The Rodriguez family are in England


Exercise 1. Simple Present Tense

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

Hi. My name (be) _______ Albert. My friends (call) _______ me Al. You can call

me Al if you (like) _______. I (want) to tell you about a problem I (have) _______. It (be, not) _______ _______ a big problem, but it is not a small problem, either. I (guess) _______ it's somewhere between big and small.

I (have) _______ a best friend. His name (be) _______ Joe, but everybody (call) _______ him Joey. Joey and I have been friends for a long time. That's the problem. Joey (like) _______ to smoke. He (say) _______ he (do, not) _______ _______, but I (know) _______ he (do) _______. He (try) ______ to hide it from me, but I (see) ______ him do it sometimes. When I see him do it, he just (laugh) _______ and (walk) _______ away.

Now, Joey (smoke) _______ every day. When he (come) _______ over to my house, he (always, bring) _______ _______ his cigarettes with him. He (keep) _______ them in his pocket. He (think) _______ they are cool. He (not, think) _______ _______ _______ it's a bad idea to smoke. He (say) _______, "(not, worry) _______ _______ _______ , Al. I'm okay." He (tell) _______ me that I (not, understand) _______ _______ _______, but I (think) _______ I (do) _______. I (feel) _______ like it's his right to smoke. He can do what he (want) _______ to do, right? But I can (not, help) _______ _____ worrying. He's my best friend.

Exercise 2

Simple or progressive

1. They normally _____________________ lunch at two. (have)

2. Are _____________________ in Paris this week ? (you work)

3. You _____________________ new clothes every Saturday! (buy)

4. I played football at school but now I _____________________ swimming (prefer)

5. I _____________________ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about? (have)

6. John _____________________ a difficult time at the university this year (have)

7. My father _____________________ everything about c ars, but nothing about bicycles . (know)

8. The moon _____________________ round the earth. (go)

9. Do _____________________ those men at the door? – They _____________________ at us very

strangely (you see, look)

10. We _____________________ that the contents of this letter should be changed.(feel)

11. They _____________________ lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. (have)

12. The watch _____________________ to my grandmother. (belong)

13. I _____________________ what you _____________________ me but I don’t agree with you (hear,


14. This medicine _____________________ a new substance (contain)

15. These days we _____________________ tests at school. (always have)

16. Why _____________________ my coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It _____________________ like mine!

(you wear, look)

17. This c ake _____________________ strange. What’s in it? (smell)

18. Hi Jak e. – What _____________________ at the moment? – I _____________________ the

sunshine at the beach. (you do, enjoy)

19. Where __________________________ from? (new neighbours, come)

20. What _____________________ for a living? - He is a government official but he quit his job a few

weeks ago. – And what _____________________ now? – At the moment he

_____________________ for a new job. (your Dad do, he do, look)

Exercise 3. Закончите предложения, поставив инфинитивы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Progressive.

Amy is sitting at her computer. She isn't working; she (a) ......................................... (think)

about her boyfriends. She (b) ......................................... (hate) her job almost as much as

she (c) ......................................... (dislike) Josh. He is so silly. He always (walk )in the

park, (smell) the flowers and (think) about nature. Amy (e) ......................................... (prefer) Ramon. Ramon is Spanish and he is very rich. He (f) ......................................... (have) an apartment in Barcelona but he (live) in a flat near Amy at the moment. He (g) ......................................... (belong to) all the best clubs and he (h) ........................................ (know) lots of famous people. Amy (i) ...................................... (believe) Ramon will marry her one day, but she (j) ......................................... (not know) that Ramon is returning to Barcelona next month.

Exercise 4. Закончите предложения диалога, используя правильную форму глагола to be в Present Simple.

The Rodriguez family are in England

Mrs Evans: Come in, come in, everyone. It (1) ................ lovely to see you all! You

(2) ................ a bit late but never mind. The fish and chips (3)................ still hot.

Pablo: Great! I (4)................ really hungry!

Mrs Evans: (5)................ you hungry or thirsty, Mr and Mrs Rodriguez?

Mrs Rodriguez: No, thank you, we (6) ............... fine, Mrs Evans. We’ll go to our

hotel now, I think.

Mrs Evans: Oh, alright, then. So, what do you think of the horrible weather? It (7)

................ very warm for the time of year, is it? But the beds (8) ................ nice

and cosy with their duvets on and I (9) ................ sure the young people will be


1. What do you do? 2. What are you doing? 3. Where do you work? 4. Where are you working? 5. Does your son play the violin? 6. Is your son playing the violin? 7. What language does she speak? 8. What language is she speaking? 9. Who's drinking champagne? 10. Who drinks champagne? a. Actually, that's the radio. b. French - she's from Belgium. c. I want to get this car started. d. I'm an architect. e. I'm in Cardiff this week. f. In a big insurance company. g. It sounds like Russian. h. Me - can I have some more? i. Me. When I can afford it. j. No. The piano.

Exercise 5. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.

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