Veterinary Regulations Article 1028

Horses competing at FEI Events must comply with the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccination in accordance with the Veterinary Regulations and as summarised below.

Primary Course 1st Vaccination: day 0 (e.g. 1 January) 2nd Vaccination: day 21-92 (e.g. 1 February) May compete 7 days after the 2nd Vaccination
First Booster Within 7 months of the 2nd vaccination of the Primary Course (e.g. 1 August) May compete for 6 months +21 days after the 2nd vaccination of the Primary Course Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination (e.g. may enter venue after 7 August)
Boosters MINIMUM: within one year of previous booster vaccination IF COMPETING: must be competing in the 6 months +21 days ofthe previous booster vaccination Must have been vaccinated with the 6 months +21 days before arriving at the Event Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination

Exceptions to the requirement for FEI equine influenza vaccinations currently exist only for those Horses competing at CNs or CIMs where there are no national requirements for influenza vaccination in both the Event host country and the Horse’s country of origin (General Regulations Article 137).


Veterinary Regulations Article 1032

On arrival at an Event venue all Horses must undergo an examination by a veterinarian to confirm their identification from their passport, their vaccination status and general health. To protect all horses attending events, any Horse with a questionable health status, with regards to vaccination, disease or other concerns, must be stabled within the isolation facilities provided by the Organising Committee pending a decision on entering the venue.


Veterinary Regulations Article 1033

All Horses will be assessed for their orthopaedic fitness to compete during the Horse Inspection. Any Horse demonstrating questionable fitness may be referred to the Holding Box for further veterinary examination. Horses not deemed fit not to compete will be eliminated by the Ground Jury and not be permitted to continue in the competition.


Veterinary Regulations Article 1034

Horses are not eligible to compete when a limb, or part of a limb, is hyposensitive or hypersensitive (both of which shall constitute “abnormal limb sensitivity”). Hypersensitive limbs have an excessive or abnormal reaction to palpation. Hyposensitive limbs include any alteration in sensitivity induced by a neurectomy or chemical desensitisation for as long as the alteration in sensitivity persists.

All Horses are subject to Examination under the Protocol for abnormal limb sensitivity throughout the Period of an Event, including, but not limited to, between rounds and before the Jump Off. Horses may be examined once or on multiple occasions during the Period of an Event.

Horses may be selected for Examination under the Protocol randomly or they may be targeted. All Horses selected to be tested must submit promptly to the Examination or are subject to immediate Disqualification. There is no obligation to examine any specific number of Horses at an Event.


Veterinary Regulations, Chapter VI


Within FEI Groups I & II, the Organising Committee should charge competitors the equivalent of CHF 12.50 towards the cost of the EADCMP, which is affected by the FEI Veterinary Department.


All horses competing at FEI Events may be subject to sampling for the presence of FEI Equine Prohibited Substances in accordance with the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMRs). Horses may be selected for sampling in accordance with obligatory testing, targeted or random sampling procedures (2014 Veterinary Regulations Article 1057 and1058).


The current FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List of Banned Substances and Controlled Medications (the EPSL)is available on the FEI Clean Sport website: as a PDF document, database or smart phone app. Detection times are also provided for a limited number of Controlled Medication substances where available.

Elective Testing may be carried out, by Competitors for their Horses, prior to an Event to check for the presence of prohibited substances (please refer to for information and details).(Art. 1956)

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