See off

If you see somebody off, you go to the place from where they're beginning a journey, like an airport or a railway station, and wish them well as they leave.

see out (1)

If you see someone out, you accompany them out of a room or a building when they're leaving.

see out (2)

to continue until the end of a particular period of time or until the end of a contract or an activity

see through (1)

If you see through something or someone, you realize that you are being deceived or tricked, and you aren't fooled.

see through (2)

If you see something through, you continue with it right to the end.

See to

If you see to something, you take responsibility for it and make sure it's done.

Sell off

to sell assets or belongings, often for a low price because you need money quickly

Sell out

to sell all the stock of something, and have none left

Send back

If you send back something that's been delivered to you, you return it because there's a problem with it.

Send for

to ask for someone to come to you, or to ask for something to be sent to you

send off (1)

If you send something off, you post it or send it by a courier service.

send off (2)

If a referee or an umpire sends off a player, the player has to leave the field or court because they've done something wrong.

Set about

to begin doing something that will probably take a lot of effort or a long time

Set aside

to keep a portion of something for use in the future

set back (1)

to make something happen more slowly, or at a later time, than it would have

Set back (2) INFORMAL

If something has set you back fifty dollars, it has cost you fifty dollars.

Set down

If you set something down, you put it in writing.

set off (1)

to begin a journey

set off (2)

to make something explode or blow up

set out (1)

to begin doing something with a definite objective or aim in mind

set out (2)

to begin a journey

set out (3)

to explain the details of something, especially in writing

set up (1)

to start a company, a foundation, or an organization of some sort

set up (2)

to put together or arrange the parts of something before using it

set up (3)

to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity

settle down (1)

to become calm and quiet, especially after being excited or noisy

settle down (2)

to start living a conventional life with a steady job and a stable partner, especially after getting married

Settle for

to accept something, even though it isn't what you really want

Settle in

to begin to feel comfortable in a new situation, such as a new home, a new job, or a new school

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