Task 1. For each of the questions 1-10 decide which of the statements are true or false

1. The main function of the Internet is information exchange.

2. The Internet is made of supercomputers.

3. You should be quite well off to use the Internet efficiently.

4. The Internet has a strong central authority.

5. There may be a great change in higher education soon.

6. The only thing you need to get on the Internet is a computer with the Internet access..

7. You can easily find what you need on the intranet.

8. There has been an Internet boom in the recent decade,

9. More countries in the world have only limited Internet access.

10. It is rather difficult to count the number of Internet users in the world.
Task 2. For each of the questions 11-20 decide which of the answers (a1, b, c or d) best complete the statements

11. The Internet is most likely to be associated with:

a) an ad work; b) a Ned work; c) a neat work; d) a network.
12. The computers in the Internet are:

a) connected to each other; b) standing oh each other; c)looking for each other; , d)not needed at all.
13. One can make a conclusion that:

a) corresponding with a distant friend is much easier now;

b) there, are fewer powerful computers now than before;

c) it is difficult to afford using the Internet

d) you need to be an expert to use the Internet.

e) 14. It can be inferred from the text that:

a) it is more difficult to post an advertisement on the radio than on the Internet;

b) it is more expensive to use the Internet for selling goods;

c) using the Internet for educational purposes is not considered;

d) some universities offer complete Internet training:

15. Where from is it least possible for general public to connect to the Internet?

a) From home; b) from a public library;

c) from a private company: d) from an Internet cafe.

16. Internets and intranets differ in:
a) the cost of use; b) accessibility;

c) the number of supercomputers; d) the way of connecting computers together.

17. Companies create intranets to:

a) protect the environment; b) prevent misuse of important data;

c) restrict working areas; d) predict the future.

18. It maybe inferred from the text that the Internet Society:
a) has the aim of earning money; b) does a database research;

c) wants more people in the world to use the Internet; d) died out-in the 1990s.

19. The researches mentioned in the text:

a) were carried out at the same time; b) could not be trusted;

c) promoted using e-mail; d) were done independently on each other.

20. One can infer from the text that because of the Internet:

a) more information is now used by fewer people; b)less information is available;

c) there's recently been a great increase in the information exchange; d) about 57 million people will never use the



Reading.Text 1.( from If I Were Seventeen Again by Jesse Stuart )

Glossary: hay – сіно, парк ; new-mown – свіжоскошений; restock – поповнювати запаси

If I were seventeen again, I would want to live on a Kentucky hill farm. I would want to grow up and live where there are trees, meadows, and streams. If I couldn’t live on a large farm, a few acres would do. But I would want space to hunt over, and a stream or lake nearby where I could fish. I would want to mow the meadows with a span of horses or mules, and haul the hay to the barn on a hay wagon. I believe the boy or girl who hasn’t ridden on a hay wagon has missed something in his youth. If he hasn’t smelled new-mown clover, he has missed the finest wind a youth ever breathed.

In the spring of the year, If I were seventeen again, I’d want to take long walks into the woods. I’d want to get acquainted with all kinds of birds, how they build their nests and the kind of materials they use, what color and size eggs they lay-from the hoot owl to the chicken hawk and sparrow – and how and what they feed their young. I’d want to know all about the animals. I would want to know and I would find out what they ate, where they lived, what animals were friendly with each other and which were enemies. This is a world every teenage boy should know. I’ve never seen one yet who didn’t love the animal world. And I would protect each nondestructive animal, each nondestructive bird. I would want to know the hunting laws, abide by them, and help restock and protect game so it would be here for the next seventeen-year-old when he came along.

State true or false sentences:

1. The person telling the story wants to know how birds build their nests, how they walk, and how they steal eggs.

2. The person telling the story wants to hunt every animal to make sure that there are no animals left over for the next teenager.

3. The person telling the story wants to know how the animals communicate, migrate, and where they live.

4. The person telling the story dreams about being seventeen again.

5. The person telling the story wants to walk in mountains, valleys and forests in spring.

6. He wants to live on a farm in Kentucky.

7. He wants to keep all the destructive animals safe.

8. He wants to be able to fish and rock climb in nature.

9. The person telling the story wants to know the color and size of sparrow eggs.

10. Every boy should know about the animal world.

Reading. Text 2.

As far back as 700 B.C., man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place.

This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late 19th century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

Choose the correct variant :

1. The French doctor found the boy A) wandering in the woods B) at his doorstep C) growling at him D) speaking intelligibly

2. In this text the word litter most nearly means A) garbage B) master C) offspring D) hair

3. The doctor was able to work with the boy because A) the boy was highly intelligible

B) the boy trusted him C) the boy liked to dress up D) the boy was dedicated and patient

4. Which of the following statements is not true ?

A) She-wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters.

B) Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the 19th century.

C) The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat.

D) The young boy never was able to speak perfectly.


Do you want to be slim? Do you worry about your family’s health?

Then you should try Fruitibix, the new healthy nut and fruit biscuit. Fruitibix tastes wonderful, but it has less sugar than most other biscuits. Each biscuit consists of dried fruit and nuts, including apples, coconut and banana. Sometimes you feel hungry between meals. Now, instead of having a chocolate bar, take a Fruitibix. It won’t make you fat and it will keep you healthy.

At lunchtime, instead of chips and hamburgers, have a Fruitibix. It has all the main foods for a balanced meal. And if you are in a hurry, and you don’t have time for a proper meal, Fruitibix will give you the energy to keep on going. So whenever your children ask for something sweet, give them Fruitibix instead of cakes or chocolate. They will love the taste and it won’t harm their teeth.

Discover Fruitibix. It’s on your supermarket shelves now.


1. It is from A) a letter B) a magazine article C) a student’s notebook D) an advertisement

2. The main aim is to A) make people buy this product B) compare it with other food

C) explain why people use this product D) give advice about healthy living

3. Why should people eat Fruitibix instead of chocolate? A) Fruitibix tastes better

B) Fruitibix has more fat C) Fruitibix is cheaper D) Fruitibix is healthier

4. Why is Fruitibix useful when you are in a hurry? A) you don’t need to cook it

B) You can buy Fruitibix everywhere C) it is as good as a proper meal D)it won’t be harmful to your teeth

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