Билет № 9. Favourite school subject

Билет №1. About myself

My name is _______________. I am ______. I was born on the ____ of _________, 2002. My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father,s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. My mother,s name is ____________. She is ________ years old. She is a housewife. I am a pupil now. We have many good teachers at our school. My favourite subject is English. I like reading. I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons or music.

Билет №2. About your family

My name is _______________. I am ______. I was born on the ____ of _________, 2002. My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father,s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is a __________. My mother,s name is ____________. She is ________ years old. She is a housewife. My ________________________ is a _____________. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other.

Билет №3. Working day

My working day usually begins at 7 o,clock. I get up, make my bed, open the window and make morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom. I clean my teeth and wash myself. Then I have breakfast. After that I get dressed, take my bag and go to school. The lessons begin at 8 7 o,clock and we have 5 or 6 lessons every day. After classes I go home and have a dinner. After dinner I have a short rest, watch TV and do my homework. At about 11 7 o,clock I go to my bedroom and go to bed.

Билет №4. About your house or flat.

My name is ____________. I am ________. My family lives in a big flat in a new house. There are 4 rooms in our flat: a living room, a study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. We have all modern conveniences: gas, hot water, running water, electricity and telephone. I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping and I help my mother to clean the rooms. It is not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy.

Билет №5. About your friend.

I have many friends. Most of them are my classmates. But my best friend is _____________. He (she) is _______. He (she) is a pupil. And his (her) favourite subject is English. He (she) is tall and strong. He (she) has dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. _________goes in for sports. He (she) plays football and basketball. He (she) likes reading. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons or music. I like to spend my free time with him (her). And I like his (her) very much.

Билет №6. About your favourite season

There are 4 seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of them lasts three months.

Summer is my favourite season. June, July and August are summer months. When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it can be very hot. In summer people spend much time in the open. They find time to go to the forest or to swim in the river. I like to go to swim very much. And in summer we have holidays three months. I and my friends spend much time together, go for a walk, listen to the music.

Билет № 7. Our country

Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Both industry and agriculture are developing here. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with seventy countries of the world. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected not only in this country and intelligent statesman. The capital of our country is Astana. I love my country very much and I’m proud that I live in it.

Билет № 8. Kasakh traditional food

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuirdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks. Are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

Билет № 9. Favourite school subject

My name is _______. I am twelve years old. I study at the sixth grade. We have a lot of interesting subjects at school: the Kazakh, Literature, Mathematics, History and others.

My favourite subject is English. English language is the language of culture, politics and international relations. I try to learn a lot of words, read books, newspapers and magazines in English, listen to English songs. Our teacher of English is very experienced. During our lessons we read, write, repeat words and ask questions.

I hope that I will speak English very well in the future

Билет № 10. My day-off

I want to tell you about my day-off. I have day-off on Sunday. I like this day very much. I must not go to school. On this day I can sleep till 9 or 10 o,clock.

On Sundays I often meet my friends. We listen to music or watch some film on TV. In fine weather our family likes to be out of town. We have a nice picnic there. Usually on Sundays I help my mother to tidy up the room. I like to do it with the vacuum-cleaner. The whole family usually gets together. I like to spend my free time on Sundays.

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