Quality as object of management

Quality management is the establishment, providing and maintenance of a necessary level of quality of production at its development, production, the address, operation and consumption which are carried out by systematic quality control and purposeful impact on conditions and factors, influencing it (State standard specification 15467).

To operate quality - to mean to carry out the economic, organizational, technical and other actions aimed at quality providing production at all stages of life cycle of goods (introduction, growth, a maturity, demand maintenance).

In modern understanding activities for quality management cannot be effective after production is already made; it has to be carried out continuously during production, and also precede the process of production.

Quality management is based on the following principles:

focus - it is necessary to have the accurate purpose in the quality relation;

planned character - is planned set of actions in the field of quality which are subject to implementation;


intensity - improvement of quality belongs to intensive factors of development of economy;

system approach;

complexity - the solution of problems of quality taking into account all aspects on which it depends;

optimality - aspiration to exact compliance of quality to inquiries of consumers;

continuous improvement - promotes competitiveness of the enterprise.

Quality management of production - a production management component in general, one of its properties, functions. Therefore it develops and carried out within the operating control system and consists in development of policy in the field of quality, to accurate and well organized work on detection of demand, creation, production and service of production. This branch of science according to the general theory of management operates with concepts "system", "Wednesday", "program", etc.

Quality except major factors and conditions of production is influenced by many random, local and subjective factors. To influence all these factors, to support an appropriate level of quality, the control system, that is set of measures of continuous impact on process of creation of a product is necessary.

Distinguish the operating and operated systems. The operated system is presented by various levels of management of the organization, firm, other structures; the managing director - creates and provides quality management.

Let's consider the main categories of product quality control.

The control system of quality of production relies on the following interconnected categories: object, subject, purpose, methods, means, functions, character of the administrative relations, etc.

Object of management - quality of production, set of its properties or their some part, group, separate property. It is necessary for the effective organization of product quality control that not only the object of management was allocated, but also other categories allowing to realize and organize better all process are accurately defined.

The subject of management - the operating bodies of all steps and persons urged to provide achievement and maintenance of the planned production level of quality.

The purpose of management - a certain level and a condition of quality of production taking into account economic interests of the producer and consumer, and also safety requirements and environmental friendliness; set of properties and a level of quality which should be set, reached and provided that they corresponded to nature of requirement and thus provided production efficiency and consumption, availability of the price to the consumer, normal prime cost and sufficient profitability of production.

Methods of management of quality - ways with which governing bodies influence production, providing achievement and maintenance of the planned state and quality of production.

Methods of management of quality can be divided into four groups: organizational, social and psychological, economic, organizational and technological.

Organizational methods - set of the methods promoting such organization of the operated subsystem which will provide the demanded quality. Carry to this group of methods administrative (orders, directives, resolutions, instructions, orders), disciplinary, providing motivation (establishment of responsibility and forms of encouragement), stabilizing, based on all-organizational and linearly - a functional regulation on the basis of norms, standards, explanations, consultations, introduction, cautions.

Social and psychological methods - set of ways of impact on spiritual interests of workers, formation of their motivations connected with ensuring the corresponding quality. Treat such methods: education and promotion of devotion to the enterprise, respect for itself as to the employee of this enterprise, pride of its achievements, forms of moral incentive.

Economic methods of management of quality - the ways of influence based on application of economic incentives and creation of a material interest in achievement of the set purpose in quality area. Also include in group of economic methods: financing of activity in the field of quality management; economic incentives of production, granting to consumers production and the services conforming to their requirements; planning of creation of the new and modernized types of production and services; pricing on production and services taking into account their level of quality; formation of funds of economic incentives of quality; use of system of compensation and material encouragement taking into account its quality on each workplace of a production system and a control system of quality in general; use of economic measures of impact on suppliers depending on quality of the services delivered by them to production and rendered.

Organizational and technological methods are subdivided into methods of quality control of process and production and methods of regulation of quality of process and production. The main place in organizational and technological methods is taken by systematic methods of management of quality.

Control facilities quality include:

office equipment, means of communication which use the governing bodies and faces operating performance of special functions in control systems of quality;

bank of the standard documentation regulating indicators of quality of production and organizing performance of special functions on quality management;

the metrological means including the state standards, measuring instruments;

the regulating documents of the state system of ensuring unity of measurements (GSI);

base of public service of standard help data on properties of substances and materials (GSSD).

The functions which are carried out by the enterprise concerning quality as object of management, following:

Rationing (standardization, certification, certification);

Technological preparation of production (sufficient logistics, high-quality seeds of plants, elite breeds of animals, high level of service, etc.);

Professional development of shots, stimulation, strengthening of responsibility for quality;

Control of the course of productions by means of information and methodological support.

The administrative relations in the field of quality are the relations of subordination (submission) and coordination (cooperation).

The relations of subordination are characterized by vertical communications of heads with subordinates and are defined by extent of centralization and decentralization of functions and problems of product quality control. At the level of the enterprise of the relation of subordination are under construction depending on its production structure and structure of a control system of quality. The administrative relations are based on a combination of one-man management, collective nature, stimulation of an initiative of members of labor collective, use of economic, moral and material incentives.

The relations of coordination are under construction by means of horizontal communications between the certain workers and the organizations entering interaction for the sake of providing a certain level of quality of production or its increase.

At the level of the enterprise product quality control can be organized by distribution of functions and tasks between divisions and workers or creations of special department of quality management. In organizational structure the divisions which are engaged in coordination of works on quality management can be provided. Distribution of functions of quality management between divisions depends on volume and nature of activity of the enterprise. In any option the head of the enterprise who is responsible for all its activity and economic results which cannot be high at bad quality of production has to perform the general management of a control system of quality.

Heads should recognize that the enterprise it is capable on bigger in comparison with last experience


The assessment of a level of quality of object and classification of indicators of quality are considered in a Qualimetry.

Qualimetry (from armor. qualitas - what on quality and … a metriya) - the branch of science studying and realizing methods of a quantitative assessment of quality.

Main objectives of a Qualimetry: justification of indicators of quality, development of methods of their definition, calculation and optimization, improvement of standard sizes and parametrical ranks of products, development of the generalized indicators and justification of conditions of their use in problems of standardization and quality management. Any goods and services to which the concept "quality" is applicable can be objects of a Qualimetry. It can be production and service of the industry, agriculture, etc.

Starting position of a Qualimetry is that quality depends on a large number of properties of object. Besides, it is necessary to consider also conditions in which the product will be used.

Any production or service has a set of properties. Understand its objective features which are shown by production, operation and consumption as properties of production. Distinguish production and consumer properties of production.

All set of the properties created in the course of production belongs to the production. It represents potential quality. Consumer properties of production characterize only that set of indicators which is among the most important and significant for the consumer. This real quality of production.

Quality indicators - the quantitative characteristics of one or several properties of production considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation, operation or consumption. Quality indicators quantitatively cause degree of ability of production to satisfy certain requirements (for example, quality of tubers of potatoes is characterized by amount of starch).

It is possible to allocate simple (the weight, capacity, length, etc.) and difficult (non-failure operation, maintainability, etc.) quantitative characteristics of one or several properties making quality, respectively single and complex indicators of quality.

Each type of production is characterized by the quality indicators. According to GOST 15467 use the following groups of indicators (tab. 1).

Table 1

Group of indicators The characterized properties Indicators
Appointments The properties of production defining the main functions for which performance it is intended, and its applications causing area Classification (tractor productivity, tension and power of an electrobulb) Functional (productivity, accuracy, measurement limit, range of action) Constructive (weight, overall dimensions) Operational (fuel consumption, power consumption) Structure and structure (concentration of substance, content of impurity)
Reliability Property to keep operational indicators in the set limits during the demanded time or the demanded operating time Non-failure operation (an average operating time to first failure, probability of no-failure operation during a certain term, failure rate) Durability (an average resource, service life before capital repairs, service life before write-off) Safety (average term of safety, the appointed period of storage) Maintainability (the average time of restoration of operating state, probability of maintenance during certain time)
Economical use of resources Extent of use in a design of a product and at its operation of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, a manpower Specific expense of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy of Loss of raw materials under the regulated conditions Efficiency, total or specific labor input of operation of a product
Safety The properties guaranteeing safety of the person and other objects at operation, service, transportation and storage of a product Probability of safe work of the person during certain time Speed of action at operation of protection devices Resistance of isolation of current carrying parts the Electric durability of high-voltage chains
The ergonomic Fitness to operation by the person Hygienic (illumination, temperature, humidity) Anthropometrical (compliance of a design to the sizes of a body of the person) Psychophysiological (compliance to power, high-speed, visual, acoustical and other opportunities of the person)
The esthetic Art expressiveness, rationality of a form, integrity of composition, compliance to fashion, etc. Quality of registration of working rooms, production objects Influence of interiors, working clothes, registration of means and objects of the labor on its productivity
Technological effectiveness Fitness of a design of a product to decrease in expenses of resources by production, operation and repair Labor input Material capacity Power consumption Technological prime cost
Transportabel-to Nosta Suitability to transport operations The average duration of preparation for transportation Average labor input of preparation for transportation the Average duration of installation of production on means of transportation of a certain look vehicle volume Efficiency the Average duration of unloading
Standardization and unification Saturation the standard, unified and original elements Applicability coefficient repeatability Coefficient Coefficient of mutual unification for group of products
The patent and legal Patent protection and purity of production Indicators patent protection and purity of production
The ecological Level of impact on environment at operation or consumption Amount of the harmful impurity which are thrown out in environment Probability of emissions of harmful particles, gases, radiations, etc.
The economic Costs of development, production, operation or consumption of production, and also economic efficiency of its production and application Dependence of number of sales on quality of production Efficiency of improvement of quality of container and packing at sale of goods, etc.
Resistance to external influences The level of processing, storage, transportation preventing need of rejection and loss Dust of moisture protection Air permeability Crash-worthiness Vibration strength Resistance to influence of an external magnetic field Period of storage Preservation of nutrients

At an assessment of quality of domestic goods indicators are applied to the population: grade (foodstuff, production of light industry), group of complexity (household radio equipment), brand (cement, brick), category of quality (videotape).

In world practice for an assessment of degree of superiority of one part of production over another use gradation (a class, a grade) are the categories or the category appropriated to production having the same functional application but to which various requirements for quality are applied.

Classification of indicators of quality by various categories is presented in tab. 2.

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