Model Corporate Information Security Policy

Information Security Policy for E-Government

Republic of Kazakhstan

Model Corporate Information Security Policy

Document Type: Template

Version No: 1.0

Issue Date: ******** ?

Purpose of this document

To provide NHS organisations with an illustrative template Corporate Information Security Policy as a model for constructing their own policies.

version history

Version Date Issued Brief Summary of Change Owner’s Name
V1.0 24.04.2015 Final work Narul Niyaz
Policy title:  
Issue date: 24.04.2015 Review date: 01.05.2015
Version: Issued by: Niyaz Narul
Aim: Information Security Policy
Scope: Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Model Corporate Information Security Policy -

Associated documentation: Legal Framework:[For example:The Data Protection Act (1998), Copyright Designs & Patents Act (1988), Computer Misuse Act (1990), Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), Human Rights Act (1998) etc ] Policies: [Enter any other policies of the organisation that relate to this policy. For example, staff discipline, email]
Appendices: [List any documented appendices and their versions]
Approved by: [Enter relevant Board/Post here]
Date: [Enter date policy approved here. This may differ from the date of issue]
Review and consultation process: [Enter review details here. For example, ‘Annually from review date above. Trust Information Governance Board to oversee process’]
Responsibility for Implementation & Training: [Day to day responsibility for implementation: officer title]   [Day to day responsibility for training: officer title]

Model Corporate Information Security Policy -

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