Exercise 5. Point out the predicate in each of the following sentences and state its type. Translate into Russian.

a) 1. He excused himself and went outside. 2. There came a surprise. 3. He wondered what she was thinking. 4. No questions were asked about his absence. 5. On steam tables the day’s dinner menu dishes were being portioned and served for delivery to dining-rooms. 6. I shouldn’t have allowed that to happen, believe me, my dear Eliot, if I had been there. 7. At dawn fighting broke out with renewed violence.

b) 1. But I must be going now. 2. “Why should we go down to dessert twice a day?” said Venice. 3. You will have to do as you were told. 4. Most of our senior officers will have arrived by then. 5. Your mother must have gone through a good deal of suffering. 6. They may have telephone communication. 7. Who could have done such a thing? 8. Jack ought to have stayed for tea with them.

c) 1. The man grinned from ear to ear and began to play a lively tune. 2. I kept walking, busy with my thoughts. 3. Aloysius Royce continued to work quietly as the other two talked. 4. He burst out laughing. 5. They ceased to speak eyeing the newcomer suspiciously. 6. He would go there every afternoon just for pleasure. 7. You remind me of someone I used to know from Africa. 8. She stopped to talk to the Cypriot tailor. 9. The tanks began moving towards the bridge.

d) 1. Let the medical officer know, with my compliments, that I wish to see him. 2. I longed to go where there was life and movement. 3. The party director replied patiently, “I’d still prefer to come to your house.” 4. We decided to telephone the office at once. 5. She had utterly refused to do what they had asked her to. 6. Why did you refuse to come?

c) 1. The roof of the cottage was high and pointed. 2. The argument grew hot. 3. You men, you’re all alike! 4. The plan is original but very difficult to be realized. 5. They remained silent for a while. 6. Why have you become so absent-minded, my dear fellow? 7. It is getting dark, will you turn on the light? 8. Her voice sounded very strange. 9. Something has gone wrong with the starter. 10. Mary’s cakes taste always delicious.

f) 1. Mr. Dempster waited until the conversation died. 2. For a full three minutes Daisy’s mouth continued to laugh. 3. They were trying to calm her. 4. His parents had naturally desired to see her once at least before he carried her off to a distant settlement. 5. He couldn’t go on living there alone. 6. I beg your pardon, but Mr. Gatsby would like to speak to you alone.

Exercise 6. Translate into English using constructions with compound nominal predicates.

1. Она выбрала стул с прямой спинкой, и он оказался удобнее других. 2. В конце выступления его голос звучал странно. 3. Она оказалась на несколько лет моложе меня. 4. Тишина стала гнетущей. 5. Яблоки были не совсем спелые, но приятные на вкус. 6. Он старался казаться бодрым и оживлённым, но чувствовал себя совсем больным. 7. Софья оставалась молчаливой весь вечер. 8. Заброшенный колодец совсем высох. 9. Дверь распахнулась, и на пороге появился Майкл. 10. Сегодня вы выглядите на десять лет моложе, чем обычно. 11. Сохраняйте спокойствие, господа, ничего особенного не случилось. 12. Ткань была мягкой и шелковистой на ощупь. 13. Становится сыро, пора возвращаться домой. 14. Мелодия показалась ему знакомой, но он не мог припомнить, когда и где её слышал.

Exercise 7. Consider the phrase-verb predicate in the following sentences. Translate into Russian.

1. Tom gave him a startled look and went scarlet. 2. Miranda stole a quick glance at Miss Cromwell. 3. Luke took hold of the desk and shook himself. 4. Spencer took a deep breath. 5. She heaved a great sigh of relief. 6. Suddenly Doctor South shot a question at Jane. 7. You shouldn’t worry, Mrs. Wilkinson, these young people will take care of themselves. 8. Did she really take no notice of the sings Bob was making to her? 9. He took leave of the company rather unexpectedly. 10. They are going to pay us a return visit next Sunday. 11. The man gave a deep sigh and stood up to leave. 12. He caught sight of Mr. Robinson walking in through the open gate.

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