E) We have been thinking about it and we have decided that we are going to buy a new car will buy a new car this year.

A) What a beautiful girl! I am going to invite her will invite her out next Saturday!

B) I'm bored. I don't know what to do. I know! I am going to read will read a Harry Potter book!

C) Josh is nervous today. He has bought Annie a bunch of flowers because he is going to ask her out will ask her out .

D) Those watermelons seem delicious. We are going to buy one will buy one !

e) We have been thinking about it and we have decided that we are going to buy a new car will buy a new car this year.

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get) you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn) it up so you can hear it.

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

5. Sarah (come) to the party. Oliver (be) there as well.

6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) the air-conditioning on.

7. I think he (be) the next President of the United States.

8. After I graduate, I (attend) medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) you.

10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) down to the beach and go swimming.

Describe these pictures (below) using the expressions “will” and “be going to”! Make full sentences and write them! Не забывай о том, что “will” и “be going to” должны «подходить под ситуации», в которых ты их употребляешь. Сделай письменно! Пусть среди предложений будет несколько мини-диалогов (1 диалог буду засчитывать как одно предложение). Всего должно быть 6 предложений.

e) We have been thinking about it and we have decided that we are going to buy a new car will buy a new car this year. - student2.ru

e) We have been thinking about it and we have decided that we are going to buy a new car will buy a new car this year. - student2.ru

e) We have been thinking about it and we have decided that we are going to buy a new car will buy a new car this year. - student2.ru

4* (если не успеваешь, сделай половину)
I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.
      'm going to
Where are you going? I ______ visit a customer.
      'm going to
Do you want me to help you? No thanks. John ______ help me.
      's going to
Would you prefer tea or coffee? I ______ have some coffee, please.
      'm going to
Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this? Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.
      'm going to
I've already decided. I ______ buy a new car
      'm going to
What are your plans for next week? I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.
      'm going to
What are your plans for the holidays? I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland.
      'm going to
Why are you wearing your best suit? I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.
      'm going to
Do you want to have the chicken or the beef? I think ______ have the beef.
      'm going to
My head hurts. Sit down and I ______ get you an aspirin.
      'm going to
We need some more ink for the printer. I ______ go to the shop and get some.
      'm going to
Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier. You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer
      'm going to
I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet. Don't worry. I ______ help you.
      'm going to
I need to speak to you today. I'm going out now but I ______ be back later.
      'm going to
Did you phone Michael? I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I ______ do it now.
      'm going to
Can you help me with this? I don't understand. I ______ give you a hand as soon as I've finished this.
      'm going to
That's much too heavy for one person. I ______ give you a hand.
      'm going to
Could somebody answer the phone? I ______ get it.
      'm going to
It's really hot in here. I ______ put on the air-conditioning.
      'm going to

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