At, by, in, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with

Fill the gaps in the following sentences from the above list.

1 I'm going to Bath . . . Monday . . . Tom. Would you like to come . . . us?~

Are you going .. . bus? ~ No, we're going . . . Tom's car.

2 I saw him standing . . . the queue but I don't know whether he got . . . the bus or not.

3 How do you go ... school? ~

It depends ... the weather. . . . wet days I go ... tube; . . . fine weather I go ... foot.

4 The car stopped ... the traffic lights and wouldn't start again, so the driver got. . . and pushed it... the side . . . the road.

5 Someone threw a stone . . . the speaker. It hit him . . . the head and knocked his glasses ....

6 I want to post this ... a friend . . . Italy. Will he have to pay duty ... it?

7 According . . . Tom, it is impossible to live . . . Paris . . . less than £10,000 a year.

8 Are you . . . your own (alone)? ~ No, I'm ... a friend . . . mine.

9 You ought to be ashamed . . . yourself for coming . . . my nice clean kitchen . . . muddy boots.

10 Children get presents . . . Christmas and . . . their birthdays.

11 How would we get ... ... (escape from) this room if the hotel were

. . . fire?

12 He arrived . . . London ... 6 p.m. ... a foggy November day. We often have fogs . . . November.

13 The man ... his back ... the camera is the Minister . . . Agriculture.

14 How do I get... the Public Library? ~

Go ... the end . . . this street and turn right; turn left... the next traffic lights and then take the second turning . . . your right. This will bring you . . . Brook Street, and you'll find the library . . . your left.

15 Alternatively you could get a 14 bus . . . this stop and ask the conductor to tell you where to get... (alight).

16 The boy was leaning against the wall... his hands ... his pockets. "Take your hands ... ... your pockets,' said his father sharply.

17 As she was getting ... ... the car one . . . her buttons fell....

Although we were ... a hurry she insisted . . . stopping to look for it.

18 Mr Jones is very keen . . . punctuality. His lessons start dead . . . time and you get . . . terrible trouble if you're late.

19 The man ... the pipe and red hair is the brother ... the girl.. . blue.

20 Don't leave your luggage ... the corridor. It'll be ... everyone's way. Bring it... the compartment and put it... the rack.

21 He sits ... his desk all day ... his head ... his hands. It gets . . . my nerves.

22 ... mistake I opened Mary's letter instead ... my own. She was very angry ... me and said that I'd done it... purpose.

23 I buy a newspaper . . . my way . . . the station and read it... the train. By the time I get. . . London I've read most... it.


24 He was charged . . . driving while ... the influence . . . alcohol.

25 People who drop litter . . . the pavements are liable ... a fine . . . £50.

26 He accused me ... selling secret information . . . the enemy.

27 You look worried. Are you . . . some sort. . . trouble?-

Yes, ... a way. I'm . . . debt and my creditors want to be paid . . . the end ... the month, and . . . the moment I haven't any money . . . the bank.

28 The car skidded . . . the tree, the windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut ... the face . . . splinters . . . glass.

29 Four people were injured . . . the demonstration. Three . . . them are students ... the university, the fourth is here . . . holiday. That's him over there ... his arm . . . plaster.

30 This picture was painted . . . Picasso; and there's another Picasso ... the opposite wall.

31 The horse stopped suddenly and the rider fell... .He couldn't get . . . again without help and there was no one . . . sight.

32 The children hastily changed . . . bathing things and jumped . . . the river . . . shouts of delight.

33 We'll have to go ... car; we can't go ... bus . . . account... the bus strike.

34 Divers breathing a mixture . . . helium and oxygen can work ... a depth ... 100 metres.

35 I'm tired . . . working . . . the suburbs and I've asked to be transferred . . . our central branch.

36 Can I have Monday . . . ? or Can I have a holiday . . . Monday? I want to go ... my grandson's wedding.

Ex.110 Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs: at, by, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, since, till, under, with

Insert suitable words, choosing them from the above list.

1 I've lived . . . this street. . . ten years.

2 He has lived ... 101 Cornwall Gardens . . . 1966.

3 ... the age ... 18 he was sent to prison . . . theft.

4 He was . . . prison . . . two years. . . . that time he became interested . . . pigeons.

5 There is a parcel of books . . . you ... the table ... the hall. ~ Oh, they must be ... my brother. He always sends me books ... my birthday.

6 We heard that Bill wasn't. . . arrest but was helping the police . . . their enquiries. The police are interested ... a bank robbery which took place . . . Bill's last holidays.

7 Much Ado About Nothing is ... Shakespeare, and you'll find more ... his plays . . . the bookcase . . . the corner.

8 As the child was too young to travel . . . herself, they arranged . . . her to travel. . . the care ... a friend of the family.

9 Have you heard . . . John ... his return? ~

Yes, I had a letter . . . Monday. He's thinking . . . going back . . . America.

10 He was ill... a week and . . . that week his wife never left his side.

11 Aren't you coming . . . us?~ No, I'm waiting . . . Tom. ~ But he won't be ready . . . some time. ~ I'm not ... a hurry. I'll wait till he's ready.

12 I'm very sorry . . . being late. It was good . . . you to wait. . . me.

13 Passengers may leave bulky articles . . . the stairs . . . the

conductor's permission, but the bus company will not be responsible . . . such articles.

14 Remember to be ... good time . . . the opera because if you're late they won't let you ... ... the end . . . the act.

15 I want two seats . . . Romeo and Juliet. . . Friday night.

16 ... spite . . . the heat he refused to take ... his coat.

17 He was wounded . . . the shoulder ... a bullet fired ... an upstairs window.

18 While . . . their way from the coast. . . the mountains they were attacked ... a jaguar.

19 What platform does the train . . . York leave . . . ? ~

Platform 8, and you'd better hurry. It'll be leaving ... a minute.

20 He invited me to dinner ... his club and ... the meal he asked me . . . advice about his investments.

21 He's not independent. . . any means. He depends ... his father .. . everything.

22 He has a picture . . . Picasso (Picasso painted the picture) and he can't decide whether to hang it... the hall. . . the right as you come ..., or ... the sitting room . . . the fireplace.

23 I'm tired . . . hearing about Tom and his Picasso. He can hang it... his garage ... all I care!

24 He said he was . . . debt and asked me ... a loan . . . £50.

25 What's the cheapest way . . . getting . . . London . . . Edinburgh?~ Well, you could hitch hike there . . . next. . . nothing, or you could go ... coach . . . about £20.

26 I was horrified ... his appearance. He looked as if he hadn't slept .. . weeks.

27 When he gets back . . . the office he expects his wife to meet him . . . the door ... his slippers, and have a hot meal waiting . . . him.

28 Yesterday the children went... a walk and didn't get back . . . 10 p.m. Their mother was furious . . . them . . . coming in so late.

29 Passengers who get ... or ... a bus (i.e. who board or leave if) except . .. the official stops do so. . . their own risk.

30 The rows are lettered ... A to T, beginning . . . the row nearest the stage. So if Tom is sitting . . . B26, and Jack is sitting . . . C26, Tom will be directly . . . front. . . Jack.

31 What's the best way . . . cooking a lobster?~

Cook it ... boiling salted water, and serve it cold . . . mayonnaise.

32 He was fined . . . parking his car ... a no-parking area.

33 He opened the door ... a rusty key and went down the steps . . . the cellar, followed by Bill ... a torch.

34 The adults worked ... 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., ... an hour . . . lunch. Boys ... 18 were not supposed to start ... 8 a.m. (earlier than 8 a.m.)

35 He died . . . heart failure . . . Tuesday night. His wife is still suffering . . . shock.

36 The house is ... fire! Send . . . the Fire Brigade!

Ex.1ll Prepositions and prepositions/adverbs:

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