Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -

[ƏU] gold, coat, boast, robe.

[ƏU] crow, below, know, now, woe.

[Λ] company, cover, monkey, donkey, none.

[au] loudly, frown, soup, rout, crown.

[כ:] store, soar, explore, cow, corn, thought.

[u:] stool, food, soon, zoo, foolish.

[u:] look, noodle, school, spoon, roof, wood.

Reading Test

Read the words according to the reading rules.

son goal amount broom nothing
gold front hook cloud go
oak dove poison cowl adopt
ford bought hopeful pillow proof
bon word floor shower boil
storm bold soar worthy tool
monkey mother south rocky flood
roast flower course rough sought
tore boar trout poppy worst
down problem moody ought through
hole reform prowl loop worship
store crook row low role
fro impose portion lottery pool
frown some sound lout posh
mower road troop close touch
cove grow flow worth know
mouth ground foe flour gown
owl encourage fowl toy more
cover wonder possible stone encompass
power accomplish road count groom
become blow coward company loud
shout promote lousy lowdown prowl
glow glove dowdy double coast
comfort bony loaf lore loosen

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -

  открытый слог [ ju:] [ u:] закрытый слог [ Λ ] [ u ] u + r [ ә: ] ur + гласная [ juƏ]
tube rude dull full turn pure
mule true but pull surf cure
cube rule cut put burglar lure
dupe prune cluster bull burly endure
mute brutal bulk push murky mural
puny lunacy butter bush murder demure

BUT! [ e ]

² Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 1. Listen and repeat.

tub – tube dud – due

cub – cube curve – cure

mutt – mute occur – cure

pun – puny lurk – lure

cut – cute purse – pure

rub – ruby fur – furious

club – clue nurse – endure

²Activity 2. Listen and repeat.

· funny – fuel – fume – furnish – furry – further – fruitless

· hug – huge – hurdle – hurry – hurt – hut – humble – hurtle

· but – brute – burden – burglar – bury – busy – burst – button – bursar bully

· nut – nude – nurse – nursery – nurture

· mull – mule – mumble – murder – murmur – music – munch – mural

· rut – rush – ruse – rural – ruthless – rub – ruby – rude

· luck – lucid – lurch – lung – lure – lurid – lush – lug

· stud – student – stuffy – stupid – sturdy – subsume – suburb – suicide

sue – survey – surge

· shut

· tub – tube – truck – turf – turtle – true – tutor – truce – trudge – turban

· puck – puke – puppet – pure – purchase – purify – purple – purse – pushy puzzle – purely

Activity 3. Read the words according to the reading rules.

fun brush dummy purple pun puke puff bunch rug sue sudden surge fuss surly urge usher use rump furtive pluck prudery pulley uncle vulture nurse null nutmeg humid humble lurk gulf gull puppy purse truss pus muster mutton mug frustrate trust fur furnish turtle trundle hurt fume fruit    

  Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -
    Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - [ ә ] [ uә ]

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - [wi] Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -


Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - [ u: ]

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - BUT!

[Λ] Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - [ju: ]

  Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound -

que [k]

Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - Activity 12. Read and cross out the word with a different sound - gu [g]

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