A wife sends her husband to do shopping.

Word study

Exercise I. Transcribe and Word study pronounce.

toast, porridge, juice, cornflakes, lunch, course, soup, piece, beefsteak, potatoe, vegetable, Yorkshire pudding, type, similar, serve, sandwich, buscuit.

Exercise II.. Look at these words and try to give their corresponding Russian equivalents. Use your dictionary to check the meanings of these words.

marmalade, bacon, sauce, menu, soup, restaurant

Exercise III. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

1. in the lunch hour, restaurant, to be hungry and thirsty;

2. coffee or tea, a cup, to be busy, not to go to the canteen;

3. to order, meat or fish, to choose, will you..., a menu.

Text study

Exercise I. Read the text and pay attention to the traditional English food.

English Food and Eating Habits

The English usually have four meals a day: breakfast, dinner (lunch), tea (five o’clock) and supper (dinner). Some people have dinner at one o’clock and some have dinner in the evening (instead of supper) and the midday meal is then called lunch. The traditional English breakfast is a meal of bacon and eggs, hot buttered toast or bread or rolls, marmalade or jam, tea or coffee. In Scotland and northern parts of England people sometimes have a plate of porridge or cornflakes for breakfast.

The second meal (lunch or dinner) is served at one o’clock. It consists of two courses if it is lunch and three courses if it is dinner. First comes soup (sometimes juice or piece of melon).

The second course is a meat or firsh course. Beefsteak is the most popular meat dish. It is usually accompanied by roast potatoes or potatoes done in their jackets, a second vegetable (probably cabbage or carrots) and Yorkshire pudding.

Then comes a sweet. Apple pie (with hot custard) is a favourite sweet. There are various types of pudding. Lunch is very similar to dinner but it is a lighter meal and as a rule people do not have soup for lunch.

The next meal is five o’clock tea. In most families it is served at half past four or five o’clock. Sometimes people may have some sandwiches or biscuits with five o’clock tea but generally very little food. Tea is taken with milk. Tea with lemon is called Russian tea and is served only in some cafes and restaurants. Guests are often invited to five o’clock tea. The hostess welcomes them at the door and invites them to the drawing-room where tea is served. Then she brings in the tea-service (cups, saucers, plates, a tea-pot, a sugar bowl) on a tea-waggon (tea-trolley) or on a tray. The tea-party usually lasts not more than an hour.

The most known and popular food in Britain is fish and chips which anyone can get in cafes and restaurants or in special Fish and Chips shops open at certain times of the day (from 12 till 3 p.m. and from 7.30 till 11 p.m.)

Exercise I. Translate the following word combinations basing upon the text:

four meals a day, to be served at one o’clock, the midday meal, to consist of two courses, a meal of bacon and eggs, buttered toast, meat or fish course, roast potatoes done in their jackets, apple pie, light meal, five o’clock tea.

Exercise II. Make up English-Russian pairs.

1) cornflakes 2) vegetables 3) to consist of 4) cabbage 5) melon 6) juice 7) sweets 8) tea-pot a) состоять из b) капуста c) овощи d) кукурузные хлопья e) дыня f) сок g) чайник h) сладости  

Exercise III. Complete the following sentences basing upon the text. Translate them into Russian.

1. The traditional English breakfast is....

2. In Scotland and northern parts of England people sometimes have....

3. The second meal consists of....

4. The most popular meat dish is....

5. Apple pie is....

6. Lunch is....

7. In most families five o’clock tea is served at....

8. Tea with lemon is....

9. The most known and popular food in Britain is....

Exercise IV. Find in the text all the words which refer to:

1. vegetables;

2. meat dishes;

3. sweets;

4. drinks.

Exercise V. Answer the following questions:

1. How many meals a day do the English have? 2. What is the name of the first meal in the morning? 3. When is breakfast served? 4. What is the traditional English breakfast like? 5. What do people in the northern parts of England have for breakfast? 6. What do you have for breakfast? 7. What is the traditional English second meal? 8. When is it served? 9. What do the English usually have for dinner? 10. What is the most popular meat dish? 11. What is the favourite sweet of the English? 12. What is the English pudding like? 13. What is the English pudding most famous for? 14. Is lunch lighter than dinner? 15. What is five o’clock tea? 16. Are guests usually invited to five o’clock tea? 17. What is the most known and popular food on the British Isles? 18. Where is fish and chips served in Great Britain?

Exercise VI. Look through the text and tell about:

a) breakfast

b) dinner (lunch)

c) tea (five o’clock)

d) supper (dinner)

Situation dialogues

Exercise I. Have a talk with your friend. Make up dialogues using modifications. Learn these dialogues by heart.


At the cafe

Dialogue 1   Modifications  
A: Hello, Betty, I’ve not seen you for ages.   B: Glad to see you! Will you have lunch with me? A: With pleasure! – I’m hungry.     B: What would you like: tea or coffee? A: Black coffee, please.   B: But I’d like strong tea. Good morning... Good afternoon... Good evening... How nice to see you!   With great pleasure! Settled, Agreed. I’m as hungry as a hunter. What do you want? What do you prefer? White coffee, milk, juice, light tea, strong tea. I want, I prefer.  
Dialogue 2   Modifications  
A: How do you find your sandwich?   B: It’s delicious! And what about     A: Certainly! Just a moment.   B: The vegetables are nice.   A: You are welcome.   How do you like...? How is...? Lovely! Tasty. Nice. fruit, ice-cream, cold ham, a glass of light beer. Sure. No doubt. Of course.   Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Thanks. Not at all. Don’t mention it.
Dialogue 3   Modifications  
A: Could you bring us a menu?   B: Here you are. What would you like to order? I’d recommed the meat course. The meat is specially cooked. A: No, thank you. The point is that I am a vegetarian. B: Well, what vegetables do you prefer? A: Tomatoes and cucumbers, please.     Will you... Would you...   I’d advise you.   The matter is that... The fact is that... Would you like, do you want.   Well... and some pears, beans, potatoes brandy, please. wine, liqueur, whisky  

Exercise II. Read and dramatize this dialogue.


The girls are going to have lunch in a Wimpy restaurant. They are studing the menu. The waiter is coming up to their table. Now he is putting spoons, forks and knives on the table and waiting for the girls order.

Waiter: Well, what can I get for you, young ladies?

Jane: What are you going to have, Natasha?

Natasha: Well, you’re English and this is an English restaurant, Jane. I’m going to have whatever you’re having.

Jane: All right then. Let’s have the vegetable salad and the mushroom soup. It’s a very tasty here. The humburger is good with chips and green pears, isn’t it waiter?

Waiter: Quite right, miss. Our cook’s just starting to fry some very crisp ones.

Natasha: And what about the desert, Jane? I’m looking forward to trying your famous apple pie..

Jane: Let’s have it then. Look, the woman over there’s eating the right thing – “Anit Mary’s” apple pie with whipped cream. Excuse me, waiter, don’t go away. There’s one more thing. What are you going to have tea or coffee? Natasha?

Natasha: Tea for me, please. English tea with milk. I’m becoming a real English girl. How do you think, Jane?

Jane: You certainly are. The waiter is going to the counter with their order.

Exercise III. Complete the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

A: – Fish? Again?

B: – ...........

A: – I do, of course, but not every day.

B: – Well, in this case...

A: – Thank you. That’ll be better.

Dialogue 2

Mary: Have some more cake, Ann.

Ann: No,...

M: Another cup of coffee then?


M: Here you are, Ann. Have a cigarette, Peter.


M: Aren’t you? Some wine, Nick? Your glass is empty.


Exercise IV. Make up your own dialogue.

Buying food

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Bob’s Shopping

Bob does his shopping during his lunch hour. After a quick lunch, he goes to the supermarket in the new shopping centre. He walks around putting the things he needs in a basket. He always writes a shopping list of things he needs to buy, but he often forgets to look at it. When he looks for some coffee on the shelves, he can’t find any: an assistant tells him they have run out of coffee. When he has finished his shopping he has to join a queue at the check-out. When it’s his turn to pay, he asks the cashier for a plastic carrier bag. She checks the prices on the items and rings them up on the cash register/till. Then she tells him the total, and he pay


She gives him the receipts and his change. As he is putting his change away he finds his shopping list, still in his pocket.


1. When does Bob do his shopping?

2. What does Bob usually do before going to shops?

3. Why can’t Bob find any coffee in the supermarket where he is shopping now?

4. What does he asks a cashier for?

5. What does Bob find when he puts away his change into the pocket?

Try to complete the blanks in the shopping list without looking at the preveous page.

1. two........... of milk

2. faur........... of coke

3. a............. of condensed milk

4. a......... of chocolate biscuits

5. .......... of honey

6. five...... of beer

7. two...... of instant coffee

8. .......... of ice-cream

Name the containers and their contents using the phrases.

1. a jar of peanut butter

2. a carton of cream

3. a tin of tomatoes

4. a bag of apples

5. a tin of sardine

6. a packet of butter

7. a bottle of milk

Read and try to remember

Trade signboards – Торговые вывески

Cafe Кофе

Cafeteria Кaфе самообслуживания

Snack-Bar Закусочная

Вar Бар

Restaurant Ресторан

Green Grocer’s Магазин “Овощи фрукты”

Baker Булочная

Confectionery Кондитерский магазин

Fruit Shop Фруктовая лавка

Dairy Магазин “молоко”

Grocer’s Бакалея

Butcher’s Магазин “Мясо”

Fishmonger’s Магазин “Рыба”

Food store Продмаг

Supermarket Супермаркет

Superstore Универсам широкого профиля

Tobacco shop Табачный магазин

Read and make up your own sentences using words and phrases below.

We generally buy:

bread, rolls, buns, rusks, ets at the backer’s (shop)

meat (pork, mutton, veal, beef), chops, poultry, etc at the butcher’s (shop)

rice, oats, semolina, macaroni, oil, sugar, flour, soap, etc at the grocer’s (shop)

fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s (shop)

ham, bacon, sausage, etc at the provision shop

fish (herring, sprats, cod, salmon, pike, carp): caviar, etc. at the fish monger’s (shop)

butter, milk, cheese, cream, eggs etc. at the dairy

candies, sweets, tarts, jam, chocolates, cakes, etc. at the confectioner’s (shop)

Read and Dramatize the dialogue


A wife sends her husband to do shopping.

Wife: John, will you help me, please. I want you to do shopping for our party.

Husband: With great pleasure.

Wife: First go to the butcher’s shop and buy 2 kilos of beef and a kilo of poultry.

Husband: But what about ham?

Wife: Well, at the provision shop you can buy some ham and sausage.

Husband: My dear, will we have any fish dish?

Wife: Yes, of course. Our guests prefer fish dishes, because, as you know, I make them quite delicious. Thus, go to the fishmonger’s shop and buy 2 kilos of fresh herring and salmon (or carp) Don’t forget about caviar.

Husband: Have we got enough rice and oil for cooking?

Wife: You are right. At the grocer’s shop buy one bottle of oil and a kilo of rice and don’t forget about a packet of flour.

Husband: I think that it’s necessary to buy fruit and vegetables.

Wife: It goes without saying.

Husband: But will you cook a cake?

Wife: Oh, yes of course. Go to the dairy and buy a packet of butter, cheese, a carton of cream and eggs for our cake.

Husband: What about sweets?

Wife: Yes, at the confectionary buy some bars of chocolate and sweets.

Husband: O.K! It seems to me that I need a lorry to get it here.

Try your skills

Imagine you are in these 3 situations.

1. You live in a hostel and you have no time to prepare dinner.

Discuss with your friends what you can prepare quickly.

Keywords and phrases: Я голоден как волк, сыр, бекон, жареное мясо, помидоры, огурцы, зелень, масло, молоко, картофельное пюро, салат, апельсины, яблоки, гамбургер, коктейль, пиво.

2. Your friends telephone you and say they’ll come in 20-30 minutes. Discuss with the members of your family what can be best prepared before their coming.

Keywords and phrases: О вкусах не спорят, аппетит приходит во время еды, выреные яйца, бифштекс, салат, кока-кола, сливки, лимон.

3. It’s a break for lunch. Discuss with your friend: a) where to go for lunch b) what to take for lunch.

Keywords and phrases: Eat at pleasure, drink with measure -

Ешь вволю, пей в меру; I’ve got a sweet tooth – Я сластена; to have a bite – перекусить; I’m a great tea – drinker; крепкий чай, черный кофе, кофе с молоком, томатный сок, виноградный сок, мандариновый сок, булочка, джем, сэндвич, гамбургер.

Test yourself

Exercise I. Imagine your group is arranging a picnic and you are to cook vegetable salads. Describe your preparations.

Exercise II. Describe the situation in which you would say the following

a) “Appetite comes with eating.” b) “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”c) “Tastes differ.”

Exercise III. Imagine that you are cooking meals for your birthday. When your mother comes you tell her what dishes you have ready cooked and which ones you are going to cook.

Exercise IV. Let’s play the game. Imagine you are a cook. Choose several assistants-your group-mates – and teach them to cook traditional Russian dishes.


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