Transmissions time of consultations, month and final controls

Consultations spent once a week under the schedule. For each teacher of discipline one day in a week during no learning time allocated. Month and the final control carried out according to the schedule of educational process on discipline “History of Kazakhstan” by current estimations.

Month control - spent on 9-th and 18-th weeks. Current estimations and estimations month control enter into a rating.


Base literature:

1. Asfendiarov S. History of Kazakhstan (since the most ancient times). Almaty, 1998.

2. History of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times up to now. Vol. 1-3. Almaty, 1996-2000.

3. History of Kazakhstan. A essay., 1993 and last years editions.

4. History Kazakh SSR. In 5th volumes., 1977-1980.

5. Kazakhs. The directory. In 9th releases., 1999-2000.

6. Kazakh SSR. The encyclopedia. In 4th volumes., 1984-1985.

7. Tynyshpayev M. History of Kazakh people., 1993.

Additional literature:

1. Abilgozhin Z.B.Ocherki of social and economic history of Kazakhstan of 20-th century., 1997.

2. Abdakimov A.History of Kazakhstan (since the most ancient times up to now). 2001.

3. Aderihin S.V., Adlerihina I.V. history of Kazakhstan in questions and answers. 2003.

4. Adgi Murat. Kypchak: ancient history of turkis and Great steppe. 2001.

5. Adgi Murat. A wormwood poloves fields: From a family tree kumiks, karachais, besekars, Kazakhs, Tatars, Chuvash , Yakuts, gaguzes, Crimean Tatars, a part of Russian, ukrainian and other people which originating from Turkic (kypchak) of a root and have forgotten. 1994.

6. Abdirov M.Zh. history of cossacks of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 1994.

7. Artikbaev Z.O.etnologija and ethnography. Astana, 2001.

8. Alash-horde. The collection of documents. Composer N.Martynenko., 1992.

9. Baipakov K.P.Early medieval architecture of Semirechie and Southern Kazakhstan on the Great Silk way. Almaty. Gilim, 2001.

10. Bulek S.B. Notable and businessmen of Kazakhstan (from the most ancient times up to now). Almaty. Beket-Ata, 2003.

11. Bekmahanov M. Mass political reprisals of Soviet authority in relation to people. // the Idea 2003, №4.

12. Baipakov K.M.Srednevekovye of city of Kazakhstan on Great Silk ways. 1998.

13. Daniarov K. Alternativnaja history of Kazakhstan. 1998.

14. Danijarov K.History of Ablai khan – the statesman, the commander, the diplomat, the politician.

15. Daniarov K. History of Chingiskhan. Almaty, 2001.

16. Edilkhanova S.A.kazahsko of the attitude in XVII-XVIII centuries. Daik -Press. Almaty. 2005.

17. Isin. A.Kazakh khanate and Nogai Horde in the second half of XIV-XVI centuries

18. History of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. 2001.

19. History of Kazakhstan in Russian sources in XVI-XVIII centuries.

20. History Kazakh SSR. In 5th volumes., 1977-1980.

21. Kosanbaev S.K. History of becoming and developments of ethnography of Kazakhstan (XVIII-XX cc). Daik -Press. Almaty, 2005.

22. Kljashtornyj S.G., Sultans Т.I. Kazakhstan: the annals of three millenia., 1992.

23. Kuzembaiuli Amandzol., Abil Erkin. History of Republic of Kazakhstan., 2002.

24. Muhitov K. Industrialization in Kazakhstan: preconditions and results. Bulletin Treasury. 2006.

25. Nazarbaev N.A.ethic of a life. 2001.

26. Nazarbaev N.А. Kazakhstan – 2030. The message of the President of the country to people of Kazakhstan., 1997.

27. The newest history of Kazakhstan: the Collection of documents and materials (1917-1939).

28. Shakarim Kudaiberdiuli. Family tree of turkis, Kirghiz, Kazakhs and khans dynasties. 1990.

29. Erenzhen Jara-divan. Chingiskhan as the commander and its heritage., 1992.

30. Yudin V.P. Central Asia XIV-XVIII centuries eyes of the orientalist.

Teach methodic.

“Small groups” – divided of the academic group into 3-4 subgroups led by the head from among strong students. The head of group checks presence of essay, readiness of essay. In the special writing-book fixes all forms of participation of students in discussion of a theme and marks points. During work at a seminar the representative of one small group acts, and another – opposes: asks questions, brings specifications and follows performance. If acting does not answer a question of opponents, to it comrades on small (micro) to group come to the aid. If the group does not answer a question, students of opposing group are connected. Others “small groups” participate in discussion of following questions of a seminar. In summary the head of opposing group gives an estimation of performances.

Discussions – the academic group by a principle of voluntariness shares on two subgroups. Both subgroups serially act on the basic questions of a seminar or oppose each other. Dialogue with two subgroups must give rise to collective discussion with which supervises over the teacher. At this technique to students the circle of questions with which one group will address to another is given in advance. A technique of application of exercises, situational problems, it is possible to use this technique differently, depending on an object in view. It is possible to apply this technique to mastering by complex historical concepts that helps to fix the studied material. Exercises can be used for exposure of the counteracting point of view. Use of situational problems, exercises it is possible to create a problem situation. A necessary condition of it of a technique is preliminary studying theoretical positions and mastering of concepts.

Method of tabling and scheme-essays - given technique attempted to make evidently, in the form of the scheme the maintenance of a question or a theme and to give them the explanatory. This work begins with studying a theme (problem) and development of the table or the logic scheme – evident model with which it is necessary to fill with the maintenance. Scheming-essays or tables – brevity of explanatory, laconically and pithiness, must requirement logic sequence scheme- records.

Method of testing - test problems can be used not only for revealing the knowledge received as a result of independent work. It is means of fastening of knowledge. This work develops logic thinking, makes active memory.

Table of marks

Marks by letter system Marks of point’s equivalent %- content Marks by traditional system
А 4,0 95-100 Excellent
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Good
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74 Satisfactory
С 2,0 65-69
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,0 50-54
F 0-49 Unsatisfactory

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