Select the best word or phrase to complete this letter to the Public Relations Officer at Air Manuko

Dear Mr Morgan

We ......................... 1a report expressing our dissatisfaction with Air Manuko over the cancellation of our tickets on a recent visit to Manuko. This error ......................... 2 some considerable worry and trouble during our visit, as well as incurring extra costs.

As we were .........................3 to travel by air from Katawe to Harristown (in spite of having.........................4 and paid for this flight three months before), we were .........................5 to goby road, the cost of which was $120.

We would now like to ask whether this cost could be .........................6. We attach copies of our flight vouchers and the .........................7 for the road transfer.

We .........................8 to hearing from you about this matter.

Yours sincerely Christopher Bartlett

1 enclose

2 raised

3 prevented

4 cancelled

5 obliged

6 paid back

7 fare

8 expect














reimbursed recipe

are waiting





caused returned


look forward

Select the best word or phrase to complete this notice in a company newsletter.

Our Managing Director, Daniel Hawkes, has been offered a position as Vice President of our parent company, and is .........................1 after more than 11 years with TDI. During his time as Managing Director, he has shown outstanding leadership .........................2. He has sometimes had to make some

.........................3 decisions, but he is known to be caring and concerned for his staff.

Mr Hawkes built up the company from a small business with a fragile bank balance to a .........................4 concern.

Last year, we achieved a .........................5 turnover, thanks to his energy and…………… 6

Mr Hawkes will be greatly missed by all, and we wish him every success in his new role. It is not yet known who will .........................7 his position in TDI.

1 retiring

2 qualities

3 tough

4 fading

5 maximum

6 challenge

7 fill out

being dismissed

character strong dwindling record


fill up

resigning aspects






parting attractions serious flowering leading



Check your grammar

A sales manager sent this memo to his sales team. The mistakes have been underlined. Write the corrections in the spaces provided.

Example: The company is producing 4,000 units per year.

As you know, we have been asked to go and present our proposals for the Russian contract, and the buyers have scheduled the presentation to1 next Wednesday afternoon. We have a lot to prepare before then.

Already we have sent2 a written proposal, so we wouldn't3 have to repeat the same information. What we must do is emphasise our key strengths and show how we are different from and better than our competitors.

We hold4 a meeting to plan the presentation tomorrow at 10 a.m. and I wouldlike that you come5 with some good ideas. There is strong competition for this contract and if we won't6 make the right impression next Wednesday, we could lose it. Be there on7 10 o'clock sharp, please.

1 ..........................................................................................

2 ...........................................................................................

3 ...........................................................................................

4 ...........................................................................................

5 ...........................................................................................

6 ...........................................................................................

7 ...........................................................................................

Choose the best answer to complete each gap in this article.

America Online, the leading internet service provider, said yesterday that its customers ..........................1 $1.2bn in purchases between November 26 and

December 27. ..........................2 estimates vary widely, the figures were

generally higher ..........................3 expected as more and more buyers used the

internet to purchase toys, books, clothing and travel services. AOL's figures ..........................4 important to the online industry ..........................5 there are

more than 15m AOL members and they account for nearly half of all online transactions. AOL also ..........................6 that 17 December was its

..........................7 shopping day to date, with about $36m in sales. Shares in

AOL ..........................8 to $151 on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday.

1 a) were spending

2 a) Despite

3 a) as

4 a) are

5 a) due to

6 a) reported

7 a)busy

8 a) felt

b) had been spending

b) Although

b) than

b) were

b) because of

b) have reported

b) most busy

b) fell

c) had spent

c) However

c) like

c) have been

c) because

c) had reported

c) busiest

c)have fell

d) have spent

d) Whereas

d) that

d) had been

d) owing to

d) are reporting

d) busier

d) had fallen

Check your talking

Match the responses on the right to the sentences on the left.

1. I just got that new job. a) Don't worry about it.

2. Thank you so much. b) That's kind of you.

3. I'm afraid I've spilt coffee on your desk! c) Please do.

4. Can I help you to carry those books? d) Not at all.

5. May I use your phone? e) Congratulations!

In the following groups of sentences, the speaker is either complaining or responding to a complaint.

6. Which is the most forceful of these complaints?

a) I'm sorry but I'm not satisfied with this product.

b) There is a small problem with this product.

c) Unfortunately, we had some problems with this product.

d) The product doesn't seem to work very well.

7. Which is the most polite of these responses?

a) What's the problem then?

b) I'm very sorry to hear about your problem.

c) You could be using it incorrectly.

d) It's not our fault if the equipment wasn't installed correctly.

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