В) the Senate and the Mazhilis

г) the Prime Minister and the Government

д) Akimat and the Mazhilis

76. What are the two major parties in the USA?

A) The Republican and the Democrats.

б) The Republican and the Socialists.

в) The Democrats and the Socialists.

г) The Conservationists and the Democrats.

д) The Conservationists and the Socialists.

77. Yesterday morning we … for the bus.

a) are waiting

б) waite

в) are waiting

Г) waited

д) will waite

78. These are … group mates.

a) of Ann’s

Б) Ann’s

в) Anns`

г) Ann

д) of Ann

79. I can see some … .

a) baby

б) babys

В) babies

г) babis

д) babyes

80. I didn`t correct the mistakes.

A) yesterday

б) today

в) now

г) tomorrow

д) often

81. If … my passport, I’ll be in trouble.

A) I lose

б) I shall lose

в) I lost

г) I would lose

д) I will lose

82. Tomorrow … over the Atlantic Ocean.

a) we flying

б) we’ll be flying

В) we’ll fly

г) we fly

д) we fly

83. 7603

A) seven thousand six hundred and three

б) sevens thousands six hundreds and three

в) seven thousand six hundreds and three

г) seven thousands six hundred and three

д) seven thousands six hundred three

84. I used to love … table tennis but now I think it is boring.

a) the

б) a

в an

г) –

д) some

85. - Who told you Mark was going to move?

- Mark told me … .

a) by himself

Б) himself

в) by him

г) him

д) of his own

86. Can I have … salt, please?

a) a few

Б) a little

в) little

г) few

д) many

87. Have you seen my book … ?

a) somewhere

Б) anywhere

в) everywhere

г) nowhere

д) where

88. Last summer I … in London and Manchester.

a) am

б) have been

В) was

г) was being

д) were

89. Jane isn’t at home. She … her driving test now.

a) takes

б) take

в) was taking

г) is being taken

Д) is taking

90. They … to Astana on holidays last year.

a) go

б) have gone

В) went

г) will go

д) were gone

91. When we … he … at home.

A) come, will be

б) will come, will be

в) will come, be

г) will come, is

д) comes, is

92. What … tomorrow?

a) do you do

б) does you do

В) will you do

г) did you do

д) will you doing

93. This box is … than that one.

a) heavy

б) the heaviest

В) heavier

г) heaviest

д) more heavy

94. Where is Peter? Is he still … school?

a) on

Б) at

в) above

г) to

д) in

95. It often … .

a) is raining

б) raining

в) will raining

г) will rain

Д) rains

96. We’ve bought … ring for her birthday. It is made of … gold.

a) a, the

б) a,a

в) the, -

г) a, -

д) the, -

97. Every Thursday the Queen … the Prime Minister.

a) has met

б) is meeting

в) meet

Г) meets

д) is met

98. The USA consists of three separate parts: … .

a) Alaska, the Bahamas Islands and the Hawaiian Islands

б) Alaska, the Bahamas Islands and the Seychelles Islands

в) Alaska, the Seychelles Islands and the major part of the USA

Г) Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands and the major part of the USA

д) Alaska, the Bahamas Islands and the major part of the USA

99. The Channel Tunnel links up … .

a) Ireland and France

б) Scotland and France

в) Spain and England

Г) England and France

д) Spain and Ireland

100. What year did Kazakhstan get independence?

a) 1999

Б) 1991

в) 2002

г) 1990

д) 1993

101. … Moon moves slowly round ... Earth.
а) -, the
б) the, the
в) this, the
г) -, -
д) the, -
102. Who is this girl? I don’t know … .

A) her

б) she

в) hers

г) his

д) him

103. They … a real tiger in the Zoo.

a) seeing

б) are seeing

В) saw

г) will saw

д) sees

104. Let’s go to the cinema together. I’m sorry, I … .

A) am busy

б) busy

в) was busy

г) were busy

д) will busy

105. Sam is expecting a letter from me, but I … to him.

a) don’t write

б) am writing

В) didn’t write

г) didn`t wrote

д) am not writing

106. … Antarctic is … landmass the size of Europe and … USA put together that surrounds … South Pole.

A) the, a, the, the

б) an, a, the, the

в) -, a, -, the

г) the, a, -, the

д) the, the, the, the

107. Of all the cars we looked at, this is … designed.

a) more attractive

б) most attractively

В) the most attractively

г) most attractive

д) more attractively

108. Jack is … tall … his uncle.

a) so … so

б) either … or

В) as … as

г) neither … nor

д) as … than

109. Everyone needs … luck in life.

a) few

Б) a little

в) lot

г) plenty

д) little

110. The play … wasn’t very good but I liked the actors.

a) oneself

б) herself

В) itself

г) by itself

д) by herself

111. Dick and Sarah have a big flat, but we don’t. … is small.

A) ours

б) we

в) our

г) ourselves

д) us

112. Are you good … repairing cars?

a) on

Б) at

в) with

г) of

д) in

113. The sun … brightly, look how beautiful it is.

a) shines

б) has shone

В) is shining

г) shine

д) is shown

114. She … the house daily.

A) cleans

б) clean

в) is cleaning

г) is cleaned

д) has cleaned

115. I haven`t read … books by this writer yet.

a) some

Б) any

в) no

г) anything

д) something

116. The movie … at seven o`clock yesterday.

A) started

б) didn`t started

в) did started

г) starts

д) was started

117. If you … a dictionary to check your spelling, you … a better mark for your composition.

A) use, will receive

б) will use, will receive

в) will use, receive

г) use, would receive

д) would use, received

118. I hope that at the end of the 21st century, scientists … medicine for the common cold.

A) will discover

б) will be discover

в) is discovering

г) discovers

д) discovered

119. The first president of the United States was … .

a) Abraham Linkoln

б) George Bush

В) George Washington

г) John Kennedy

д) Barakh Obama

120. What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?

a) Flag Day

б) The Revolution

в) The Discovery of America

г) Independence Day (Birthday)

д) Building of the White House

121. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?

a) the Mayor

Б) the Queen

в) the Prime Minister

г) the Parliament

д) the President

122. The Constitutional Council in Kazakhstan consists of … members.

A) 7

б) 10

в) 9

г) 8

д) 6

123. Oh, no, … take these books.

a) take

Б) don`t take

в) took

г) not take

д) will take

124. I want … paper to write … letter.

a) a, a

Б) some, a

в) a, some

г) no, some

д) some, -

125. She bought a new leather coat yesterday, … she?

a) hadn’t

б) did

В) didn’t

г) wasn’t

д) bought

126. I … in the garden.

a) works

б) didn`t worked

В) worked

г) did work

д) working

127. If I … tickets, I … to the concert.

a) will book, go

б) will book, will go

в) booked, will go

г) books, will go

Д) book, will go

128. It was 10 o’clock. I … to leave.

a) want

б) will want

в) am wanting

Г) wanted

д) did wanted

129. If the weather … tomorrow, it’ll be fine.

A) changes

б) change

в) will change

г) has changed

д) would change

130. She … in the suburbs of Moscow two years ago.

a) live

б) is living

В) lived

г) lives

д) have lived

131. She has been waiting … the bus for two hours.

a) up

Б) for

в) on

г) in

д) at

132. He … apple juice every day.

a) is drinking

б) drink

В) drinks

г) drank

д) would drink

133. We … football now.

a) play

б) is playing

в) played

Г) are playing

д) were playing

134. He … to the stadium every day.

a) don’t go

б) didn’t go

В) doesn’t go

г) isn’t going

д) go

135. She … in the lake yesterday.

a) swim

б) swims

В) swam

г) is swimming

д) swum

136. We ran at the sports ground… .

A) yesterday

б) usually

в) now

г) every day

д) yet

137. Mary is reading … .

a) usually

Б) now

в) yesterday

г) every day

д) tommorow

138. Chose the right question:

My aunt lives in London.

a) Where my aunt lives?

б) Where do my aunt live?

в) Where does my aunt lives?

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