Artist Details General page


TC Artists site Specification describes the process, of using Perfomania CMS to fill the site with the necessary content, and rules to show Perfomania data in it.


The purpose of the specification is to define what kinds of sections exist on TC Artists site and what kind of information appears in which section.


This site is ordered by TC Artists Agency. As they would like to share their artists and tours with internet users. The site should be available both under Windows and Apple devices.


Katsiaryna Liubinina [email protected] katiarina.liubinina

Home Page

User may go to the following pages by clicking so-called tabs in the top of the home page:

· Home;

· Who we are;

· Contact us;

· Roster;

· News.

4 latest News pieces are presented under the video sample.

There are title, 3 first lines and a small picture for each news item.

News link leads to the list of News.

‘Receive Our Newsletter’ leads to Newsletter Signup form.

In the left of the page there is a navigation menu. Sections from Perfomania -> My Corporate Site(s) -> Prof Types tab are available in the top part of menu. Click on one of these links shows sections from Perfomania -> My Corporate Site(s) -> Prof SubTypes tab. Chosen lines are under lighted.

Artist Details General page -

All artists of chosen subtype appears in attempt to click any SubType link. If there are no Artists/Subtypes, the proper Subtype/Type link should be disabled.

In the bottom part there is ‘Tours and Projects’ link.

Newsletter Signup form

The following fields are available in Newsletter Signup form:

  • First Name;
  • Last Name;
  • Email;
  • Address;
  • City;
  • State;
  • Postal Code;
  • Country (dropdown with Country entries from Perfomania DB).

Data filled in there should be sent and added to Perfomania Fans (Tivoli Artists Agency) List if at least Email field has been filled in.

All fans, which have come from here, should be marked at Perfomania as ‘Tivoli & Crescendi Artists: Subscribed’.


All published at Perfomania -> My Corporate Site(s) -> News tab news items appear there.

News Details

News Title, Publication Date, Image, Content are shown there.

Who Are We

Agents, who are published in Content Management -> Web Publishing -> My Corporate Sites -> Agents, are shown there.

Q_024 – Order? Alphabetical?

Q_025 – Should blocked agents be shown there? – I think Yes, for the case if they ask to show in their site some Agent who doesn’t use Perfomania and doesn’t pay for the account…

Q_026 – See picture Below. Is it OK? In scope of this we do need to add to Perfomania agent’s profile the following entries:

· Job Title

· Additional Information

· Profile Image

Artist Details General page -

Contacts Us

Static text is shown under the contact us fields:

Artist Details General page -

The following fields are available under the text:

· Name;

· Email;

· Phone #;

· Organization;

· Message.

Mail will be sent if only all fields are filled in. OK???

Mails should be sent to the following email “TBD”.

Text of sent mail is presenter in the following way:

Subject: “Message from T&C Artists” – OK??

Artist Details General page -

All persons who filled in all fields and sent e-mails should be added to Perfomania as ‘Tivoli & Crescendi Artists: Unsubscribed’. OK??

· The fan’s data should be storied in the following way:
Name -> First Name;

· Email -> Primary E-mail;

· Phone # -> Business Phone;

· Organization and Message -> Notes (‘Organization: ’ <Organization> ‘\n’ ‘Message: ’ <Message>) Not needed now


A table with two columns (‘Name’ and ‘Professional Info’) is performed in this page.

All Rosters are available there. Artists are performed in the alphabetical order of the pair ‘First Name’ + ‘Last Name’.

‘First Name’ + ‘Last Name’ are shown in ‘Name’ column. ‘Professional Type’ and ‘Professional Subtype’ – in ‘Professional Info’ column. Type and Subtypes are divided by ‘/’. Professional Type and Subtype should be taken from Content Management -> Web Publishing -> My Corporate Sites.
Artists Name entries are links, which lead to Artist Details page.


When user clicks any professional subtype in the right navigation menu, he is redirected to the page where all Rosters of this subtype are gathered.

Artists which are published in Actions -> Content Management -> My Corporate Site(s) -> Artists are shown in the site in the related ‘Subtype’ section. Also, artist will be shown if only the section for his professional type and subtype exists in the site.

For each artist the following data are presented:

· Image from Perfomania;

· First Name + Last Name;

· Country;

· Prof Type / Prof Subtype (From Web Publishing).

Artists Details page appears in attempt to click on the image or name.

Artists Details

Artist Details General page

Five sections exist there: Biography, Repertoire, Reviews, Photo Gallery, Audio Gallery, Video Gallery.

Sections ‘Repertoire’, ‘Audio Gallery’, ‘Video Gallery’ consider text – 3 upper items from the proper list per page.

‘Photo Gallery’ considers artist profile image.

‘Biography’ and ‘Review’ sections consider proper samples.

PDF links in Biography, Repertoire and Reviews sections download proper files. (PDF uploader function shouldn’t be included into the first release.)

Only data, which have been uploaded in Perfomania -> Artist Actions -> Web Publishing, are performed in TC Artists.

Links ‘full biography’, ‘full repertoire’, ‘full review’, ‘all photos’, ‘all videos’, ‘all audios’ leads to the pages: ‘Biography’, ‘Repertoire’, ‘Reviews’, ‘Photo Gallery’, ‘Video Gallery’, ‘Audio Gallery’.


All published text biography versions are shown there.


All published repertoires (Composer - Title - Role) should be shown there. Items should be sorted alphabetically by Composer Name.

Photo Gallery

Only published images (only ‘pictures’) are shown there (order latest -> earliest). When user opens the page, the first one picture is expanded. Then user may choose any other picture to expand. Under expanded picture there is its description. Design should be changed.

Video and Audio Gallery

The media gallery is divided into two parts.

In Audio part there are all published tracks available with their composer and track name.

Q_028 – Order?

In video part Embedded Resource items are available. Resources Name and Description is shown for each item.


For the first release hard codded picture as a video sample will be enough. Then ability to upload special image on the back end should be added.


Q_013 Only Press Releases of Review (no Preview) type may be shown there?

Q_014 See image.

‘-<Source>, <Publication Web>’ is shown under each review item.

If some Review file has been downloaded, PDF link should exist in the page to upload the latest file.

Tours and Projects

List of published projects should be shown in attempt to click “Tours and Projects” link in the left menu.

The following data should be represented for each tour:

· Project Name;

· Project Profile Image;

· Project Description;

· Project Start Month and Year;

· Project Monthly Calendar (started from the beginning date).

The project’s borders should be under lighted. Other rules – TBD.

Q_021 – Order of Projects -? By Name or by Start Date?

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