Ex.146 Conditional sentences: mixed types

Finish the following sentences.

1 If you had a carpet on the stairs ....

2 If you should see a snake ....

3 If I lived in the country ....

4 If you want to get to the station in time to catch the 8.10 train ....

5 He was sleepwalking. When I saw him going towards the window I stopped him. If I hadn't stopped him ....

6 She is simply terrified of rats. If she hears the rats running round your attics she ....

7 The milk wouldn't have turned sour if... .

8 They were completely lost and didn't know which way to turn; but for the dog..

9 If you took a course in computer programming ....

10 Jack (trying to phone Peter): I can hear the phone ringing. Peter must be out. If he were in he ... .

11 If we have another puncture ....

12 I could have walked more quickly if my suitcase ....

13 My room would be all right if it... .

14 If you aren't going to use the car tomorrow, . . . ?

15 If you don't like films why . . . ?

16 There were plenty of fish in the bay; if we'd had fishing lines ....

17 The hijackers threatened to kill the pilot unless he ... .

18 We'll test your voice and if it is good enough ....

19 If buses and trains were free ....

20 If children were allowed to do exactly as they liked in school....

21 I'd have taken a photograph if ... .

22 Your job sounds awful. If I were you ....

23 If you thought he was unreliable why . . . ?

24 If I'd known that there was going to be an electricity strike I....

25 If the price of petrol goes up ... .

26 You can camp in this field provided ....

27 Unless you isolate people with infectious diseases ....

28 Everyone was going much too fast. The pile-up wouldn't have been nearly so terrible if the drivers ....

29 They would have paid you more if ... .

30 If you don't boil the water before you drink it... .

31 He expected absolute punctuality. He was furious if ... .

32 If you lived on the 40th floor and there was a power strike ....

33 We could have got seats ....

34 Mother to little boy: If you don't eat up your nice rice pudding ....

35 Tom (looking at his watch): We'll have to go without Peter if ... .

36 If you breathe a word of this to anybody ....

Ex.147 will and shall

Insert either will or shall in the spaces; in some examples, shall would be correct in formal English but will is used in conversation. In these cases, the answer shall/will will be given in the key.

1 I... know tomorrow. It... be in the papers.

2 These pigeons are quite tame; they . . . take crumbs from your fingers.

3 ... I call for you? ~

No, I... get a taxi and meet you at the station.

4 Hold the door open for me, ... you?

5 Loudspeaker announcement at an air terminal:'. . . Mr Jones, passenger to New York, please come to Gate 3.'

6 The Head of the Department has just told me that I ... (not) have any nine o'clock classes next term. So I... (not) have to get up early, which ... be a comfort. And I ... have time to read the paper at breakfast.

7 Zoo keeper: In spite of all the notices, people . . . feed these animals.

8 Committee regulations: Ten persons . . . constitute a quorum.

9 You can trust me; nobody . . . know that you are here. (I promise to keep it secret.) I ... (not) even tell my wife.

10 Shop assistant: The small ones are £1 each and the large ones are £2. Customer: I ... have six small ones, please.

11 ... we stop here for a drink? ~

If we do we ... miss the overture, and they probably . . . (not) let us in till the end of the act.

12 ... you have another piece of pie?~ Yes, please.

13 Jones: Stand away from that door! You can't keep me here against my will!

Smith: You . . . (not) go till you have given me an explanation! (I won't let you go.)

14 Police Officer (in a loud-speaker van beside a motorway in thick fog): They are going much too fast. I keep warning them to reduce speed but they . . . (not) do it.

15 Extract from a club's regulations: Club officers ... be elected yearly and . . . (not) be eligible for re-election at the end of that year.

16 The train ... be very crowded, I'm afraid. I expect we . . . have to stand most of the way.

17 Ann (on phone): You left your gloves here last night. ... I post them to you?

Mary: No, don't bother. I ... pick them up some time this evening. You ... be in, ... (not) you?

18 Tom (at the races): Who won?

Jack: I don't know; it was a photo-finish. But we ... see in a moment. They . . . put the winner's number up.

19 Ann: She says she'd rather go to prison than pay the fine.

Tom: She . . . (not) go to prison. (I won't let this happen.) I... pay her fine for her!

20 Where ... we go to get shoes? ~ What about Oxford Street? ~

Oxford Street? Are you mad? It's Saturday morning! The shops . . . be packed.

21 I ... (not) see her, I'm sorry to say. She . . . have left by the time I arrive.

22 Secretary: There's a Mr Peterson in the outer office, sir. He says he has an appointment. . . . you see him now? Mr Smith: I ... (not) see him now or at any other time. I told him so when we last met. And he hasn't an appointment!

23 Angry villagers, who have just heard that the government intends to pull down their houses and build an airport: They . . . (not) build an airport here! We . . . fight for our village!

24 I am determined that my son . . . have the best possible education.

Ex.148 would and should

Insert would or should in the spaces in the following sentences.

1 Let's go shopping. The shops . . . not be crowded. Monday morning's usually quiet.

2 Why . . . everyone be promoted except me? It's not fair.

3 He used to have a day off once a week, and on that day he ... get up early, have a hasty breakfast and set out for the river.

4 . . . n't it be better to roll up the carpet before painting the ceiling?

5 I know that it will be difficult to pick him out in such a crowd, but if you . . . happen to see him give him this packet.

6 The car ... n't start so we had to ring for a taxi.

7 If you . . . wait a moment, I'll ring our stockroom and see if we have another bale of this material.

8 I... tell him the truth if I were you.

9 I wish he ... get up earlier. He's late for work every day.

10 It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence ... be taken in so easily.

11 The people in the flat above us were members of a band. We liked them very much but they . . . practise the drums at night. Nothing we said made any difference.

12 ... you like to come with us? There is plenty of room in the car.

13 Do you know where Tom is? ~

He ... be in the canteen. He's usually there between twelve and one.

14 She asked what she ... do if any letters came for me while I was away. I told her that my brother . . . come every day to pick up my mail.

15 ... you like some cake?~

Yes, please, though I ... n't eat it really as I'm on a diet.

16 He always carried food for himself and his horse in case they . . . have to spend a night away from camp.

17 Have I spelt it right? Or ... there be another 's'?

18 If Tom were here he ... know what to do.

19 Bill proposed that women ... be allowed to join the club.

20 It... take too long to handsew it; we'll have to hire a machine.

21 It is only fair that you . . . know what people are saying about you behind your back.

22 It is essential that everyone ... be able to see the stage.

23 They ... n't allow parking in this street at all. It's much too narrow.

24 I hoped they ... be pleased when they saw the photographs.

25 ... you mind opening the windows? It's very stuffy in here.

26 Have you a screwdriver? ~

Yes, there ... be one in that drawer.

27 I suggested that they . . . have a hot breakfast and a cold supper.

28 You . . . love your father. (It is natural and right.)~ Why ... I love him? I've never seen him.

29 The headmaster suggested that the school . . . buy its own minibus.

30 I wish you . . . tell me what he said in his letter.

31 He ... n't use the electric blanket. He said it was faulty.

32 They used to work in pairs. One . . . pretend that he wanted to buy something while the other helped himself from the shelves.

33 Small children ... n't be left alone in a house. They might set themselves on fire.

34 'You ... n't leave a small child alone. (You are far too conscientious.)

35 Father to child: You ... be in bed. What are you doing running about at this hour?

36 There ... be a switch somewhere. Ah yes, here it is.

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