Model Answer

Model Answer

1. Are you going to see the football match?

2. It starts at 5 o'clock.

3. Let's see it together. Where shall we meet?

Mona and Sahar meet in the afternoon. Mona asks Sahar about what she is going to do in the evening.

Mona : Good afternoon, Sahar

Sahar : Good afternoon, Mona.

Mona : …………….………………..…………………..?

Sahar : I'm going to the airport this evening.

Mona : …………………………..…………………..?

Sahar : To meet my father. He's coming from Kuwait.

Mona : …………….………………..…………………..?

Sahar : His plane will arrive at 10 pm.

Mona : I hope he arrives safely.

Sahar : Thanks, Mona. See you.

Model Answer

1. What are you doing this evening?

2. Oh, why?

3. When will he arrive?

Samy meets his friend Kamal in the street. Kamal tells Samy that he is going to travel to France this summer.

Kamal : Hello, Samy?

Samy : Hi, Kamal! How are things with you?

Kamal : I'm going to travel to France this summer.

Samy : …………………………………………….………………..…………………..?

Kamal : By plane.

Samy : ………………………………………………….………………..…………………..?

Kamal : No, I'm not afraid because I traveled by plane before.

Samy : …………………………………………………….………………..…………………..?

Kamal : I will spend a week with my uncle. He works in Paris.

Model Answer

1. That's great! How will you travel?

2. Are you afraid of flying?

3. How long will you stay?

Hany is meeting his English pen-friend, Fred.

Hany : Great to see you, Fred!

Fred : ....................................................................................... . It's great to be here.

Hany : ........................................................................................................?

Fred : About two weeks. We're going to be in Cairo for six days, then

we're going to spend eight days visiting Luxor and Aswan.

Hany : .........................................................................................................?

Fred : Of course, we'll. Abu Simbel is an important thing in our plan.

Model Answer

  1. Thanks a lot.
  2. How long are you going to stay in Egypt?
  3. Will you visit Luxor and Abu Simbel.

Samir invites his friend Ashraf to come to his birthday party.

Samir :Would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow ?

Ashraf :....................................................................................................................................

Samir : Why not?

Ashraf :....................................................................................................................................

Samir : How long is your pen friend going to stay in Egypt ?

Ashraf : For a week.

Samir :...............................................................................................................................?

Ashraf : No, he's going to stay at Hilton Hotel. I've booked a room for him.

Model Answer

  1. I wish I could but I can't.
  2. I'm going to meet my pen friend at the airport.
  3. Will he stay with you at home?

Maha is talking to her father.

Maha : Can I ask you some questions, Dad?

Father : Of course, Maha.

Maha :……………………… ……………………………………….…..?

Father : Export means that we sell goods to other countries.

Maha : So, what does import mean?

Father : ………………………………………………………………………………… .

Maha : ……………………………………………………………………………………?

Father : Every time we buy or sell something, we are trading.

Model Answer

1. What does the word "export" mean?

2. They are goods that we buy from other countries.

3. What is trading?

Mona is talking to a shop assistant as she wants to buy a watch.

Assistant : How can I help you ?

Mona : Can you show me some watches, please?

Assistant : Certainly. What do you think of this one?

Mona : It looks nice....................................................................................................?

Assistant : It's 500 pounds.

Mona : Oh,…………………………… … ………………………………………………...

Assistant : That one isn't so expensive. It's only 300 pounds.

Mona : .........................................................................................................................?

Assistant : Yes, it is made in Japan.

Mona : OK. I'll take it.

Model Answer

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