The Present Continuous Tense

We form the Present Continuous :

1. Subject / Subject pronoun
2. Verb "to be"
3. Verb + ing

Use the verb "to be" as the auxiliary for questions and negatives (NOT do / does).

Here are the ways you can form affirmative, negative and questions in the Present Continuous:

PositiveВ sentence   Short sentence   Negative sentence  
I am working You are working He / She / It is working We are working They are working   I'm working You're working He's working / She's / It's working We're working They're working   I am not / I'm not working You are not / You aren't working He / She / It is not / He / She / It isn't working We are not / We aren't working They are not / They aren't working  
Questions   Short replies Use the verb "to be" as the auxiliary    
Am I working? Are you working? Is he / Is she / Is it working? Are we working? Are they working?   Yes I am / No I'm not Yes you are / No you aren't Yes he is / No he isn't Yes we are / No we aren't Yes they are / No they aren't    

The Present Continuous Tense - Exercises

A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate continuous forms of the verb. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.

1. Jane …………………. in the garden. (is working / are working / am working)

2. I ………………….. Oliver Twist at the moment. (am reading / is reading / are reading)

3. He …………………… TV. (is watching / are watching / am watching)

4. Who ……………….. the violin? (is playing / are playing / am playing)

5. Don’t make noise. The baby …………………… ( is sleeping / am sleeping / are sleeping)

6. I ………………… in the park now. (am waiting / are waiting / is waiting)

7. Jane and Susie ………………… in the kitchen. (is cooking / are cooking / am cooking)

8. He …………………… pizza at the moment. (is making / are making / am making)

B) Complete the sentences

Example: Does Steve work at night? - No, he does not work at night.

Where do you work? - I work in Leeds.

Are your best friends sitting next to you? - No, they _____next to me.

Does your father get up at nine every day? - No, he _____ at nine every day.

Are you drinking hot water right now? - No, I ______ hot water right now.

Are your parents going on holiday at 2 o'clock? - No, they _____ on holiday at 2 o'clock.

Does your neighbor’s grandpa love you? - No, he ______me.

What time _____every day? - I start work at 7 every day.

_______at weekends? - No, I don't work at weekends.

What ______ ? - Well, I am not doing anything.

_________? - No, she does not go to work.

And what _____now? - She is doing some shopping, I think.

LISTENING GAP FILL “Royal wedding”( One A

I ___________________ the royal wedding. I’d say it’s the biggest one since William’s mother Princess Diana got married in 1981. I’m going to ___________________ on April the 29th. I’m ___________________ seeing Kate in her dress. I’m sure she’ll look totally amazing. She’s so beautiful. Of course, the ___________________ when Kate and William kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. And Kate’s walk ___________________ Westminster Abbey – mustn’t forget that! I think they make such a lovely couple – they always seem so happy together. I’ve been ___________________ William proposed to Kate in Kenya – how romantic! I hope their marriage ___________________ other royal marriages. They don’t really have such a great record, do they? I’m sure this one will – it’s ___________________ heaven.

The Present Continuous Tense -

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