicating without using speech or a shared language (i.e. English or Italian). You are using gestures or pictures to communicate.

54. What modern media can you name?

The 20th century started the age of information. People in different continents get to know the latest news immediately. All this has become possible due to the development of science and technology. Electronic media and print media inclube:

broadcasting, in the narrow sense, for radio and television;

various types of discs or tapes(in the 20th century, these were mainly used for music),video and computer uses followed;

film, most often used for entertainment, but also for documentaries;

the internet , which has many uses and presents both opportunities and challenges;blogs and podcasts ,such as news, music, pre-recorded speech and video;

publishing, in the narrow sense, meaning on paper, mainly via books, magazines, and newspapers;

computer games.

All modern media sources keep people up-to-date and well-infoormed.,

53. Is there any universal conception of beauty and art that can be equally perceived be the representative of different cultures?

55. How can you define virtual reality and hyperspace?

Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications. Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication environments which provide virtual presence of users with the concepts of telepresence and telexistence or a virtual artifact (VA) either through the use of standard input devices such as a keyboard and mouse, or through multimodal devices such as a wired glove, the Polhemus, and omnidirectional treadmills. The simulated environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike experience—for example, in simulations for pilot or combat training—or it can differ significantly from reality, such as in VR games. In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual reality experience, due largely to technical limitations on processing power, image resolution, and communication bandwidth; however, the technology's proponents hope that such limitations will be overcome as processor, imaging, and data communication technologies become more powerful and cost-effective over time.

Hyperspace was the alternate state of existence used by starships to achieve faster-than-light travel. It was a phenomenon not completely understood by scientists; it was alternately described as a parallel universe, an extra dimension of space, an alternate mode of physical existence, or simply the universe as viewed traveling faster than the speed of light.

56. What are the media of film?

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