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free time, in my free time, spare time, leisure time at weekends, in the evening, in summer/winter once/twice/three times a day/a week/a month/ a year to like/enjoy/prefer doing smth to hate/can’t stand/detest doing smth to be interested/keen/crazy about/fond of doing smth to go out/ to stay in to play chess/board games/computer games/a musical instrument/sport games to go swimming/dancing/ /skating/snowboarding/ jogging/rollerblading / windsurfing/sailing/hiking/camping/fishing/hunting/shopping to go for a run/for a walk/ to the cinema/to the theatre/to the gym/to a café to do crosswords/puzzles/sports/aerobics/yoga/morning exercises/gardening/ homework/housework/a driving course/foreign language course/photography to collect stamps/coins/postcards/CDs/calendars/books to make films/sculptures/toys meet with friends, read stories/novels/detective stories/science fiction cook, paint in oil/pencil, draw, listen to classical/rock/pop/jazz music watch TV, films, comedies, thrillers, horror/adventure/documentary films visit museums, exhibitions, art galleries ride a bike/motorbike

Ex.1 Let’s speak about different seasons. What are the seasons? What season is it now? What months does each season include?

Ex.2 Look at different leisure activities. Discuss what activities you can do in different seasons.

-Playsport games, computer games, chess, cards, board games, the piano. -Godancing, swimming, skiing, skating, snowboarding, jogging, sailing, hiking. -Go to the cinema, to the theatre, to the gym. -Do morning exercise, yoga, gardening, a driving course, a language course.

Ex.3 Read about three people from different countries. What are their favourite months? Why?

Maria from Australia: I like summer best. We cook and eat in the garden, and we often go to the beach. I don’t like sunbathing but I love water sports. I go surfing and waterskiing, and sometimes I go sailing. Summer here is from December to February, so we always spend Christmas on the beach.

Tumalee from Thailand: I live in the north of Thailand. We have three seasons – hot, rainy, and cool. I like the cool season from November to February. It’s our “winter”. In February we have lots of tropical flowers and a beautiful Flower Festival.

Max from Norway: Here is a joke about my country – Winter lasts nine months, and the other three are good for skiing. Our summer is short but it can be warm. My favourite season is spring. It’s the best time for skiing. I enjoy going fast down a white mountain under a blue sky.

Ex.4 What is your favourite season? Why? What do you do in each season?

Ex. 5 Read the following text about hobbies. Give the summary and speak about four types of hobbies.


Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby to your liking, you have made your life more interesting. Hobbies can be subdivided into four large groups: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobbies is doing things. It includes activities from gardening to travelling and from playing chess or computer games to swimming. Making things includes drawing, painting, sculpturing, designing clothes, writing music or novels, and handicrafts. Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, books, CDs, postcards, toys, watches, etc. Some collections are so big and valuable that they are housed in museums and art galleries. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books, and art objects. Sometimes private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that other people might take pleasure in seeing them.

With any kind of hobby people always have an opportunity to learn from it. By reading about the things they are interested in, they are getting new knowledge. Learning things also includes doing different kinds of courses, such as driving, cooking, or foreign languages.

Ex. 6 Have you ever had any hobby mentioned in the text? Do you know people who have an interesting or unusual hobby?

Ex. 7 Match the phrases in A with their opposites in B.A B 1. I spend a lot of time I’m not interested in 2. I really love I don’t have enough time 3. I spend too much time I’m not very good at 4. I’m quite good at I absolutely hate 5. I really enjoy I can’t stand 6. I just adore I don’t spend much time

Mind that “V-ing” is used after all of these expressions.

Ex. 8 Use the phrases in Ex.7 to make eight true sentences about the activities below.

Chatting on the phone listening to music doing exercises hanging out with friends doing your homework doing housework shopping playing computer games reading relaxing and doing nothing texting your friends walking watching TV on/using the Internet cooking playing football or volleyball clubbing cycling

Examples: I’m not very good at cooking. I spend a lot of time watching TV.

Ex. 9 A researcher is interviewing Tom about his free time activities. Read the interview and say how often he does different activities. Write out frequency adverbs and try to remember them.

Interviewer: We are doing a survey on the free time habits of British people. Can I ask you a few questions?

Tom: Yes, sure.

I Thanks very much. How often do you go to a bar or pub?

T Oh, not very often. About once a month. I don’t drink, but I sometimes go

With friends.

I Do you do any sport?

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