E. Graph analysis (8 pts). Short-run atmospheric conditions existing at a given time and location

Short-run atmospheric conditions existing at a given time and location

A) wind

B) climate

C) weather

D) tornado

4. The following street in Almaty is less polluted with lead:

A) Raimbek street

B) Al Farabi street

C) Tole Bi street

D) Seifullin street

5. Thermal inversion occurs when _______ air becomes sandwiched between two layers of ______ air and acts like a lid on a valley.

A) warm, cold

B) cold, warm

C) dry, humid

D) humid, dry

6. Wind represents a horizontal air movement from low to high pressure area.

A)True B) False

7. Which of the following air pollutants combines with atmospheric water to produce acid rain?

A) sulphur oxides

B) carbon monoxide

C) carbon dioxide

D) ozone

8. All of the following materials belong to primary air pollutants EXCEPT

A) particulate matter

B) sulfur dioxide

C) ozone

D) carbon monoxide

E) nitrogen oxides

9. Which of the following ways increase water supplies?

A) Building Dams and Canals

B) Towing icebergs

C) Seeding clouds

D) Desalination

E) All of the above

10. The largest reservoir of fresh water:

A) groundwater

B) rivers and lakes

C) ice and glaciers

D) wetlands

11. Natural resource, the main asset of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan:

A) oil and gas

B) mineral resources

C) water resources

D) coal deposits

12. Algal blooms in lakes

A) lead to an increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen present

B) are the result of excessive use of fertilizers on adjoining crop lands

C) cover large portions of the surface of the lake

D) all of the following

13. The part of Almaty below Tole bi street is more polluted with lead than the upper area of the city adjacent to the mountains.

A) True B) False

14. Seasonal winds on ‘water-land’ boundaries:

A) trade winds

B) totnado

C) monsoons

D) sirocco

15. Life span of an energy-saving fluorescent bulb is ___________ than that of a regular incandescent bulb.

A) 10 times longer.
B) 80% less.
C) 10 times shorter.
D) 80% more.

16. Renewable resources are not inexhaustible resources.

A) True

B) False

17. What is the major cause of all other environmental problems?

A) wars

B) overpopulation

C) depletion of resources

D) loss of biodiversity

E) pollution

18. Fossil fuels currently supply about ____ percent of all world commercial energy supplies.
A) 97
B) 87
C) 55
D) 33

19. Country with the largest reserves of oil in Latin America

A) Colombia

B) Mexico

C) Venezuela

D) Brazil

E) Argentina

20. Which air pollutant combines with atmospheric water to produce acid rain?

A) ozone

B) sulfur dioxide

C) carbon monoxide

D) carbon dioxide

21. Incandescent bulbs consume _____________ electricity than fluorescents bulbs

A) 2 times more

B) 5 times more

C) 5 times less

D) 2 times less

E) the same amount

22. The world's largest wind power producer

B) Denmark

C) Canada

D) Netherlands

E) None of the above

23. _________________ possesses the largest oil resources in the world.

A) Russia

B) Kuwait

C) Saudi Arabia

D) Iran

E) Iraq

24. Fuel efficiency of 12.5 km per 1 L gasoline is equivalent to

A) 8 L per 100 km

B) 10 km/L

C) 50 mpg

D) none of the above

25. Gamma radiation is

A) high frequency electromagnetic radiation

B) high energy electromagnetic radiation

C) low wavelength electromagnetic radiation

D) all of the above.

26. A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unit of

A) power

B) energy

C) force

D) work

E) B and D

27. What is the name of the type of energy derived from hot springs and geysers?

A) tidal energy

B) wave energy

C) hydropower energy

D) geothermal energy

28. Water is considered as polluted with herbicide, if its concentration in water

A) is equal to maximum admissible concentration of herbicide in water

B) is less then maximum admissible concentration of herbicide in water

C) is higher then maximum admissible concentration of herbicide in water

D) is less or equal to maximum admissible concentration of herbicide in water

29. The second largest Biome in Kazakhstan:

A) deserts

B) steppes

C) semi-deserts

D) forests

30. Of the following fossil fuels, which is the cleanest energy resource (producing less pollution)?

A) Oil

B) Natural Gas

C) Coal

D) Dung

B. Fill in the blanks (0.5 x 2 = 1 point):

1._fossil___ __fuels____ are organic substances, created from decomposed dead plants, animals and other organisms in earth’ crust during millions of years.

2. Major problems, associated with nuclear power plants are _________________ and _______________.

C. Answer the following questions (5 pts):

1 (3 pts). Define the following major type of ecological problems: GLOBAL CHANGES.

Justify your answer with proper examples.

2(2 pts). Name several types of WATER POLLUTION, indicate their harmful impact.

D. Solve the following problems (8 pts):

1 (5 pts). Popular Russian automobile Lada Kalina consumes 6.6 L per 100 km on highway, while similar class Japanese car Suzuki Swift reaches fuel efficiency rate equal to 13 km/L on the same type of road.

A) Which car is higher in fuel efficiency? Calculate the ratio of fuel efficiency rates of these two cars.

B) Which automobile has lower fuel consumption rate?

C) Find monthly emissions for these two cars, assuming that both cars have the same monthly mileage of 1200 km.

Car emission coefficient = 2.42 kg CO2/L.

2 (3 pts). Fluorescent bulb consumes 80% less electricity than regular incandescent bulb. Talgat decided to replace in his apartment five 100W regular bulbs with fluorescent bulbs producing the same light intensity. Assume that each bulb is working on average 6 hrs per day 330 days per year.

A) Calculate the amount of electricity in kWh saved per year after such replacement.

B) Estimate reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per year due to such replacement.

C) Calculate absolute (in tenge) and relative (in%) financial gain of Talgat’s family per year.

E. Graph analysis (8 pts).

The graph below represents evidence that supports global warming theory. Two curves: carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere and temperature plotted versus time are given for the second part of 20th century.

a) From the graph find maximal and minimal carbon dioxide concentrations in years between 1970 and 2000. Calculate the relative rise in annual CO2 emissions (in %) during period of time 1970-2000 yrs.

b) Estimate average annual increment into CO2 concentration change for the time period of 1970 – 2000.

c) Based on the results received in (b) predict (calculate) CO2 concentration for 2010.

d) Compare the number received in c) with real CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, equal to 390 ppm.

E. Graph analysis (8 pts). Short-run atmospheric conditions existing at a given time and location - student2.ru

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