Pumps. This makes the wheel turn

Make the differences between the verbs LET and MAKE.

- The pump makes the water flow into the tank;

- This pipe lets the water flow out of the tank.

2.Make sentences. Use lets or makes:

Example: The water flows down. This makes the wheel turn.

· Water/ flow down /wheel/ turn

· Valve/ open/ water/ flow in

· Switch/ touch/ contact/ electric current/ flow

· Water level/ rise/ float/ rise

· Gear/ turn/ clockwise/ gear/turn/ anticlockwise

· Pedal/ go down/ chain/ move/ wheel/ rotate

3. Complete the sentences:

Example: You push the handle of the pump down. This makes the water pour out.

1. You push the handle of the pump down. This makes ______.

2. You press the car accelerator pedal down. Thisfast.

3. You turn the handle of the tap anti-clockwise. This lets______.

4. You turn the steering wheel to the left..

5. You turn the handle clockwise.stop.

6. You press the brake pedal down hard _______.

4.Complete the sentences. Choose the correct word from thebrackets:

Example: You push the handle down. This make the piston______ rise.

Ø You push the handle down. This makes the piston(rise/go down).

Ø The piston rises. This makes valve B ­­_____ (open/close) and it makes valve A______(open/close).

Ø You pull the handle up. This makes the piston _______ (rise/go down).

Ø The piston goes down. This makes valve B ____ (open/close) and makes valve A____(open/close).

Ø Valve B opens. This_____(makes/lets) the water flow through piston.

5.Translate into English:

1. The water pump make

2. Water flow

3. Tank

4. The wheel turn

5. Valve

6. Chain

7. The car accelerator

8. Brake pedal

9. Rotate

10. Steering wheel

6. Ask as many questions as possible to the given sentences:

1. You push the handle of the pump down.

2. This makes the water pour out.

3. The water flows down.

4. This makes the wheel turn.

Unit 30

Future Profession of Heat and Work Technician.

1. Remember the main phrases of the text:

Ø Future profession- майбутня професія

Ø Important- важливий

Ø I he right choice- правильний вибір

Ø I lie beginning- початок

Ø The independent life- незалежне життя

Ø To confess- зізнаватись To decide- вирішити

Ø To enter- вступити

Ø Third-year student- студент третього курсу

Ø Technician- технік

2. Read and translate the text:


1. It is very important for us to make the right choice of profession.

2. Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers.

3. But it is not easy to choose profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world.

4. As for me I have made choice long ago.

5. I decided to enter the Vinnitsa technical college.

6. The reason for it is that I like technics .

7. should confess that I want to be a technician.

8. Now I am the third-year student of the technical department.

9. We study many special subjects, such as hydraulic, heat technics, repair of the heat and hydraulic machinery and so on.

10. My future profession is noble and important.

11. But at the same time it is also very difficult and responsible job.

12. shall try to do my best to master my profession as well as possible.

3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

o o o To make the right choice
o o o School leaver
o o o Finishing school
o o o Independent life
o o o To choose profession
o o o Technician
o o o Third-year student
o o o Technical department
o o o Noble
o o o Important
o o o Difficult
o o o Responsible
o o o To master
o o o As well as possible

4. Answer the following questions:

1. Is it important for us to make the right choice of profession?

2. What does the finishing school mean for young people?

3. How many professions are existed in the world?

4. Where did you decide to enter?

5. What professions are there in our college?

6. What year do you study?

7. What is the name of your department?

8. What special subjects do you study?

9. My future profession is noble and important, is not it?

10. Is it also very difficult and responsible job?

11. Shall we try to master our profession as well as possible?

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Закінчення школи - це початок незалежного життя для мільйонів випускників.

2. Дуже важливо для нас зробити правильний вибір професії.

3. Я вирішив вступити в Вінницький коледж.

4. Я хочу бути техніком.

5.Заразя студент третього курсу теплотехнічного відділення.

6. Ми вивчаємо такі спец предмети як гідравліка, теплотехніка, ремонт тепло-гідравлічних машин і т.д.

7. Наша майбутня професія шляхетна і відповідальна.

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