Instrument potential transformer 1 страница


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃn] применение
science ['saɪəns] наука
phenomenon [fɪ'nɔmɪnən] явление
device [dɪ'vaɪs] устройство
flow of electrons [fləu ov ɪ'lektrɔnz] поток электронов
solid ['sɔlɪd] твердое тело
liquid ['lɪkwɪd] жидкость
semiconductor [ˌsemɪkən'dʌktə] полупроводник
property ['prɔpətɪ] свойство
law [lo:] закон
construction [kən'strʌkʃn] строительство
motion ['məuʃn] движение
electron tube [ɪ'lektrɔn tjuːb] электронная лампа
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] технология
technician [tek'nɪʃn] техник
field [fiːld] поле
industry ['ɪndəstrɪ] промышленность
amplify ['æmplɪfaɪə] усиливать
branch [brɑːnʧ] область
design [dɪ'zaɪn] дизайн, проектирование
physical ['fɪzɪkl] физический
industrial [ɪn'dʌstrɪəl] промышленный
describe [dɪ'skraɪb] описывать
apply [ə'plaɪ] применять
emit [ɪ'mɪt] излучать
study ['stʌdɪ] изучать
include [ɪn'kluːd] включать в себя
increase ['ɪnkriːs], [ɪn'kriːs] увеличение, увеличивать
divide [dɪ'vaɪd] разделять
process ['prəuses], [prəu'ses] процесс, обрабатывать
deal with [diːl wɪð] иметь дело с
measure ['meʒə] измерять
develop [dɪ'veləp] разрабатывать
contain [kən'teɪn] содержать

TASK 2. Study the following suffixes and use them to form new words.

Verb + ment:measure, develop, replace.

Verb +s/ tion: construct, apply, move, divide, inform, emit, invent, connect.

Verb + er/or (person, device): process, construct, amplify, contain, research.

Noun + ist: science, physics.

TASK 3. Revise the rules how to form plural nouns and write the plurals of the nouns from the table above:

1) +s:applications

2) –s, -sh, -tch, -ch, -o, -x +es:processes

3) consonant + y →ies:studies

TASK 4. Study the present form of the verb “to be” and translate the sentences from Russian into English. Make them negative and interrogative.

I am I am not Am I?

He is He is not Is he?

She is She is not Is she?

It is It is not Is it?

We are We are not Are we?

You are You are not Are you?

They are They are not Are they?

1. Электроника – это наука. 2. Это устройство новое. 3 Математика и физика – науки. 4. Эта жидкость опасна. 5. Этот закон хорошо известен. 6. Эти электронные лампы старые. 7. Этот полупроводник очень популярен. 8. Эта технология современная. 9. Этот дизайн очень интересный. 10. Это измерение точное. 11. Эта информация не точная. 12. Этот ученый очень известный.

TASK 5. Study the past form of the verb “to be” and translate the given above sentences from Russian into English. Make them negative and interrogative.

I was I was not Was I?

He was He was not Was he?

She was She was not Was she?

It was It was not Was it?

We were We were not Were we?

You were You were not Were you?

They were They were not Were they?

TASK 6. Study the following table of Present Simple and the rules of its use. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. Make them negative and interrogative.

We use it when we speak about:

1) Habits (I play computer games every day.)

2) Permanent actions (I study Electronics.)

3) Laws and rules (Cathode emits electrons when heated.)

4) Sport commentaries (Sychev passes to Arshavin, Arshavin scores.)

5) Future: timetables (English starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow.)

Time references: always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, never, every day (week, …), once a week, from time to time, etc.

Present simple

? + -
  What When Where Why How How much How many How often Which   Do Does   I you we they he she it       play?   I We You play They He She plays It   I We You do not play They He She does not play It

1. Future radio-engineers … (to study) at the radio-engineering faculty. 2. Electronics … (to be) a young science. 3. Electronic devices … (to play) a great role in radio equipment. 4. A receiving station … (to receive) radio waves. 5. Transmitting stations … (to radiate) radio waves. 6. A transmitting station … (to have) a radio transmitter and antenna. 7. A radio transmitter … (to be) a device for radiating electromagnetic waves. 8. The main parts of a transmitter … (to be) а high-frequency oscillator, a ground, and an antenna. 9. The necessary components of radio communication … (to be) a transmitter and a receiver. 10. A wide application of radio devices … (to lead) to the further development of science.

TASK 7. Read the first part of the text.


Electronics is the science of electronic phenomena, devices and systems. It describes and applies the flow of electrons emitted from solids or liquids passing through vacuum, gases or semiconductors. Electronics as a science studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their motion, and the laws of the transformation of various kinds of energy through the media of electrons. The basic elements in electronics are the electron tube and the transistor.

Although electronics is properly regarded as only a section of electrical technology, electronic techniques are applied in many fields, including industry, communication, defense and entertaining. Due to its versatility it becomes increasingly difficult to draw clear dividing lines between electronics and other branches of electronic technology.

While physical electronics is the science of electronic processes, industrial electronics deals with the technology of design, construction and application of electronic devices. The industrial applications of electronics include control gauging, counting and measuring, speed regulations, and many others.

TASK 8. Answer the following questions and retell the text and make up 5 more questions of your own.

1. What is electronics? 2. What does it study? 3. What are the basic elements in electronics? 4. Where are the electronic techniques applied? 5. What does industrial electronics deal with?

TASK 9. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

Electronics is a new 1)… of physics, and one that plays an increasingly 2)… part in our lives. It is concerned with the use of 3)… to produce 4)… that carry information and control 5)… such as computers. These devices 6)… electric circuits through which electric current 7)…. The controlling parts in a circuit are called 8)…, and these 9)… diodes and transistors. Components can 10)… currents, switch them on and off or change their direction.


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

invention [ɪn'venʃ(ə)n] изобретение
important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] важный
development [dɪ'veləpmənt] развитие
engineering [ˌenʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ] инженерное дело
enlarge [ɪn'lɑːʤ ], [en'lɑːʤ] увеличивать
purpose ['pɜːpəs] назначение, цель
vacuum ['vækjuːm] вакуум
broadcasting ['brɔːdkɑːstɪŋ] вещание
telecasting ['telɪˌkɑːstɪŋ] телевещание
research [rɪ'sɜːʧ] исследование
radar ['reɪdɑː] радар
replace [rɪ'pleɪs] заменять
reduce [rɪ'djuːs] сокращать
size [saɪz] размер
advance [əd'vɑːn(t)s] развитие, прогресс
consider [kən'sɪdə] рассматривать, полагать
connect [kə'nekt] соединять
appearance [ə'pɪər(ə)n(t)s] появление
use [juːz] использовать
introduction [ˌɪntrə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] введение, представление
range [reɪnʤ] диапазон
suppose [sə'pəuz] полагать
microelectronics [ˌmaikrəiˌlek'troniks] микроэлектроника
lead [li:d] приводить
large-scale integrated circuit [lɑːʤ skeil integreitid 'sɜːkɪt] большая интегральная схема
square [skwɛə] квадратный
inch [ɪnʧ] дюйм
tape recorder ['teɪprɪˌkɔːdə] магнитофон
tool [tul] инструмент

TASK 2. Study the following suffixes and use them to form new words.

NOUNS: Verb +-ence, -ance: appear →appearance: apply, resist, capacitor.

ADVERBS: Adjective + -ly: usual → usually: increasing, like, recent, common, considerable.

VERBS: En/ em + adjective: large → enlarge: power, able, circle.


Verb + -able: compute → computable: adjust, vary, change, note.

Noun + -ant (-ent): import → important;

Verb, noun + - ive: effect → effective: conduct, resist, prevent, protect.

Noun + -ic: electron → electronic: science.

TASK 3. Study the following prepositions and fill in the gaps in the text with the prepositions. Listen to the recording and check the answers.

of: the flow of electrons from: I am from Russia. through: to pass through in: I live in Russia. to: I go to school between: to draw a line between two things with: deal with for: a present for you on: the computer is on the table into: convert into


The English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton was one 1) ... the greatest scientists 2) ... all time. His theories revolutionized scientific thinking and laid the foundations 3) ... modern physics. His book Principia Mathematica is one 4) ... the most important works 5) ... the history 6) ... modern science. Newton discovered the law 7) ... gravity and developed the three laws 8) ... motion that are still 9) ... use today. He was the first person to split white light 10) ... the colours 11) ... spectrum, and his research 12) ... light led him to design a reflecting telescope. Newton was also one 13) ... the pioneers 14) ... a new branch 15) ... mathematics called calculus.

TASK 4. Study the following infinitive structure, read the sentences below and translate them from English into Russian.

S + to be Ved/3 + to + V

The invention of electronic devices is known to have a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering.

Известно, что изобретение электронных устройств ознаменовало новый этап в развитии эл. инженерии.

1. Scientists are reported to be already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers is likely to understand human languages. 2. Now plenty of materials are known to become superconductors at low temperature. 3. Recently some ceramic materials have been found to be superconductors. 4. The International Space Station was expected to be a permanent off-planet extension of human civilization. 5. Machine code is known to contain the 1s and 0s – binary code – that are processed by the CPU.

TASK 5. Transform the sentences according to the model: It is known that transistors perform functions similar to valves. → Transistors are known to perform function to valves.

1. It is known that sound travels faster in solids than in liquids. 2. It has been proved that electronic equipment saves millions of man and machine hours. 3. It is believed that electronics is the most progressing technology of the present industrial age. 4. It is evident that electronics has made a great contribution to automation. 5. It is known that the invention of electronic device has become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering.

TASK 6. Read the second part of the text.


The invention of electronic device is known to have become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering. It considerably enlarges the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. The invention of the vacuum tube made radio broadcasting possible and later on — telecasting. The researches in the field of electronics gave us radar devices, computers, tape recorders, betatron and a lot of medical tools. Semiconductor devices which have replaced electron tubes reduce the size of instruments.

A great advance in electronics is considered to be connected with the appearance of the transistor. The use of the transistor is likely to be the first step in miniaturization of electronic devices and has increased the range of their application. The introduction of the transistor in 1948 is supposed to be the beginning of the evolution of microelectronics which led in the late 1970s to the development of large-scale in­tegrated (LSI) circuits. Now hundreds of circuits can be packed on to one square inch and there seems to be no limit to it. The technology of so-called molecular epitaxy is the best proof of this suggestion.

Electronics is evident to have made a great contribution to automation. It has extended the range of automatic control in large-scale industrial operations and made the processing of information rapid. Electronic computers have provided the basis for the construction of automatic lines, automated units, shops and whole plants, tools with programmed control, robots and manipulators.

Electronics has penetrated into all the spheres of human activity from household appliances to arti­ficial intelligence and search of outer space civilizations. Such advantages of electronic devices as microscopic size, high speed, low cost and reliability are likely to have no competitor. No wonder electronic technology is the most dynamic technology of the present industrial age. Electronics is sure to make still greater progress in the nearest future and help humanity gain new victories in science and engineering.

TASK 7. Answer the following questions and retell the text.

1. What made radio broadcasting and telecasting possible? 2. What can reduce the size of instrument? 3. What is the great advance in electronics connected with? 4. What are the basic elements in electronics? 5. What advantages of electronic devices are there? 6. When was the first transistor invented? 7. When did the development of LSI circuits begin? 8. What contribution has electronics made into automation?


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations.

substance ['sʌbstəns] вещество
to be composed of [kəm'pəuzd] состоять из
orbit ['ɔːbɪt] вращаться
depend on [dɪ'pend] зависеть от
charge [ʧɑːʤ] заряд, заряжать
move [muːv] двигаться
constitute ['kɔnstɪtjuːt] составлять
electric current ['kʌrənt ]; ['kɜːrənt] электрический ток
conductor [kən'dʌktə] проводник
allow [ə'lau] позволять
wire ['waɪə] провод
to be coated with   быть покрытым чем-либо
insulating material ['ɪnsjəleɪtɪŋ mə'tɪərɪəl] изолирующий материал
conductivity [ˌkɔndʌk'tɪvətɪ] проводимость
impurity [ɪm'pjuərətɪ] примесь
resist   сопротивляться
direct current (DC)   постоянный ток
alternating current (AC) ['ɔːltəneɪtɪŋ] переменный ток
change [ʧeɪnʤ] менять
switch on/off   включать/ выключать
frequency ['friːkwənsɪ] частота
voltage ['vəultɪʤ ], ['vɔltɪʤ] напряжение
volts (V)   вольты
amperes (A) ['æmpɛə] амперы
coulomb (C) ['kuːlɔm] кулоны
power   мощность
watts (W) [wɔt] ватты
to be equal to ['iːkwəl] равняться, быть эквивалентным
consume [kən'sjuːm] потреблять

Task 2. Read the text about substances and elements they consist of.

All substances, solids, liquids or gases, are composed of one or more of the chemical elements. Each element is composed of identical atoms. Each atom is composed of a small central nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons around which orbit shells of electrons. These electrons are very much smaller than protons and neutrons. The electrons in the outermost shell are called valence electrons and the electrical properties of the substance depend on the number of these electrons. Neutrons have no electric charge, but protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. In some substances, usually metals, the valence electrons are free to move from one atom to another and this is what constitutes an electric current.

TASK 3. Read the text again and complete the sentences with the missing information.

1. Elements make up …. 2. Identical atoms …. 3. Atoms consist of …, … and …. 4. Inside there are … and …, while outside …. 5. Shells …. 6. Valence electrons …. 7. Neutrons do not have …. 8. Electricity is generated when ….

TASK 4. Listen and complete the text with the missing information.

Electricity consists of a 1) … of free electrons along a conductor. To produce this current flow,a generator is placed at the end of the conductor in order to move the 2) ….


Electricity needs a material which allows a current to pass through easily, which offers little 3) … to the flow and is full of free electrons. This material is called a conductor and can be in the form of a bar, tube or sheet. The most commonly used 4) … are wires, available in many sizes and thicknesses. They are coated with insulating materials such as plastic.


Semiconductors such as silicon and germanium are used in transistors and their conductivity is halfwayin between a conductor and an 5) …. Small quantities of other substances, called impurities,are introduced in the material to 6) … the conductivity.


A material which contains very 7) … electrons is called an insulator. Glass, rubber, dry wood and 8) … resist the flow of electric charge, and as such they are good insulating materials.

TASK 5. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F), then correct the false ones.

1. A flow of electrons moving inside a conductor creates an electric current.

2. A generator is used to move the charges.

3. Electrons can easily pass through any material.

4. Any material is a good conductor.

5. Conductors are coated with insulators.

6. The presence of free electrons affects the conductivity of materials.

7. Impurities are introduced to increase conductivity.

8. Insulating materials resist the flow of electrons.

TASK 6. Read the text and complete the table with the missing information.

There are two types of current: Direct current (DC) and Alternating current (AC). Direct current is a continuous flow of electrons in one direction and it never changes its direction until the power is stopped or switched off.

Alternating current constantly changes its direction because of the way it is generated. The term 'frequency' is used to indicate how many times the current changes its direction in one second.

Alternating current has a great advantage over direct current because it can be transmitted over very long distances through small wires, by making energy high voltage and low current.

There are several quantities that are important when we are talking about electric current. Volts (V) – so named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta – measure the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire. Amperes (A) measure the amount of current flowing through a conductor, that is to say the number of electrons passing a point in a conductor in one second.

Coulomb (C) measure the quantity of charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere. Power is the rate at which work is performed and it is measured in watts (W). A Kilowatt (kW), which is equal to one thousand watts, is used to measure the amount of used or available energy. The amount of electrical energy consumed in one hour at the constant rate of one kilowatt is called kilowatt-hour.

Unit of measurement What does it measure?
(1) the number of electrons passing a given point in a conductor in one second
(2) the quantity of electricity transferred by a steady current of one ampere
(3) the amount of electric energy used
(4) the difference of potential between two points of a conductor
(5) rate at which work is done

TASK 7. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

The position of Vanessa Thompson is 1)…. The lecture is read on 2)… and 3)….The students learn about 4)… in her class. The first thing the students study is how 5)…. This is important for in-depth study of 6)…. The three things which students learn about after that are 7)…, 8)… and 9)…. Students also learn how substance 10)…. In the end, they are explained how to 11)… electricity. The units of measurement which they study are amperes, 12)…, 13)…, and 14)…. Finally students do a 15)… which is an electrical 16) ….


Task 1.Study new words and word combinations

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