Ex.160 Indirect speech: questions

See note to Exercise 158. Put the following questions into indirect speech.

1 'Who has been using my typewriter?' said my mother. 116

Indirect speech

2 'Do you want to see the cathedral?' said the guide.

3 "Do you mind working on the night shifts?' he asked.

4 'Would you like to come with us?' they said.

5 'Who did you give the money to?' asked Ann.

6 'How long does it take to get to Edinburgh by coach?' asked the tourist.

7 'How much do you think it will cost?' he said.

8 'What did you miss most when you were in prison?' Mary asked the ex-convict.

9 Another passenger came in and said, 'Is this seat taken?'

10 'How do you get on with your mother-in-law?' said Paul.

11 'How did you get into the house?' they asked him.

12 'What were you doing with these skeleton keys?' said Mr Jones. 'Were you trying to get at the secret files?'

13 'Did you sleep well?' asked my hostess.

14 'Have you been here long?' the other students asked him.

15 'Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?' Paul's sister asked.

16 'How many people know the combination of the safe?' said the detective.

17 'Are there any letters for me?' said Mary.

18 'How long have you been learning English?' the examiner said.

19 'Why aren't you taking the exams?' said Paul.

20 'Are these free-range eggs?' said the customer.

21 'Where are you going for your summer holidays?' I asked them.

22 'Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?' asked the au pair girl.

23 'Have you ever seen a Hying saucer?' said the man.

24 'Where can I park my caravan?' she asked the policeman.

25 'Would you like a lift?' said Ann. 'Which way are you going?' I said.

26 'Who do you want to speak to?' said the telephonist.

27 'Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?' said Charles.

28 'What are you going to do with your old car?' I asked him.

29 'Do you grow your own vegetables?' I asked.

30 'What train are you going to get?' my friend inquired.

31 'Could you change a five-pound note? I'm afraid I haven't got anything smaller,' said the passenger to the conductor.

32 'How many sleeping pills have you taken?' said the night sister. 'I have no idea,' said Mr Jones sleepily.

33 'Could we speak to the manager, please?' said the two men. 'Have you an appointment?' said the secretary.

34 'Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months,' said Tom, 'or would you get bored?'

35 'Did any of you actually see the accident happen?' said the policeman.

36 'Could I see Commander Smith?' the lady asked.

'I'm afraid he's in orbit,' I said. 'Would you like to leave a message?'

Ex.161 Indirect speech: questions, advice, requests,

Invitations, suggestions

'What about' often introduces a suggestion and is then reported by suggest:

'What about flying?' he said.

He suggested/lying.

'I can't come at 1.00,' said Ann. Then what about 2.00?' said


Ann said she couldn't come at 1.00, so Tom suggested 2.00. 'Why don't you' often introduces suggestions or advice and is then reported by suggest or advise:

'I wonder if Tom is coming,' said Ann.

'Why don't you ask him?' I said.

Ann wondered if Tom was coming. I advised her to ask him or

I suggested (her) asking him. 'Could I have' is normally reported by ask for:

'Could I have a cup of coffee?' she said.

She asked (me) for a cup of coffee. 'Could you' used for requests is reported by ask + object + infinitive:

'Could you sign the book, please?' he said.

He asked me to sign the book.

But when 'Could you' introduces an ordinary question the verb is reported unchanged:

'Could you live entirely on you own?' he said.

He asked if I could live entirely on my own. 'Would you mind waiting/signing' etc. can be reported:

He asked me to wait/sign etc. or

He asked if I would mind waiting/signing etc. offer can be used in two constructions:

'Would you like a drink?'

He offered me a drink.

'Shall I wait for you? I'll wait for you if you like.'

He offered to wait for me.

When the infinitive is used it must be placed directly after offer. The person addressed is not mentioned in this construction.

Put the following into indirect speech.

1 'Shall we have dinner somewhere after the theatre?' said Peter. 'Yes, let's,' said Ann. 'What about going to that place Jack is always talking about?' (For Yes, let's put Ann agreed.)

2 'Jack's parents have asked me to supper tomorrow night,' said Ann. 'What shall I wear?'

'I should wear something warm, dear,' said her mother. 'It's a terribly cold house.'

3 'I'm broke,' said Jack.

'Shall I lend you some money?' said Peter.

4 'It will take a little time to look up your file,' said the clerk. 'Is it worth waiting,' said Ann, 'or shall I go away and come back later?'

5 'Shall I have to do the whole exam again if I fail in one paper?' said the student. 'Yes,' said the teacher.

6 Where will you be tomorrow,' I said, 'in case I have to ring you?' 'I shall be in my office till six,' said the old man, 'and after that at my flat. I shan't be going to the club.'

7 'What shall I do with this cracked cup?' Mary asked. 'You'd better throw it away,' said her mother.

8 'Shall I ever see him again?' she wondered.

9 'Would you mind getting out of the car?' said the driver. 'I have to change a wheel.' 'Shall I help you?' I said.

10 'I've run out of petrol,' said the man. 'Could you possibly give me a lift to the next village?'

11 'Shall we go for a walk?' said Peter.

'I like walking,' said Ann, 'but at the moment my only comfortable walking shoes are being mended. What about going for a drive instead?'

12 You've got a lot of parcels,' he said. 'Shall I carry some of them for you?'

13 'Shall we be in time?' muttered Tom, looking at his watch. (Use wonder.)

14 'What shall I do with all this foreign money?' said Peter.

'Why don't you take it to the bank and get it changed?' said Mary.

15 'Would you like a cigarette?' said Peter. 'No, thanks,' said Jack. 'I don't smoke.'

16 'Would you like to come with us?' they said. 'There's plenty of room in the car.' 'I'd love to,' said Ann.

17 Ann (on phone): Could you do without me today, Mr Jones? I've got an awful cold and I think it might be better if I stayed at home. Mr Jones: I should certainly stay at home, Ann. And you'd better take tomorrow off too if you aren't better.

18 Mary (on phone): Paul, I've just come back to my flat to find a

complete stranger asleep in my chair. He's still here, and still asleep! What shall I do?

Paul: Why don't you wake him up and ask him who he is? There's probably some quite simple explanation.

19 'I'm not quite ready,' said Peter. 'Could you wait a few minutes?' 'I can't wait long,' said Jack. 'The train goes at ten.'

20 'Would you mind taking off your hat?' I said to the woman in front of me.

'But the theatre's almost empty!' she said. 'Why don't you move along a bit?'

21 'I often see lights in the empty house across the road,' said Albert. 'Do you think I should report it?'

22 'If this house was yours what changes would you make?' I said. 'I'd pull it down and build a modern one on the same site,' said the window-cleaner. 'The site's all right.'

23 'Could I have your name and address, please?' said the travel agent.

24 'Shall I send it round to your hotel, sir?' the shop assistant asked the tourist. 'I'm not staying in the town,' said the tourist. 'I'll take it with me.'

25 'How long will you go on looking for them?' I asked one of the search party.

'We don't search at night. We'll stop when it gets dark and start again at first light tomorrow.'

26 'We can't discuss this over the phone. Shall we meet here in my flat tomorrow?' I said.

'I'd rather you came to my office,' he said. 'Could you get here in half an hour?'

27 'Could I have 40p, please?' said the boy. 'I want to buy an ice-cream.'

28 'Would you like to sleep on the floor of my flat?' he asked us. 'Or would you rather go to a hotel?'

29 'Could you help me with my luggage, please?' she said. 'If you take the two big ones I'll take the small one.' 'It's ridiculous to take three suitcases for a weekend,' I said. 'Couldn't you manage with two?' 'No,' she said.

30 'I couldn't come on Monday,' said Ann. 'Then what about Tuesday?' said Peter. 'All right,' said Ann.

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