Exercise 4. Tell what sentences are true and what are false. 1. The availability of auto tracks and their technical state do not meet the demands of national economy

1. The availability of auto tracks and their technical state do not meet the demands of national economy. 2. Transportation policy is a kind of activity of the corresponding state branchy institutions that provide all the branches of economy and population of the country with shipments. 3. transportation is considered as product movement. 4. Consignee is a transport participant. 5. A method for transporting goods is called a mode.

Exercise 5. Find the second half of the sentence.

1. Common problems of all kinds of transport in Ukraine are………….

2. The transportation manager was the first who saw …………………

3. Basic factors to determine current state of the airlines are…………………

4. Transportation policy is a kind of activity of…………………………

5. The availability of auto tracks and their technical state do not………...

Exercise 6. Translate these questions and answer them

1. What do you know about transportation? 2. What is nowadays strategic direction of the transportation policy? 3. What is role of integration into European and world transportation systems? 4. What can you say about transportation infrastructure in Ukraine? 5. What are the common problems of all kinds of transport in Ukraine?

Exercise 7. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word study

Exercise 8. Translate the following word-combinations.

Modern transportation system, passenger transport, transport logistic, technical state of auto-track net, the main problem of passenger auto, the foreign market of airlines, major transit tracks, locomotive and carriage depots, social-economic conditions, production and investment activity.

Exercise 9. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text.

1 The main goal of transport logistic is to achieve stability in work. 2. Many products are manufactured in anticipation of future customer demand and transportation ability. 3. One of the basic problems of Ukrainian auto transport is technical state of auto-track net. 4. Ukrainian transport is not heavely invested; however, it is not enough to have it developed. 5. The reason for fierce competition is transit tracks. 6. The program for transport development focuses on the development of passenger transport. 7. Modern transportation system of Ukraine started its existence in 1860s with the development of the rail transport. 8. Logistical environment is an surroundings for production of goods, their perfection and pushing them into the market. 9. The Internet is one of the most popular supply chine information transmission tool. 10. Freight transportation structure is considered to be incomplete because of the lack of skilled personnel.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words and word-combinations.

Transportation of loads. logistical operations, transit, shipment manifest. transportation engineer, the freight, the Internet, satellite technology, skilled personnel, business process.

1. ……..time is one week. 2. To become a ………………………is my dream. 3. A driver has already completed a………………. 4. Transportation management reflects the procedures aimed at successful …………………5. …………..which will be transported by railcar will be delivered in time. 6. All …………….are affected by packaging utility – from truck loading to transportation and storage. 7. …allows dispatchers to redirect trucks based on need or congestion. 8. ……………………………..is one of the most popular supply chine information transmission tool. 9. Freight transportation structure is considered to be incomplete because of the lack of …………..10. The basic task of transportation is to move inventory to the next stage of a … .

Exercise 11. Translate these sentences into English..

1. Супутникові технології дають змогу змінювати напрям руху вантажівок залежно від потреб. 2. Транспортна логістика вкючає в себе вивчення потреб населенняб товарно-матеріальні цінності регіону та можливості транспортування. 3. Витрати на перевезення вантажів будуть значними. 4.Українська транспортна система відіграє важливу роль у перевезенні товарів Європи до Азії. 5. Інтеграція транспортної системи України в транспортну систему Європи вимагає великих капіталовкладень та надійної документальної підтримки.

Grammar in Use

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