B) I have been learning English for 5 years.

C) I was learning English for 5 years.

D) I have learning English for 5 years.

E) I learnt English for 5 years.

43. Change the following sentence from Direct into Indirect speech: I said «I shall come back next week»

A) I said I came back the following week.

B) I said I should come back the following week.

C) I said I should come back the next day.

D) I said I come back the following week.

E) I said I shall come back the following week.

44. Choose the right synonym: different -

A) executive

B) independent

C) cosy

D) various

E) droughty

45. Choose the appropriate formula of the Past Simple Tense:

A) V2, Ved

B) had + V-3

C) shall/will + V

D) have/has + V3

E) V, V-s,es

46. Write the time: It’s five minutes past nine

A) 9.55

B) 8.55

C) 8.05

D) 9.05

E) 10.05

47. Choose the right variant: What is the population of Kazakhstan?

A) 20mln

B) 6 thousand

C) 17 mln

D) 12 mln

E) 2.7 mln

48. What tense form is the given sentence related to: He has already written eight books.

A) Present Perfect

B) Past Simple

C) Past Continuous

D) Past Perfect

E) Present Simple

49. Choose the correct variant: Many cameras…. in Japan every year and they are very expensive.

A) Have being made

B) Are being made

C) Having been made.

D) Made

E) Are made

50. Choose the right indefinite pronouns: Are there … sweets in your bag?

A) any

B) some

C) every

D) no

E) none

Тренировочный тест Экзамен (90ч.)

Вариант - 7

1. Choose the right answer: How is "Aktobe" translated?

A) "Aktobe" is translated as " green tree "

B) "Aktobe" is translated as " white tree "

C) "Aktobe" is translated as " white hill "

D) "Aktobe" is translated as " big city "

E) "Aktobe" is translated as " big city "

2. Fill in a suitable word: Now that he has become a graduate student he can go in for ____work.

A) Subject

B) Vacation

C) Holiday

D) Research

E) Term

3. Give 2 forms of the verb: to speak ---- /-----.

A) spoke-spoken

B) speaking-spoken

C) speak-spoke

D) speaking-spoke

E) speak-spoken

4. Who offers the passengers some snacks and soft drinks on a plane?

A) The robot

B) The pilot

C) The doctor

D) The writer

E) The hostess

5. Change the following sentence from Direct into Indirect speech: I asked him: «Did you travel to London last year? »

A) I asked him if he had traveled to London the previous year.

B) I asked him if he traveled to London the previous year.

C) I asked him if he having traveled to London the previous year.

D) I asked him if he had been travelling to London the previous year.

E) I asked him if he have traveled to London the previous year.

6. Choose the correct word: Many well-known … teach at our University.

A) Deputies

B) Doctors

C) interpreters

D) Professors

E) Reporters

7. “Do your homework now”, mother said to him.

A) mother asks him to do his homework now

B) mother asked him do his homework now

C) mother asking him do his homework then

D) mother ask him do his homework now

E) mother asked him to do his homework then

8. Put the verb into the correct form: How fast (you/drive), when accident (happen)?

A) were youdriving/happened

B) was you driving/happen

C) are you driving/happened

D) were you drove/happened

E) were you drived/happened

9. Water _____ at 100 degrees.

A) boils

B) will boil

C) have boiled

D) will have been boiling

E) is boiling

10. Choose the right variant: I was born … September.

A) In

B) At

C) on

D) during

E) For

11. Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth`s II … .

A) husband

B) brother

C) father

D) uncle

E) son

12. What are the main parts of the UK?

A) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

B) England, Scotland, Wales

C) Wales, Northern Ireland

D) Northern Ireland

E) England, Scotland

13. Find the right variant: What is the biggest lake in Kazakhstan?

A) Balkhash

B) Chu

C) Tobol

D) Irtysh

E) Ishim

14. Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: My uncle will build a new house in the country next year.

A) My uncle doesn’t build a new house in the country next year.

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