Letters of complaint and replies

The purpose of a letter of complaint is to get a problem solved so avoid emotional language (e.g. I am absolutely furious...). In any case, the person reading your letter is probably not the person who caused the problem. When replying to letters of complaint, avoid blaming a member of staff by name. Instead use a passive structure. Compare the following examples:

1 Mrs Smith, in our accounts department, sent the wrong invoice.

2 The wrong invoice was sent due to an error in the accounts department.

A letter of complaint should be structured as follows:

1 Begin with a clear reference.

2 State clearly what the nature of the complaint is.

3 Suggest a course of action that should be followed.

4 End the letter politely.

Task 1 shows a typical letter of complaint.

A reply to a letter of complaint should be structured as follows:

1 Begin with a reference to the letter.

2 If appropriate, apologize for the error and explain what happened.

3 Say what action you will take.

4 Apologize again and end the letter politely.

Task 2, when completed, provides a model for a reply to a letter of complaint.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Read this letter of complaint and answer the questions at the top of the following page.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

I am (complaining, writing, referring) regarding the consignment of 14

Olivetti 486 PCs, Order no. 3982/JKS which was delivered on 12 May.

It was clearly stated on the order form that these machines should be pre-loaded with the latest version of DOS. Unfortunately, they have all been loaded with DOS version 3.1, and we are therefore unable to run a number of programs. In addition, you agreed to supply all the necessary cables, but three of these are missing.

Could you please send one of your representatives to load the machines with the correct version of DOS as soon as possible. In addition, please send the three cables (part number CN-H97/k) as soon as possible.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 1 Does the letter begin with a clear reference to the particular consignment?

2What is Mr Panting's complaint?

3What does he want the supplier to do?

4Do you think the letter is polite enough?

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Task 2Here is the reply to Mr Panting's letter. Fill in the missing prepositions.

Reg. England 1831713 VAT 24HB 62114 Wildman Office Equipment

18 Station Lane
London N8 4HE

Telephone 071 996 6431/2/3 Telex 485881

Fax 071 996 6444

Your Ref Our Ref

17 May 19_

Mr G 0 Panting

Operations Manager Princes Marketing Nessonyou___se

Newell Street

Birmingham B3 3EL

Dear Mr Panting

Thank youl your letter 2 14 May regarding problems

3 a consignment that was recently sent 4you.

The difficulty appears to have arisen 5a

misunderstanding 6our ordering department, and the
matter has now been put right.

I have asked our Corporate Computing Consultant,

Mr R Marley, to call 7 you 8Friday 21 May

9 9 a.m. to ensure that the PCs are correctly loaded and

to supply the three cables that were left 10 of the

I will telephone you to check that this meeting is convenient, and in the meantime, I would like to apologize 11 the inconvenience that has been caused.

Yours sincerely

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 1 You have sent us the wrong items again. The wrong

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 2You should have delivered this consignment last week. This consignment

3Someone broke two of the VDUs during transportation. Two

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 4Someone sent the order by sea mail instead of air mail. The order

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 5Please let me know when you think you can sort this matter out. Please let me know when you think this matter

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 6You should have sent the documents by registered post. The documents

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 7A faulty connection could have caused the problems with the hard disk. The problems with the hard disk_______________________________________

8You omitted the manuals from the order.

The manuals____________________________

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 9You delivered the printers over three weeks late. The printers

10We will not pay the invoice until this problem is rectified. The invoice

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Task 4Match the beginnings and ends of these sentences.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 1 I am writing to complain about the late

2I am writing with reference

3We are returning the goods to you because

4Please arrange for the goods to be

5Please send us a refund for

6Please accept my apologies

7The problem arose due to

8We would like to apologize for the error

acollected from the factory.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru bon the invoice.

c a fault in the manufacturing process.

d we are not satisfied with them.

edelivery of items I ordered last week.

fto order UH-879/94.

g the full amount.

h for the inconvenience.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Task 5Look at the following letter of complaint from Physiologica to their suppliers.

1In pairs or small groups, decide:

ahow effective the letter is.

bhow it could be improved.

2Rewrite the letter in a more concise and appropriate manner (in about 80 words). Use the spaces provided.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Dear Mr Varenne

When we began this association, I had great hopes that everything would run smoothly, and there was little reason to suppose that your organization was in fact a TOTAL SHAMBLES; and to be quite frank with you, it astonishes me that you have managed to stay in business for as long as you have You've made a complete mess of our order.

We made it clear that we wanted the software protection plugs by the

end of NOVEMBER because we were going to start selling our program. Time and time again, you said that there was no problem, and yet here we

are, two weeks from the launch of the program, and there isn't a plug in sight. I am absolutely furious, and so is everyone else here.

Now listen: this is your very last chance. Get those plugs here within five days or the deal is off, and we'll go to someone else. OK? And if that means that you lose your development costs, that's your problem.

I advise you to contact me immediately because I'm finding this situation an incredible strain, and I= can't take much more of this.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Task 6You are Mr Varenne. Write a reply to the letter from Ms Newson.

I Thank her for her letter.

2 Apologize for the difficulties the late delivery is causing. Explain that a small number of the plugs had a technical fault caused by a problem in the manufacturing process. You have now sorted the problem out.

3 Say you have now sent the full consignment of plugs and they will arrive within the next few days.

4 Apologize for the delay and end your letter politely.


When you apply for a job, you may need to fill in a company application form which asks for personal details, your qualifications, and your work history. Alternatively, you may be asked to supply a curriculum vitae, which gives similar information, but which you write yourself.

In either case, you will need to write a covering letter to go with the application form or CV. Most jobs will have been advertised in the papers or specialist publications, and before you write your covering letter you should study the wording of the advertisement carefully. Find out exactly what the employer is looking for (for example, a certain amount of experience, familiarity with particular languages, etc.). Then, in your covering letter, try to show that you have all the qualities, qualifications, and experience that the employer is looking for. You should not simply repeat all the information in the CV, you should highlight the most important parts.

Task 1Read this advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

Systems Programmers to £20,000 - London Our client is a major UK clearing bank whose range of activities is as impressive as the growth of its profits. A bank that is dedicated to a long-term programme of systems development. With IBM RS/6000, System 38, and VAX hardware driving user-interface PC networks using C, UNIX, FOXPRO, and SYBASE, there's no doubting our client's commitment to systems innovation and investment. We are looking for SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS with C and UNIX skills, who can show us 2 years' experience of delivering advanced banking and online information systems. Above all, we need flexible thinkers who appreciate the commercial realities and priorities of the banking industry. Show us these qualities, and our client can offer you a competitive salary plus many banking benefits. If your talents and ambitions are ready for such a move, please send your CV, quoting Ref. 349, to: Harriet Bradmanat Compro Recruitment Services, 318 Leadhill Street, London EC1 1DR.

1 Who placed the advertisement?

2 What software does the current system use?

3 What specific characteristics or qualities are required?

4 What benefits come with the job?

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru begin with a reference to where he saw the job advertised? give details of the subjects he studied at school?

list briefly all previous jobs?

be honest and admit that he lacks exactly the required experience? indicate his current level of responsibility?

explain why the company would benefit if they employed him? say when he will be available for interview?

request that they reply as soon as is reasonably possible?

Now read the letter and compare your predictions. Do you think it is a good letter? Discuss the reasons for your opinion.

22 Carlyle Crescent London WC1H 9BH

18 June 19___ Yr Ref: 349

Ms H Bradman

Compro Recruitment Services 318 Leadhill Street

London EC1 1DR

Dear Miss Bradman

I wish to apply for the post of Systems Programmer, which was advertised in this month's edition of IT World.

I am currently a Systems Programmer at GCG Merchant Bank where I have two years' experience of specialized programming for the financial sector. I am familiar with C/UNIX, LAN/WAN technology, and relational databases.

Prior to taking over my current post, I worked for Data International as a Trainee Systems Programmer, where I was

involved in the development of a new online information system for a financial services company.

My experience in the fields of both banking and online information services has given me the necessary commercial and technical awareness to be able to make a valuable contribution to the systems development programme of your client.

Please let me know if there is any further information you require.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Task 3   The advertisement mentioned three specific requirements for the job. Write down the phrases that David Manning used when referring to those requirements.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 1

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 2

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru 3

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru Task 4Using the information from the letter, complete the following CV that David

Manning sent with the covering letter.


Personal details Position applied Education 19_ to 19 19 19_ Work experience 19_ to present 19 19_ Other information for: Name: David William MANNING Age: 21 Date of Birth: 29 May 19 —Marital StaLus: Single Address:1
Tel: Status 6925
St Godric's School, Buckingham General Certificate of EducatiHr. MathematiCertifB Physics A English B German D Aston Technical Co__ e Birmingla:r. OND in Computing Company: GCG Merchant Bert Post
Post: 6
Responsibilities: assisting in the development of a new online information system for a financial services company. Clean driving licence
Referees Mr Joseph Morse Systems Manager GCG Merchant Bank Threadneedle Street London EC1 7GH Mr J H Holloway Data Processing Manager Data International 106 Sidmouth Street London WC1H 4GJ

Current Salary £16,500 p.a.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

  Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Task 5 In each of the following sentences, choose the most appropriate word from the options in brackets. 1 I am writing to (apply, request, ask) for the post of Sales Consultant advertised in today's edition of The Independent'. 2 I enclose my curriculum vitae for the (job, position, work) of Program Manager. 3As you will see from the enclosed (CV, covering letter, application), I have had several years' experience of Export Sales. 41 (qualified, left, graduated) from Manchester Technical College with an HND in Electronic Engineering. 5 At present, I am (worked, employed, taken) by Unisys, where I work in the Customer Services Department. 6 I would be grateful if you could send me an application (form, formula, card). 7 While I was at Dell, 1 was (liable, responsible, charged) for the day-to-day running of the Technical Services Department. 8 At ICL my duties (included, added, completed) installing and testing new computer systems. 9 I look (forward, ahead, on) to hearing from you.

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Letters of complaint and replies - student2.ru

Task 7 Compro Recruitment Services are advertising a number of jobs. Choose a job and write a covering letter to send with your completed CV. Begin by saying which post in particular you are applying for. Give relevant details about yourself and your experience/qualifications. Say why you would be useful to the company. Close your letter politely.

Sales and support£12,000 to £15,000

A growing company requires an experienced PC Consultant to provide technical support for both specialist systems and general packages including word processors, spreadsheets, and databases. Additional responsibilities will include dealing with sales enquiries, both at exhibitions and on the telephone. Full training in this area will be provided.

Ref. S/167

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