T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes

I Right. And how often do you go to the theatre?

T Oh, hardly ever. About once a year, perhaps. I go to the cinema quite a lot.

I And what about holidays? How often do you go on holiday?

T I normally have two holidays a year. One in the summer and one around


I And where do you usually go?

T I usually go somewhere hot: Thailand, India, places like that.

I Right. Last one. How much TV do you watch a week?

T Generally about an hour a day. Occasionally, when there’s an interesting

Film on, two hours.

I That’s all the questions. Thanks very much.

Ex. 9 Work in pairs. Make your own free time survey. Write at least six questions.

Ex.10 Read the text about Lenny Henry, one of Britain’s most popular comedians. He has his own television programme and is frequently on the radio. Now he lives in London with his wife.


Good food is a very high priority with me, especially as I’m always on a diet. There are times when I go crazy and eat the contents of the fridge in one go. I really enjoy eating Indian and Mexican food, and my Mum’s food is fantastic, too.

I’ve got a superb collection of CDs – over 3,000 – so you can guess that I just adore listening to music. I really like Prince and Hip Hop is terrific. I’m very fond of cats. I’ve got two of them, Aretna and Flossie. I like actors who are good comedians like Peter Sellers, who was great in the Pink Panther films and Richard Prior for his stand-up comedy. I’m interested in police programmes on the television. Also on my list of likes must be comics and Jamaica. I love going to Jamaica as often as I can.

I tend to wear good clothes. I like suits and shiny shoes., but I can’t stand shirts with long arms! One of my pet hates is when expensive shoe shops don’t have shoes in my size. That’s really awful. There are lots of other things I don’t like. I detest violence. I get annoyed when I’m misquoted in newspapers. I absolutely hate racist jokes. I’m also not too keen on rude people and soap operas are really dreadful!

Ex.11 What six things does Lenny Henry like? What six things does he dislike?

Ex. 12 Write three paragraphs about the things you like and dislike. Try to use all the underlined verbs in the text above.




What does he/she look like?

He/she is beautiful, handsome, pretty, attractive, good-looking, ugly, plain well/casually/elegantly/fashionably-dressed, tidy/untidy

How old is she/he?

He/she is young/middle-aged/elderly/old/in his teens/twenties/thirties, etc.

How tall is he/she?

He/she is 1 metre 70 cm., tall/short/of medium height/below average height

How would you describe his build?

He/she is thin/slim/muscular/plump/fat/qverweight/well-built/broad-shouldered

How much does he/she weigh? - 50 kilos, I think.

What kind of hair has he/she got?

He/she has got long wavy dark hair (short/shoulder-length/straight/curly/thick/fair/grey/black/chestnut). He is bald. She wears a fringe/ponytail/plait/wig.

A thin/long/oval/round face; a long/straight/turned-up nose; full/thin lips

What colour eyes has he got? – Green/blue/brown/dark/grey

Does he/she have any distinguishing features?

He has got a beard/moustache/scar/mole/wrinkles/freckles/dimples in his cheeks

She wears glasses.

What sort of person is he/she? What is he/she like?

He/she is cheerful/miserable/lively/quiet/open/reserved/sociable/unsociable/talkative/shy/taciturn/friendly/unfriendly/intelligent/stupid/polite/impolite/rude/self-confident/calm/aggressive/ambitious/optimistic/pessimistic/lazy/hard-working/kind/cruel/patient/impatient/reliable/unreliable/generous/mean/interesting/boring/easy-going.

Ex.1Ask questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets.

Model: How ……………… ? (your brother) How tall is your brother?

He's about one metre 75.

2 Is…………………………… ? (Elena's hair)

No, her hair's dark.

3 Is…………………………… ? (Mike's hair)

Yes, it is quite long.

4 Are…………………………. ? (your parents)

Not really, they're middle-aged.

5 Is…………………………… ? (your sister)

Yes, all the boys want to go out with her.

6 Why……………………….. ? (Sara -thin)

She has been very ill.

7 What………………………..? (your friend – look like)

She’s tall and pretty, with long dark hair.

8 Does……………………….? (your girl-friend – special features)

No, nothing special, just an ordinary face. Oh, she has got piercing on her right eyebrow.

9 What colour eyes……………………..? (your friend)

Oh, I don’t know really. I think blue.

Ex. 2 Work in pairs. Ask the same questions about your partner’s appearance. Ask about his/her age, height, eyes, hair, special features, etc.

Ex. 3 One student thinks about a group mate in front of the class without telling his name. The rest of the group ask questions to guess who it is.

Model: How tall is he/she? What colour are his/her eyes? What kind of hair…?

Ex. 4Look at the photos of famous people. Which phrases will go with each description?

T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru T Yes, I go swimming three times a week, at lunchtimes - student2.ru

A big black moustache, partly bald, a round face, a hooked nose, a long thin face, thick black eyebrows, a beard, short curly hair, a pointed nose, big brown eyes, long dark hair, full lips, short grey hair, short wavy hair, small round glasses.

Ex. 5 Choose a famous person, and think about what they look(ed) like.

Write down a description.

For example: John Lennon

I think John Lennon was quite tall and thin, and he had a long face and a long, hooked nose. He had long straight hair, and I think he had a bread and a moustache. He wore small round glasses.

Describe the person to your partner but don’t say the name.

Let your partner (or the whole group) guess who it is.

Ex. 6 Let’s revise grammar.

1 слог young-younger - youngest tall – taller - tallest
2 слога heavy – heavier - heaviest pretty – prettier - prettiest
2/3 иболееслогов   elegant – more elegant – most elegant
неправильные good – better - best bad – worse - worst

Match the beginnings of the sentences in A with the endings in B to make sentences. Notice the prepositions used.

She's older from the others.
He’s the best friend as mine.
Her nose is the same than me.
My hair’s similar like me.
They're different to my father’s.
She looks in the world.

Ex 7 a)Complete the sentences about you and your family.

1 Isabelis the youngest person in my family.
2 I look very different from……… .

3 People often say I look like………..
4 My hair is …………... than ………
5 My eyes are ……….. than ………

6 My mother is……………than my father.
7 I'm more…………than my brother/ sister/cousin.

8 My father is the…………… person in the family.

9 In my family, my……………has the most………...

b)Tell your partner about the differences between you and your family.

c) In pairs, ask and answer these questions.

1 How tall are you?

2 How would you describe your build?

3 How much do you weigh?

4 What kind of hair have you got?

5 Have you got any special features?

6 What colour eyes have you got?

7 Would you like it to be different? If so, what else would you like to change about your appearance?

8 Are there any special features you would like to have?

Ex 9. a) Organise these words into pairs of opposites and put them in the columns below.

mean clever nice lazy relaxed hard-working reliable punctual reserved tense cheerful generous unpleasant stupid miserable boring optimistic polite interesting moody kind sociable easy–going rude open pessimistic rude

Positive Negative

……………….. ……………………

……………….. ……………………

………………… …………………….

b) What prefix forms the opposite of each of these words? You need three different prefixes: un-, in-, dis-.

kind flexible friendly honest punctual reliable sensitive ambitious pleasant  

Ex. 10 . Work in pairs. Choose six or more words from ex. 9 to describe your personality. Tell your partner about yourself.

Model:I think I'm usually optimistic and cheerful. I always smile and laugh a lot. And I try to be polite! But sometimes I can be unpunctual. And I’m a bit lazy.

Does your partner agree with the description?

Ex. 11 When we describe a person we usually keep in mind three points:

- their appearance

- their personality

- their habits, likes and dislikes

a)Сomplete the gaps in the following conversation about Beth.

ANDY: ______________________________ ?

BEN: He's tallish, with grey hair and twinkling eyes.

ANDY: ______________________________ ?

BEN: Quite serious but very kind and he's got a nice personality.

ANDY: ______________________________ ?

BEN: Well, mainly indoor things such as reading and watching videos.

Ex 12. Read the following text and say which words describe her appearance, personality and habits.


Of all my relatives, I like my sister Kelly the best. She's my elder sister. She isn’t married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She's in her late thirties, and she's very young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun, and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her lovely, warm smile. I think she is very attractive. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

She likes reading and gardening. She's a very active person. Either she's making something, or mending something, or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She's extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don't agree with her.

She has a partner. His name’s Rick. They often go for long walks over the hills. I think she is happy and contented with her life.

Ex 14. Write a similar description of a member of your family in about 200 words. Include the following:

-physical description

-their character, habits, likes and dislikes

-your opinion of the person

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