Choose the right answer (A, B, C, or 4) to fill each gap


In one of the … reported above, the development was something of a "transplant" of an existing study skills programme from another school.

1) schools 2) school’s

3) schooles 4) schools’


The bigger houses have disappeared, to be replaced by '60s … .

1) boxs 2) boxes

3) box 4) boxis


Yes, four … were coming we were told.

1) babys 2) babis

3) babes 4) babies


… are also provided for those with special needs — children, the elderly and physically or mentally disabled people.

1) Class 2) Classs

3) Classes 4) Classis


Like Good King Wenceslas, Bres's … melted the snow when he walked.

1) foots 2) footes

3) feets 4) feet


I had to ask Mum to lend me the … — it was the most humiliating moment of my life.

1) money 2) moneys

3) moneis 4) moneyes


We also make curtains, upholstered … and carpets.

1) furnitures 2) furnitureses

3) furnituress 4) furniture


… , of course, can lead to tooth decay (so that some foods, such as meat, become difficult to eat) and also to diabetes.

1) Sugar 2) Sugars

3) Sugares 4) Sugare’s


The sun was shining down outside, and the … were all very warm and comfortable.

1) mouses 2) mouse

3) mice 4) mous


John married three times and had a total of seventeen … .

1) children 2) childrens

3) childrenes 4) child


There are over 100 shops in the Quarter, selling a wide range of beautiful jewellery, clocks and … , often at very competitive prices.

1) watches 2) watchess

3) watch 4) watchs


We were entertained first by a pair of talented young men playing two grand … .

1) pianos 2) pianoses

3) piano 4) pianoc


Trees and red hills and … buzzing.

1) flies 2) flees

3) flyes 4) flyies


… have an important place in British history.

1) Oxen 2) Oxes

3) Oxens 4) Oxs


Money … always bring happiness.

1) is 2) don’t

3) isn’t 4) doesn’t


The latest news of our children … .

1) exciting 2) was exciting

3) are exciting 4) were exciting


The police … to find the criminal.

1) is unable 2) were unable

3) was unable 4) has been unable


Stephen opened a drawer and took out … .

1) photo 2) some photos

3) a photos 4) any photos


I don’t want … or help.

1) advices 2) an advice

3) advice 4) any advices


Can I borrow your scissors? Mine … not sharp enough.

1) is 2) are

3) aren’t 4) isn’t


Mathematics … an exact science.

1) is 2) are

3) have been 4) shall be


The sunlit … look wonderful.

1) rooves 2) roofs

3) roofes 4) roovs


… is kept in the box.

1) My little brother’s tooth 2) My brother’s little tooth

3) My tooth’s little brother 4) My brother little tooth


… are not very high.

1) Father’s my wages 2) Wage’s my father

3) My father’s wages 4) My father wage


… are very brave.

1) This country’s people 2) These people’s country

3) Country’s these people 4) The country for people


… were locked in another room.

1) His father’s instruments 2) His instrument’s father

3) This father’s instruments 4) His father instrument


… is the favourite song of my brother.

1) Geese’s my Granny 2) My Granny’s geese

3) My geese’s Granny 4) My Granny geese


I like to play with … .

1) my sister’s toys 2) my sisters toys

3) the toys’ my sister 4) my sister toy


… are very naughty.

1) My aunt’s children 2) My aunts children

3) Children’s my aunt 4) Childrens’ of my aunt


… are beautiful.

1) Kiev’s parks 2) Kieves parks

3) Park’s of Kiev 4) Kieves’ parks


Do you know … Browns? They live next to us.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


There are some beautiful towns in … north of Italy.

1) a 2) the

3) ø 4) an


… Trafalgar Square is in London.

1) The 2) An

3) ø 4) A


My sister plays … piano very well.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


Carl is at … school. He will be home soon.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


Alison was … first person to arrive at the party.

1) a 2) the

3) an 4) ø


The prisoner was taken to … court to stand trial.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


… Panama Canal divides North and South America.

1) An 2) A

3) The 4) ø


She went to … station to see Jim off.

1) the 2) a

3) an 4) ø


His father is a travel-writer. He has been all over … world and written books about China.

1) a 2) the

3) ø 4) an


He published his articles in …Times.

1) ø 2) a

3) an 4) the


She is writing a book about …homeless.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


Jack is a professional footballer. He has been playing … football since he was a child.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


…English language is spoken all over the world.

1) ø 2) A

3) An 4) The


Last week I had … accident in Paris.

1) an 2) a

3) the 4) ø


I enjoy skiing in …Alps.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


They visited … Grand Canyon last summer.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


She lives in a castle near … River Rhine.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


I went shopping at …Macy’s and bought an expensive coat.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


They are going for a walk near …London Zoo in Regent’s Park.

1) a 2) the

3) a 4) ø


There is a modern cinema in …Bridge Street.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


Anna comes from …Netherlands but she lives in Italy now.

1) ø 2) a

3) an 4) the


She has been working as … chemist since she graduated from the university.

1) a 2) the

3) ø 4) an


It is really … pleasure to see her smiling face.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


The Severn is …longest river in Great Britain.

1) a 2) the

3) an 4) ø


My mother can read Italian books in …original.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


Last summer I used to get up at …sunrise and walk in the forest for hours.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


The teacher told us to learn this poem by … heart.

1) the 2) a

3) an 4) ø


When we went to Paris we saw … Eiffel Tower.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


He always comes home late at … night.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


… British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe.

1) ø 2) The

3) A 4) An


Last winter she saw … Himalayas for the first time in her life.

1) ø 2) a

3) an 4) the


Open … door, please. We are waiting.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


Look outside. …sky is getting very dark.

1) The 2) A

3) An 4) ø


Has Melanie got …garden? No, she doesn’t like gardening at all.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


There was a programme on television about dangers to … environment.

1) ø 2) a

3) an 4) the


Pollution is having … effect on our climate.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


David is in …hospital. He has broken his hand.

1) a 2) ø

3) the 4) an


The train to Paris leaves from … Waterloo Station.

1) the 2) a

3) an 4) ø


The space capsule came down in … Pacific.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


What …clever children you have!

1) a 2) the

3) an 4) ø


I think that’s … awful thing to say.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


Judy goes to work by … bus.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


I don’t know what to do. It’s quite …difficult problem.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


We can finish the rest of the bread for …breakfast.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


I will meet you outside … National Gallery.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


I think Edinburgh is … beautiful city. I love going there.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


The guide advised us to take a walk around …Lake Windermere.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


We had an unforgettable holiday in …Bahamas.

1) ø 2) a

3) an 4) the


He has dreamt of climbing …Everest since his childhood.

1) the 2) ø

3) an 4) a


My neighbour is a photographer; let’s ask him for … advice about colour films.

1) the 2) ø

3) a 4) an


We had … fish and chips for lunch.

1) a 2) the

3) ø 4) any


My brother is in the navy. He is at … sea for months sometimes.

1) the 2) ø

3) a 4) an


I usually go to … bed at about 11 p.m. to get a good night’s sleep.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


The cat is sitting on …bed.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


The Prime Minister visited … prison yesterday and talked to the prisoners.

1) the 2) a

3) an 4) ø


The men who robbed the bank are in … prison now.

1) the 2) a

3) an 4) ø


The ambulance took the injured people to … hospital.

1) a 2) an

3) ø 4) the


I must go to … hospital to visit my aunt. She’s had an operation.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


We saw the children in their classrooms as we walked past … school.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


I want to go to university when I leave …school.

1) a 2) ø

3) an 4) the


Look at … cats! They are chasing a bird.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


…children usually like playing games.

1) An 2) A

3) The 4) ø


…villages in this part of the country are very beautiful.

1) The 2) This

3) A 4) ø


…breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

1) ø 2) A

3) The 4) An


Paul is … only person who remembered me.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


In … Stone Age people lived in caves.

1) ø 2) the

3) a 4) an


We travelled to London by … train.

1) a 2) an

3) the 4) ø


He is learning to play …violin.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


Have you ever been to Copenhagen? – Yes. I think it’s … prettiest city in Europe.

1) a 2) the

3) ø 4) an


What did you see on your tour today? – I saw Buckingham Palace and … Houses of Parliament.

1) an 2) a

3) the 4) ø


Do you buy a newspaper every day? – Yes. I usually buy …Independent and my wife reads fashion magazines.

1) An 2) A

3) The 4) ø


Who is going to open the new shopping centre? – I heard that … Queen is going to do it.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


Rome wasn’t built in … day.

1) an 2) a

3) the 4) ø


…. apple a day keeps the doctor away.

1) The 2) An

3) ø 4) A


When in Rome, do as … Romans do.

1) an 2) ø

3) a 4) the


You can’t get … blood out of a stone.

1) the 2) a

3) ø 4) an


Home is where … heart is.

1) a 2) the

3) an 4) ø


You cannot make … omelette without breaking eggs.

1) an 2) the

3) ø 4) a


…panda is a large mammal which lives in China and eats bamboo shoots.

1) ø 2) The

3) An 4) A


Although people say that … English are very reserved, I have an English girlfriend who is just the opposite!

1) an 2) the

3) a 4) ø


The three musicians play on … stage.

1) a new 2) a newer

3) newest 4) more new


She speaks in … voice than the last time.

1) a loud 2) a louder

3) the loudest 4) the most loud


This was … film he had ever seen.

1) bad 2) worse

3) the worst 4)badly


They leave … way they can.

1) a quick 2) a quicker

3) the quickest 4) more quick


A whale is … than a dolphin.

1) long 2) longer

3) the longest 4) more long


This coat is … of all.

1) an expensive 2) a less expensive

3) the least expensive 4) the expensivest


… supplies will soon be available.

1) far 2) farther

3) farthest 4) further


Happiness is … than money.

1) important 2) more important

3) the most important 4) the importantest


Is it … to go there by car or by train?

1) cheap 2) cheaper

3) the cheapest 4) more cheap


Do you know that the Dead Sea is … sea.

1) a salty 2) a saltier

3) a saltiest 4) more salty


I have never drunk … beer.

1)gooder 2) better

3) the best 4) the most good


Which instrument makes … music in the world?

1) a beautiful 2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful 4) beatifuller


Gulian behaved very … at the party last night.

1) bad 2) badly

3) worse 4) worst


This is … problem she has ever had.

1) a great 2)a greater

3) the greatest 4) more great


He is … than me.

1) elder 2) the eldest

3) the oldest 4) older


The youngest of the family was ….

1) more successful 2) the most successful

3) successful 4) successfully


These trousers are too small. I need … size.

1) a large 2) a larger

3) the largest 4)more large


This is … beer that I have ever drunk.

1) good 2) better

3)the best 4) more good


China has got … population in the world.

1) a large 2) a larger

3) the largest 4) more large


Of the three girls, this one is the ….

1) pretty 2) prettier

3) prettiest 4) more pretty


Which is …: five, fifteen or fifty?

1) little 2) less

3) the least 4)small


Susan is … person in the whole band.

1) a wonderful 2) a more wonderful

3) the most wonderful 4) wonderfulest


The weather is getting … and colder.

1) the coldest 2) colder

3) cold 4)more cold


I think dogs are … than cats.

1) intelligent 2) more intelligent

3) the most intelligent 4) intelligenter


My case isn’t very ….

1) heavy 2) heavier

3) the most heavy 4) hevier


Money is important, but isn’t … thing in life.

1) an important 2) more important

3) the most important 4) importanter


This room is not so ... as that one on the first floor.

1) comfortable 2) more comfortable

3) the most comfortable 4) comfortabler


I am not so ... as a horse.

1) strong 2) stronger

3) the strongest 4)more strong


That painting is ... than the one in your living room.

1) impressive 2) less impressive

3) the least impressive 4) the impressivest


Betty is less hard-working than Jane, but Kate is ... of all.

1) a hard-working 2) less hard-working

3) the least hard-working 4) hard-workinger


I suppose you know him well – probably ... than anybody else.

1) better 2) more well

3) good 4) the best


He spoke English badly -- ... than expected.

1) worse 2) more badly

3) the worst 4) bad


I can’t understand what you are saying. Could you speak a bit ...?

1) slowlier 2) more slowly

3) slow 4) the slowliest


My mother was feeling tired last night so she went to bed ... than usual.

1) earlier 2) more early

3) early 4) the earliest


June in not so ... as July.

1) hot 2) hotter

3) the hottest 4) more hot


She has ... job of all.

1) a difficult 2) a more difficult

3) the most difficult 4) difficulter


You are quite ... at playing the piano, aren’t you?

1) better 2) the best

3) good 4) more good


Think about it ... before you make a decision.

1) careful 2) carefully

3) more careful 4) the most careful


He is also ... person than Paul.

1) a polite 2) a more polite

3) the most polite 4) the politest


I like my bedroom because it’s so ....

1) cosy 2) the cosiest

3) cosier 4) more cosy


It makes me feel ... to think of you living alone.

1) sader 2) sad

3) more sad 4) the most sad


Your perfume smells ....

1) beautiful 2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful 4) beautifully


This was ... concession he would make.

1) the farthest 2) the furthest

3) further 4) farther


He is ... than I am.

1) elder 2) the eldest

3) older 4) the oldest


Your coffee is so ... as the coffee my brother makes.

1) better 2) the best

3) more good 4) good


The new tower blocks are much ... than the old buildings.

1) high 2) higher

3) the highest 4) more high


Don’t talk about them. Let’s talk about something ....

1) an interesting 2) more interesting

3) the most interesting 4) interestinger


He makes ... mistakes than you do.

1) fewer 2)few

3) the fewest 4) more few


I didn’t expect him to be so ....

1) stronger 2) the strongest

3) strong 4) more strong


I’d like to change cars ....

1) more often 2) oftener

3) the oftenest 4) often


I didn’t think it would be so ....

1) expensive 2) more expensive

3) the most expensive 4) expensively


Emma’s tooth ached … .

1) terrible 2) more terrible

3) terribly 4) terriblest


Henry shouted … for hours.

1) angrily 2) angry

3) most angry 4) angrier


The machine switches itself off … .

1) automatic 2) automatical

3) automaticly 4) automatically


We need to debate the problem … .

1) public 2) publical

3) publicly 4) publically


Claire doesn’t want to marry Henry. She thinks he’s … .

1) old enough 2) enough old

3) too old 4) old too


The water isn’t … . It needs to be boiling.

1) enough hot 2) hot enough

3) too hot 4) hot too


No wonder you’re tired. You’ve been going to … parties.

1) too many 2) too much

3) enough 4) more


The journey took a long time because the train travelled so … .

1) slow 2) slower

3) slowly 4) slowily


It was hot and the sun shone … from a clear sky.

1) bright 2) brightly

3) brighty 4) brightily


He can’t wait … for the journey to end.

1) patient 2) patienty

3) patiently 4) patientely


The puzzles are … difficult for children.

1) enough 2) too

3) much 4) too much


She always arrives … at nine.

1) punctual 2) more punctual

3) most punctual 4) punctually


It was important for them to meet … .

1) secretic 2) secretical

3) secretly 4) secretically


I had a terrible journey, but the pilot managed to land … .

1) safely 2) more safe

3) too safe 4) safe


Her English is good, and she speaks very … .

1) fluent 2) fluently

3) more fluent 4) too fluent


She plays the piano very …

1) good 2) goodly

3) well 4) better


The train went quite …

1) fastly 2) fastest

3) more fast 4) fast


I tried … , but I didn’t succeed.

1) hard 2) hardly

3) more hard 4) most hard


I’ve been very busy … .

1) late 2) lately

3) later 4) latest


I slept … last night.

1) bad 2) badly

3) good 4) goodly


I was too nervous to go … than halfway up the tower.

1) high 2) higher

3) highest 4) more high


You can find the place … with a map.

1) more easily 2) easilier

3) more easy 4) too easy


My new job is great. I like it … than my old one.

1) more better 2) much better

3) most better 4) very better


You must try and get to the lesson … .

1) more early 2) more earlier

3) too early 4) earlier


I use the car … often than I used to.

1) less 2) the less

3) least 4) the least


She ran to the station as … as she could.

1) quicker 2) most quick

3) more quick 4) quickly


Try to get here … you can.

1) the soon 2) soon as

3) as soon as 4) soonest


The person who runs … will win first prize.

1) the quickest 2) quickly

3) most quick 4) quicker


Bill ran … of all and came last.

1) slowly 2) the slowest

3) most slow 4) more slowly


The caravan was rolling … down the hill.

1) fast and fast 2) faster and more fast

3) faster and faster 4) faster and the fastest


He came … in the race.

1) lastly 2) last

3) lastest 4) laster


Uncle Tom told us the story ....

1) herself 2) himself

3) itself 4) myself


We give our cat the same food as we have ....

1) ourselves 2) themselves

3) yourselves 4) itself


Now, Ann, you must translate this text....

1) yourselves 2) yourself

3) herself 4) himself


This is a car that goes by ... .

1) himself 2) herself

3) myself 4) itself


I made that chair all by ... .

1) itself 2) myself

3) himself 4) herself


Tom and Ann looked at... .

1) she 2) he

3) each other 4) they


During the break we spoke to ... .

1) himself 2) ours

3) their 4) one another


It was 1810. In ... days there were no railways in our country,

1) this 2) these

3) that 4) those


Which apples do you want? I want... ones.

1) such 2) those

3) that 4) this


… lines are straight.

1) This 2)That

3) It 4) These


… man was her cousin.

1) These 2) Those

3)That 4) Such


... pupils are easy to teach.

1) Such 2)This

3)That 4) They


... was her answer.

1) These 2) Those

3)They 4) Such


Please, give me ... book.

1) that 2) those

3) these 4) such


... are our teachers.

1) This 2)That

3) These 4) Theirs


... did the committee appoint?

1) Whose 2)Whom

3) Which 4) We


... car broke down?

1) Who 2)Whom

3) Whose 4) Such


.. did you go with?

1) Whom 2) Which

3) Whose 4) We


... were you speaking to?

1) Which 2) Whose

3) Who 4) They


... country do you come from?

1) Who 2) Whose

3) Whom 4) What


... was the exam like?

1) Whose 2)Whom

3) What 4) Which


… address did you send it to?

1) Who 2) Whom

3) Which 4) Why


... of them is the eldest?

1) Which 2)Whom

3) Whose 4) When


... does it cost to get to Scotland?

1) Who 2)Whom

3) What 4) Why


We esteem people ... are brave.

1) who 2) whose

3) whom 4) where


This is the pupil ... we've elected a monitor.

1) whose 2) whom

3) which 4) why


The boy ... composition you find so good hasn't come yet.

1) who 2) whose

3) which 4) when


We saw the writer about... everybody talks so much.

1) whom 2) whose

3) which 4) that


Spot, ... was a clever dog, looked at us and seemed to understand,

1) whose 2) whom

3) which 4) when


The mice ... ran there at night are quiet now.

1) who 2) whom

3) whose 4) which


Where is the book ... you have read?

1) whose 2) which

3) who 4) why


There's a man here ... wants to talk to you.

1) which 2) whose

3) who 4) when


The noise ... he made woke everybody up.

1) who 2) that

3) whose 4) whom


They saw ... in the room.

1) anybody 2) somebody

3) some 4) anyone


She is going to tell us ... important.

1) anything 2) something

3) some 4) somebody


Is ... listening?

1) anybody 2) somebody

3) someone 4) any


She knows … .

1) no 2) nothing

3) neither 4) none


... work was done.

1) None 2) No

3) Nobody 4) Nothing


… saw Tom go out.

1) No 2) No one

3) Nothing 4) Neither


He had some apples last year but he has ... this year.

1) neither 2) nobody

3) no 4) none


... has come.

1) Neither 2) Nobody

3)None 4)No


There was ... interesting there.

1) none 2) nothing

3) neither 4) not


By doing ... we learn to do idle.

1) no 2) none

3) nothing 4) neither


I tried both keys but... worked.

1) no 2) nobody

3) neither 4) not


... of them knew the way.

1) Nothing 2) Neither

3) No 4) Not.


... has ever given me a free ticket for anything.

1) Nobody 2) Nothing

3) Neither 4) None


There was ... time for consultation as the teacher was busy.

1) few 2) a few

3) little 4) a little


I have quite ... books on art.

1) little 2) much

3) a few 4) a little


... is known about this fact.

1) Many 2) Few

3) A few 4) Little


It rained ... during the night.

1) a few 2) many

3) few 4) a little


Tourists come here but... stay overnight.

1) few 2) little

3) much 4) a little


Owls usually hunt … night.

1) at 2) in

3) on 4) by


I’ve put on nearly three kilos. I think I’d better go … a diet.

1) in 2) on

3) to 4) into


Both my dogs are very fond … ice cream.

1) about 2) in

3) of 4) with


Costa Rica is famous … its beautiful scenery.

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


Could I phone you later, Alan? I’m a bit short … time.

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


I like ballet but I’m not very keen … opera.

1) with 2)for

3) from 4) on


Australia is rich … natural resources.

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


There’s no pleasing our teacher. He’s never satisfied … our work!

1) on 2) from

3) in 4) with


I’ve always been afraid … water ever since I nearly drowned as a child.

1) at 2) with

3) of 4) in


Our daughter has just graduated as a doctor. We are very proud … her.

1) for 2) on

3) with 4) of


Mark has been absent … school for over a month. He’ll have a lot of catching up to do when he comes back.

1) from 2) of

3) off 4) at


For the last time, who is responsible … this mess?

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


We are all grateful … you for all you’ve done for us.

1) to 2) with

3) about 4) in


My cousin is very good … music and can play four or five instruments.

1) on 2) about

3) at 4) in


Julie’s my oldest friend. We’ve been friendly … one another since we were at Primary school.

1) for 2) with

3) of 4) about


I’m afraid only single people under age of thirty are eligible … membership of this club.

1) about 2) for

3) to 4) in


Michael was jealous … his sister’s success, even though he pretended to be happy for her.

1) at 2) about

3) of 4) with


She is similar … her sister in character.

1) to 2) for

3) from 4) in


He was so absorbed … what he was doing that he didn’t notice me.

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


Small children are often cruel … animals without realizing it. They don’t mean to hurt them.

1) at 2) to

3) on 4) in


You are not serious … leaving this country and going to live in China, are you?

1) with 2) about

3) on 4) at


Hamlet was written … Shakespeare.

1) by 2) about

3) for 4) with


This book has been translated … five languages.

1) among 2) at

3) into 4) in


The man was arrested and charged … murder.

1) for 2) about

3) with 4) in


After three attempts she finally succeeded … breaking the world record.

1) by 2) with

3) on 4) in


Does Mark really believe … flying saucers?

1) in 2) at

3) about 4) to


Does Peter remind you … Michael Jackson?

1) for 2) about

3) of 4) in


May I compliment you … your wonderful garden?

1) on 2) with

3) by 4) about


It was largely my fault that we lost … tennis. I played so badly.

1) with 2) at

3) of 4) by


We left Heathrow airport at 16.45 and arrived … Copenhagen at 19.30.

1) at 2) to

3) of 4) in


Don’t forget to wear a scarf. It will protect you … the cold.

1) for 2) from

3) with 4) in


You should always insure your home … fire.

1) against 2) about

3) of 4) for


The mother told the group of children to share the sweets … themselves.

1) for 2) among

3) between 4) in


We arrived … Zurich airport.

1) at 2) to

3) into 4) in


The cat loved to sleep … the sofa.

1) at 2) on

3) onto 4) in


I have to go … the doctor’s for a check-up.

1) for 2) to

3) on 4) at


We’ve been waiting … three o’clock.

1) for 2) since

3) between 4) in


In this photo I’m standing … my two best friends.

1) for 2) among

3) between 4) in


The bill must be paid … 30 days.

1) by 2) within

3) between 4) at


If you are … eighteen, they won’t let you see that film.

1) below 2) under

3) at 4) above


I’m not used … getting up early.

1) to 2) into

3) at 4) from


Would you care … a drink?

1) for 2) from

3) of 4) at


A car collided … a bus this morning.

1) into 2) with

3) at 4) in


My cousin borrowed some money … me.

1) for 2) from

3) to 4) with


The fence is to prevent children … falling in the pond.

1) from 2) with

3) on 4) in


My sister suffers … hay fever every summer.

1) with 2) from

3) by 4) against


I really feel sorry … people who are tone deaf.

1) for 2) about

3) at 4) with


She made the children apologize … their bad behaviour.

1) about 2) from

3) of 4) for


Most young people prefer pop music … classical music.

1) for 2) to

3) with 4) from


Ask Mike to do it. You can rely … him. He never lets you down.

1) for 2) by

3) on 4) at


I have a poor memory so I have to write everything … in this little book.

1) into 2) among

3) down 4) on


She is undergoing treatment … a serious illness.

1) from 2) in

3) at 4) for


Congratulations … your Wedding Anniversary!

1) on 2) with

3) for 4) in


Scientists conduct research … the causes of ageing.

1) for 2) among

3) into 4) in


He has fallen in love … the girl next door.

1) with 2) among

3) between 4) to


The Princess is heir … the Dutch throne.

1) to 2) for

3) at 4) in


Coffee drinkers have a choice … black and white.

1) for 2) among

3) between 4) in


Do you remember that scene … the end of the movie?

1) at 2) on

3) by 4) in


Kenya is a country rich … wildlife.

1) for 2)with

3) of 4) in


It is time for the children to pay a visit … their grandparents.

1) for 2) to

3) on 4) in


The Italian chef gave me a recipe … spaghetti carbonara.

1) to 2) with

3) at 4) for


Working constantly at a computer puts a strain … your arms and shoulders.

1) on 2) to

3) onto 4) in


The problem … the chewing gum is that it loses its flavour too quickly.

1) for 2) off

3) to 4) with


If you had a choice … marrying for love or marrying for money, which would you do?

1) of 2) among

3) between 4) in


I know you have a cold, but that’s no excuse … not doing your homework.

1) for 2) of

3) between 4) in


If you have to deal with overseas clients, a knowledge … foreign languages is very useful.

1) of 2) to

3) on 4) in


Do you have any objections … my parking the car in front of your house?

1) for 2) to

3) of 4) in


Perhaps the three most important human rights are freedom … hunger, fear and prosecution.

1) for 2) from

3) between 4) in


Einstein hated school and often missed classes, but he was a real genius … mathematics.

1) at 2) on

3) of 4) in


In our class we can do as we like; our teacher has no control … us at all.

1) over 2) among

3) above 4) between


Overweight people should not jog because it puts a great strain … their hearts.

1) for 2) on

3) to 4) in


With reference … your advertisement in today’s Guardian, I wish to apply for the position of Sales Manager.

1) for 2) of

3) to 4) off


We have a good working relationship … the local authority.

1) in 2) with

3) between 4) to


Do you take pride … your appearance, or are you just vain?

1) of 2) at

3) off 4) in


John’s got very strange taste … clothes, hasn’t he?

1) for 2) in

3) of 4) at


There has been a considerable improvement … the flow of traffic since they opened the extra lanes on the motorway.

1) of 2) at

3) in 4) to


Please give my regards … your mother when you see her.

1) to 2) into

3) for 4) of


Do you know a cure … hiccups?

1) for 2) of

3) at 4) in


The public is taking a lot of interest … the new courses.

1) in 2) at

3) of 4) to


The attendance … Saturday’s match was very poor.

1) for 2) at

3) on 4) in


Did he give you any reason … his awful behaviour?

1) for 2) of

3) in 4) to


Take advantage … this special offer!

1) for 2) on

3) in 4) of


At school today we had a long discussion … the best way to learn a foreign language.

1) in 2) about

3) for 4) with


Because of a lack … interest, tomorrow’s meeting has been cancelled.

1) for 2) of

3) at 4) in


There has been a sharp increase … house prices in recent month.

1) in 2) at

3) about 4) for


Professor Newt is a specialist … marine biology.

1) of 2) at

3) about 4) in


Mum must be … a bad mood.

1) on 2) with

3) at 4) in


Do sit down. Ms Brown will join you … a moment.

1) with 2) during

3) in 4) at


The Street Lawyer is a novel … John Grisham.

1) for 2) by

3) to 4) in


The car went over the brow of the hill and was soon … sight.

1) at 2) out of

3) out from 4) in


Mr. Williams is … lunch at the moment.

1) in 2) on

3) at 4) by


After the war several people were tried for crimes … humanity.

1) for 2) against

3) of 4) at


What I’m telling you is not official, it’s … the record.

1) under 2) against

3) off 4) in


… no circumstances should you leave you luggage unattended.

1) on 2) under

3) at 4) off


I always keep a dictionary … hand in case I come across a word I don’t know.

1) at 2) by

3) out of 4) in


The technicians have checked the sound equipment and report that everything is … order.

1) on 2) by

3) out of 4) in


I tried to find someone to type my essay, but … the end I had to do it myself.

1) by 2) at

3) on 4) in


I came across a great newsgroup devoted to ice hockey … chance when I was surfing the Web.

1) from 2) out of

3) by 4) at


There’s a big picture of you … the front page of the paper.

1) at 2) on

3) below 4) in


I’ve taken this watch … pieces, and now I can’t put it together again.

1) into 2) to

3) onto 4) in


… all, you must learn to listen more and speak less.

1) above 2) among

3) at 4) in


Do you agree? … point, but I don’t think you are completely right.

1) to the 2) up to a

3) on the 4) in


I know … experience that I do my best work early in the morning.

1) in 2) from

3) with 4) on


I forgot to pack any food so we’ll get something to eat … the way back.

1) on 2) over

3) under 4) in


The grass is always greener … the other side.

1) against 2) in

3) up 4) on


My cousin is related to the Governor … marriage. Her husband is the Governor’s brother.

1) on 2) over

3) by 4) at


He was reluctant to do it … first, but in the end he agreed.

1) at 2) in

3) on 4) with


I’ m going to be very busy … the next three months.

1) at 2) on

3) over 4) in


I know them both … sight, but I’ve no idea what their names are.

1) on 2) by

3) at 4) in


Do you remember that scene … the end of the movie?

1) at 2) on

3) by 4) in


When I was a teacher I knew all my pupils … name.

1) on 2) by

3) for 4) in


We were just … time to see the Queen arrive at the theatre.

1) of 2) in

3) with 4) at


He may seem tough and ruthless, but … heart he’s a kind and gentle man.

1) by 2) at

3) of 4) in


He never traveled abroad … fear of becoming ill through eating foreign food.

1) for 2) because

3) at 4) in


The car may be old, but it’s still … very good condition.

1) on 2) in

3) of 4) at


I’m not in the habit … giving lifts to hitch-hikers.

1) on 2) of

3) for 4) to


We decided to stay here … good.

1) with 2) for

3) to 4) at


I pressed the ‘eject’ button … mistake.

1) on 2) over

3) for 4) by


We didn’t know …certain whether they would come or not.

1) on 2) for

3) at 4) in


I’m sorry, but I’m not … liberty to tell you any more.

1) at 2) in

3) after 4) on


… careful consideration, the government has decided not to put up the price of ice cream.

1) with 2) after

3) under 4) at


Don’t worry, they only come out … night.

1) on 2) over

3) at 4) in


I didn’t do it … purpose, honestly!

1) with 2) for

3) of 4) on


Dad, there’s a man … the door with a bald head.

1) on 2) at

3) before 4) in


Marianne is the sort of person who makes you feel immediately … ease.

1) at 2) of

3) on 4) off


I was angry … him, because he made me unhappy.

1) on 2) for

3) with 4) to


I used to own a car similar … yours.

1) to 2) as

3) with 4) like


He is incapable … telling lies.

1) of 2) for

3) in 4) at


I am grateful … you for your help.

1) on 2) to

3) about 4) with


We were doubtful … her passing the exam.

1) about 2) against

3) at 4) for


Sarah was very quick … figures, so she became a successful accountant.

1) on 2) for

3) at 4) to


That’s not the way to behave. You ought to be ashamed … yourself.

1) of 2) for

3) about 4) at


Some plants are sensitive … pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.

1) on 2) about

3) of 4) to


Most people are unaware … the difference between Eskimo and Inuit.

1) of 2) for

3) by 4) about


Susan is disabled but she likes to do things for herself. She hates to be dependent … others.

1) in 2) for

3) of 4) on


Don’t you get annoyed … people who push past you?

1) on 2) in

3) about 4) at


That remark was not worthy … you.

1) on 2) against

3) of 4) to


I was so absorbed … my book, I didn’t realize what time it was.

1) in 2) at

3) with 4) on


We are very short … money.

1) on 2) of

3) about 4) at


Smoking is contrary … the Health and Safety Act.

1) against 2) to

3) with 4) for


Polar bears are peculiar … the Arctic region.

1) to 2) for

3) in 4) on


Jack was delighted … his new DVD player.

1) on 2) for

3) with 4) to


The delay to our flight was due … bad weather over the Atlantic.

1) to 2) as

3) on 4) for


Their customs are different … ours.

1) on 2) from

3) as 4) like


A number of books are missing … the library.

1) by 2) at

3) of 4) from


Some people become so addicted … the Internet that they spend all night surfing the Web.

1) on 2) for

3) with 4) to


She’s a farmer’s daughter, so she’s accustomed … working with animals.

1) to 2) for

3) about 4) with


The examination wasn’t difficult, but I’m nervous … the results.

1) on 2) for

3) with 4) about


I don’t like rap music, but I’m keen … salsa.

1) on 2) at

3) in 4) to


He knows his good points, but he’s blind … his weaknesses.

1) of 2) to

3) on 4) at


For dinner we had grilled vegetables and fish, followed … a huge serving of strawberries and cream.

1) by 2) for

3) with 4) without


It … … in this part of the world.

1) is often raining 2) often rains

3) often have rained 4) often have been rained


Take your umbrella. It … … cats and dogs.

1) rains 2) is raining

3) was raining 4) have been raining


Granny is in the kitchen. She … … a plum-cake.

1) is making 2) makes

3) was making 4) were making


My wife … … a plum-cake.

1) is often making 2) often makes

3) often made 4) have been often making


Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane … … .

1)is having a bath 2) has a bath

3)was having a bath 4) were having a bath


Run downstairs. Your sister … … for you.

1) is waiting 2) was

3)will be waiting 4) will have been waiting


I don’t know Spanish, but I … … it now.

1) am learning 2) learn

3) will be learning 4) was learning


John … … in the garden.

1) is still working 2) still works

3)was still working 4) will still be working


Dad … … on Saturdays.

1) is usually working 2) usually works

3) will usually be working 4) was usually worked


Usually I … … coffee in the morning, but now I prefer tea.

1) am having 2) have

3) has 4) having


We … …

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