Oxford Practice Grammar – Intermediate Diagnostic Test

Words and sentences

Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

The word ‘really’ is an .
  A adverb B adjective
The word ‘that’ is a   .
  A determiner B preposition

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3The subject of a sentence usually comesthe object.

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  Aafter B before  
Tess bought some flowers her mother.
  A to B for  
Sara bought a pen and gave to Claire.
  A it B them  

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Verbs (1)

Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.

William is a white shirt.
I like watching scary films.
What you do last night?

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9When my alarm went off I dreaming about work!

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10He hasn’t all of his lunch.

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Verbs (2)

Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

    been waiting to see a doctor for ages.
  A I’m   B I’ve  
I was late because   got stuck in traffic.
  A I’d   B I’ve  
She was tired because she’d all day.
  A been working B was working
I think stay in tonight.  
  A I’ll   B I’ll going to  
By the time you get home I’ll my work.
  A be finished B have finished

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Questions, negatives and answers

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Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.

The contracted form of ‘we would’ is
Wei Jun got a girlfriend?
gave you those chocolates?
was the film like?
colour looks better, blue or

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Modal verbs

Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

Students to take drinks into class.
  A aren’t allowed B can’t  
You’ve been sleeping all day. You be
  A can’t   B mustn’t  
I’ve written the report so you do it.
  Amustn’t   B needn’t  
Would you   picking me up?  
  A like   B mind  
We lost the match. We played better.
  A should   B should have

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The passive (1)

Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.

26Hyundai cars made in South

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27When I got to the garage, my car been repaired.

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The winner should chosen
  very soon.  
The criminals were caught the

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30The passive is more common in than in speech.

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Oxford Practice Grammar – Intermediate Diagnostic Test

PHOTOCOPIABLE© Oxford University Press 2010

The passive (2)

Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

A trophy to the winning team.
  A gave   B was given
It is that the company is losing money.
  A said   B told
I must a suit made for the wedding.
  A have   B had
The cars have to the USA.
  A to be shipped B shipped
Zenip loves to expensive restaurants.
  A being taken B taking

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The infinitive and the -ing form (1)

Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.

The students promised do their
Would you helping me?
I didn’t to break the mirror!
Can you remember your keys
  in your bag?  
I asked my manager give me
  the day off.  

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The infinitive and the -ing form (2)

Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

We couldn’t decide where for lunch.
  A to go   B shall we go
It is important   your name.  
  A to sign   B signing  
I might a new PC next week.
  A buy   B to buy  
Are you afraid of   in a helicopter?
  A fly   B flying  
Are you in favour of   smoking in public
  A ban   B banning  

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Nouns and articles

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Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.

How money have you got in
  your pocket?  
All the doors open!
Politics an interesting subject.

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49It’s raining so we will need umbrella.

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50We are going to UK on holiday.

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