Establishments of a Grand Priory

(1) Distinct Establishments of the Order, designated Grand Commanderies or Commanderies may be constituted within a Grand Priory in accordance with the provision of Statute 13 and 14 in any area where the work of the Order is being carried on, subject to The Grand Council being satisfied that the number of Members of the Order resident in that area and the importance and value of the work being carried on therein make it desirable so to do.

(2) A Grand Commandery shall be governed by a Grand Commander and a Grand Commandery Chapter. A Commandery shall be governed by a Commander and a Commandery Chapter.

(3) Each Grand Commandery and Commandery shall have the immediate general control and supervision of the affairs and work of the Order and the Members of the Order resident within its geographical area of authority.

(4) Each Establishment shall be subject to the provisions and Statutes of the Order as in force from time to time.

13. Grand Commanderies

(4) A Grand Commandery may properly be constituted with the widest practicable degree of autonomy in any part of the world according to the tradition of the Order.

(5) Where in any case, having regard to the foregoing provisions and to Statute 13, the Grand Priory Chapter so recommend, The Grand Council may constitute a Grand Commandery and declare its style and title, its area of authority and its membership. In addition The Grand Council, on the same recommendations, shall make Rules for the government of the Grand Commandery including its powers and functions and the composition of its Grand Commandery Chapter and thereafter such Rules shall be capable of addition, amendment or revocation from time to time (as shall be stated therein) by The Grand Council on the recommendation of the Grand Commander and the Grand Commandery Chapter.

(6) The Grand Council shall have the power to suspend temporarily all or any part of the operations of a Grand Commandery and all or any Rules applicable thereto after receiving the views of the Grand Priory Chapter, may vary the constitution of the Grand Commandery, or dissolve it or any of its dependent Establishments.

14. Commanderies

(1) A Commandery may properly be constituted in any part of the world according to the traditions of the Order.

(2) A Commandery shall be an Establishment dependent on either the Grand Priory or on a Grand Commandery or independently established by The Grand Council.

(3) Where in any case, having regard to the foregoing provisions and to the provision of Statute 14, the Grand Priory Chapter so recommends, and in the case of a Commandery dependent on a Grand Commandery, the Grand Commandery Chapter also recommends, The Grand Council may constitute a Commandery and declare its style and title, its membership, its area of authority and its dependence on a Grand Priory or on a Grand Commandery, as the case may be. In addition, The Grand Council, on the same recommendations, shall make Rules for the government of the Commandery including its powers and functions and the composition of the Commandery Chapter and thereafter such Rules shall be capable of addition, amendment or revocation from time to time (as shall be stated therein) by The Grand Council on the recommendation of the Grand Priory Chapter or the Grand Commander and his Grand Commandery Chapter, as the case may be.

(4) With The Grand Council approval, the Grand Prior of a Grand Priory, or the Grand Commander of a Grand Commandery, on which a Commandery is dependent shall have power to suspend temporarily all or any part of the operations of a Commandery and all or any Rules applicable thereto and on the recommendation of a Grand Priory Chapter, coupled with that of the Grand Commandery Chapter where appropriate, The Grand Council may vary the constitution of a Commandery or dissolve it or vary its dependence.


(1) For the maintenance of discipline, sound administration and uniform policy throughout the Order all Establishments and other subordinate bodies directly dependent on The Grand Council shall be subject to visitations by The Grand Council or their representative, whenever The Grand Council think fit. Similarly all Establishments and other subordinate bodies dependent on a Grand Priory shall be subject to visitation by the Grand Prior of that Grand Priory or his representative. An Establishment and other subordinate bodies dependent on a Grand Commandery shall be subject to visitation by the Grand Commander or his representative.

(2) On the completion of the visitation, the visitor shall render a report in writing to The Grand Council through the Grand Priory Secretary General, or, in the case of a visitor appointed by a Grand Commander, the Grand Commander concerned shall consider the report without undue delay and shall forward it to The Grand Council through the Grand Commander Secretary stating what action has been taken or is proposed to be taken.

(3) All such reports reaching The Grand Council shall be treated as confidential unless The Grand Council shall in their discretion decide to communicate the whole or any part of such a report to the Grand Priory Chapter or any Grand Commandery Chapter.

(4) The Grand Council shall take such action as they think desirable in the interests of the Order upon any visitation conducted by them or any report of a visitation submitted to them.


Grades of the Order

(1) The Order shall be divided into the following Grades:

Grade I Knights and Dames Grand Cross of Justice (GCLJ / DGCLJ)

Grade II Knights and Dames Grand Cross of Grace (GCLJ / DGCLJ)

Grade III Knights and Dames Commander of Justice (KCLJ / DCLJ)

Grade IV Knights and Dames Commander of Grace (KCLJ / DCLJ)

Grade V Knights and Dames of Justice (KLJ / DLJ)

Grade VI Knights and Dames of Grace (KLJ / DLJ)

Grade VII Commanders (CLJ)

Grade VIII Officers (OLJ)

Grade IX Members (MLJ)

(2) The letters specified above after each Grade may properly be used by those to whom they apply for the purpose of indication their Grade in the Order in the context of any occasion or matter connected with their participation in the work of the Order, or for inclusion in any publication of a biographical nature but, subject to this, admission, attachment, or promotion to any Grade of the Order or privileges derived there from of wearing the insignia appertaining or belonging thereto shall not confer any rank, style, title, dignity, appellation or social precedence whatsoever.

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